Level 1

Subject: Core French Level 1
Outcome: 1.CS.1Demonstrate an understanding of a number of oral key words, familiar phrases, questions,
and basic classroom instructions in French. [L] [RP]
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
I can identify the day of the week on
a calendar with assistance.
I can sometimes identify the day of
the week on a calendar.
I can identify the day of the week on
a calendar.
I can identify the day of the week on
a calendar as well as identify the
previous and next day of the week.
I cannot show understanding of
French vocabulary, simple sentences
nor follow requests.
I use French or English words to
indicate partial understanding of
French vocabulary, simple sentences
and I can sometimes follow
I can use French or English words to
indicate understanding of French
vocabulary, simple sentences and I
can follow requests made in French.
I can correctly respond, using only
French, to show understanding of
vocabulary, simple sentences and
follow requests.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
Responds to a greeting or farewell with a gesture, by nodding or by answering in English.
Responds to Quel âge as-tu ? by showing fingers, writing a number, saying a French number or by answering in English.
Locates the day of the week on a calendar.
Points to numbers 1-10 on a calendar or number line.
Says name when asked Comment t’appelles-tu?
Responds to Comment ça va? by pointing to an emotion icon, illustration or photo, answering in English, or making a gesture to indicate feelings.
Responds to Quel temps fait-il? by pointing to a weather icon or picture.
Matches spoken words for colours, food, pets, transportation, body parts, or clothing by drawing a picture, pointing to an icon, illustration or photo.
Responds to class instructions (e.g., Levez-vous. Assoyez-vous. Sortez vos crayons. Venez-ici.) by doing the requested action.
Uses gestures to accompany words in songs, rhymes, games, and oral phrases
Subject: Core French Level 1
Outcome: 1.CS.2 Provide basic personal information through oral expression supported by constant
prompting. [S]
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
I can use minimal French words to
tell about myself with prompting.
I can use generally accurate French
vocabulary to tell about myself with
prompting .
I can specifically tell about myself in
French with prompting.
I can add original and relevant
French vocabulary to tell about
I can repeat common polite phrases
to greet, bid farewell and say thankyou.
I can sometimes use common polite
phrases to greet, bid farewell and
say thank-you.
I can correctly use common polite
phrases to greet, bid farewell and
say thank-you.
I can spontaneously use common
polite phrases to greet, bid farewell
and say thank-you.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
Names and correctly pronounces the French word for some familiar classroom objects, dates, animals, and people for theme-related words.
Names the correct colours (e.g., familiar objects or animals).
Responds to a question with a short sentence (e.g., Comment t’appelles- tu? Je m’appelle Sarah. Quel âge as-tu? J’ai six ans.).
Indicates thanks by saying Merci!, and you’re welcome by saying De rien.
Expresses feelings with a short sentence (e.g., Ça va bien. Ça va mal. Ça va comme ci, comme ça.).
Explains preferences with short sentences such as J’aime le chocolat.
Uses the culturally correct form of greetings and farewells such as Salut! for both greetings and farewells, as well as Bonjour! for a greeting, and Au revoir! for a
Uses a previously learned word or phrase to participate in a game with others.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide http://www.curriculum.gov.sk.ca/
Subject: Core French Level 1
Outcome: 1.CS.4 Reproduce, with prompting and support, a single French key word in print. [W]
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
I can match a picture and a label.
I can write a partially correct label
in French for a picture using
I can correctly label a picture in
French using suppports.
I can correctly label a picture in
French without support.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
Labels illustrations, photos or icons by copying single words (verbs, common adjectives, articles + nouns) from a word wall, poster, or chart (e.g., colours,
animals, classroom objects, self, actions).
Makes illustrations with labels for inclusion in a class book or slideshow (e.g., copying a word from an illustrated list, a book, a sheet, a picture dictionary).
Labels graphics on an interactive whiteboard.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide http://www.curriculum.gov.sk.ca/
Subject: Core French Level 1
Outcome: 1.GL.1 Use visual and auditory clues with prompting for the interpretation of a listening or viewing
experience. [L] [RP] [V]
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
I can choose a strategy, with
assistance, to understand what I
hear or see in French.
I can choose a strategy to
understand what I hear or see in
I can choose a variety of strategies
to understand what I hear or see in
I can choose and explain strategies
that I used to understand what I
hear or see in French.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
Before listening or viewing:
a. Responds to a signal to begin listening (e.g., stopping activity and looking at the teacher).
b. Makes prompted connections to own experiences (e.g., responds to images, illustrations, topics in English).
c. Anticipates, with teacher prompting, the content of the listening experience in English.
During listening or viewing:
d. Shows interest in the listening experience (e.g., looks at the speaker, the book, an illustration, a photo, a screen or board, leans forward to show interest, or sits
e. Shows interest in the viewing experience (e.g., looks at the speaker, the book, an illustration, a photo, a screen or board, leans forward to show interest, or sits
f. Points to or manipulates real objects or illustrations when requested.
g. Points to or manipulates digital objects on an interactive whiteboard when requested.
After listening or viewing:
h. Identifies the content of the listening experience with teacher prompting (e.g., pointing to an illustration, using a gesture, drawing pictures, using puppets or
responding in English).
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide http://www.curriculum.gov.sk.ca/
Subject: Core French Level 1
Outcome: 1.GL.2 Use speaking strategies in modeled learning situations. [RP] [L] [S]
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
I need reminders to use strategies to
speak in French activities.
I can choose a strategy to speak in
French activities.
I can choose and self-evaluate the
strategies I used to participate in
French activities.
I can demonstrate to my peers how
to choose and self-evaluate
appropriate strategies to speak in
French activities.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
Repeats new words and phrases.
Repeats parts of songs or messages.
Makes gestures accompanying new words and expressions following a model.
Participates in games, songs and chants using modeled language and gestures.
Self-evaluates participation in oral activities (e.g., with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down gesture or with icons).
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide http://www.curriculum.gov.sk.ca/
Subject: Core French Level 1
Outcome: 1.LK.1 Demonstrate acquisition of French language concepts, related to themes. [S] [L] [R] [RP]
numbers 1-10
the difference between an oral question using intonation and a statement
knowledge of key words.
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
I can rarely use French language
concepts related to themes.
I can sometimes use French
language concepts related to
I can consistently use French
language concepts related to
I can skillfully use French language
concepts related to themes.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
Counts to ten.
Names the number of objects in a set, up to 10 objects.
Identifies any of the numbers from 1 to 10.
Responds to questions such as Ça va bien? Oui, ça va bien.
Identifies pictures of key words when asked from the following themes:
Calendar, Colours, and Shapes
Classroom Routines and Objects
Winter Clothing
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide http://www.curriculum.gov.sk.ca/
Subject: Core French Level 1
Outcome: 1.C.1 Identify elements of Francophone, First Nations, and Métis cultures with prompting. [S] [RP]
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
I can vaguely identify elements of
Francophone, First Nations and
Metis cultures with help.
I can identify predictable elements
of Francophone, First Nations and
Métis cultures with help.
I can identify relevant elements of
Francophone, First Nations and
Métis cultures with help.
I can identify relevant elements of
Francophone, First Nations and
Métis cultures without help.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
Recites a French comptine, sings a First Nations chant, Métis or French song.
Employs French forms of address such as Monsieur, Madame appropriately to males or females.
Locates cultural artifacts in the classroom, such as books, posters and flags.
Sings the Happy Birthday song as Bonne fête (for younger students).
Names lundi as the first day of the week on a French calendar.
Names traditional transportation common to First Nations and Métis cultures, such as la charrette de la Rivière Rouge (Red River Cart, le travois (horse or dog
drawn skis), le traineau (sled).
Names items of traditional First Nations, or Métis winter clothing such as l’anorak (hooded waterproof parka), l’atiqik (goose down parka), une cape de bison
(bison cape).
Participates in Francophone or First Nations and Métis cultural activities, such as games, singing, rhymes, and chants.
Self-evaluates participation in cultural activities (e.g., with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down gesture, or with icons).
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide http://www.curriculum.gov.sk.ca/