Minutes 16 July 2015 ()

NHS Thames Valley and Wessex Library Strategy Team Meeting
11.00 – 3.00 Thursday 16 July 2015
Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Poole
Helen Bingham (HB) Learning & E-Learning
Resources Manager, HETV and HEW, Chair
Pauline Blagden (PB) Library Services Manager,
Hampshire Healthcare Library Service (H05, H18,
Andrew Brown (ABr) Library Service Development
Lead, Heatherwood & Wexham Park Hospitals,
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (HWD, WXM)
Abbas Bismillah (AB), Library Manager, Berkshire
Healthcare Foundation Trust (PPH)
Alison Day (AD) Lead Librarian, East Dorset NHS
Library Service (D01, D02)
Anne Lancey (AL) Library & Knowledge Services
Manager, Isle of Wight PCT (I01)
Sarah Maddock (SM) Library Services Manager,
Oxford Health NHS FT (LIT, WLL and WAR)
Darrel Mason (DMa) Library Services Manager,
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (H27)
Jayne Plant (JP) Library and E-Learning Services
Manager, Milton Keynes Hospital NHS FT (MKH)
Ric Paul (RMP) Head Health Services Library,
University of Southampton/University Hospitals
Southampton NHS FT (HSL)
Sue Robertson (SR), Library Services Manager,
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (STM)
Jill Buckland (JB) Library Services Manager, Dorset
County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (D08)
Donald Mackay (DM) Head of Bodleian Healthcare
Libraries, University of Oxford/Oxford University
Hospitals NHS Trust (HCL)
Rowena Perry (RP) Library and eLearning Services
Manager, Royal Berkshire Hospital (RBH)
Suzy Thompson (ST) Library Services Manager,
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (FR)
Jenny Lang (JL) Head Librarian, Salisbury NHS
Foundation Trust (W11)
Introductions and apologies
Apologies had been received from Donald Mackay, Rowena Perry, Suzy Thompson and Jenny
Restructure of the HEE South LKS and TEL support team
• Brief overview of the changes on the way in which LKS and TEL support will be provided to
the South West, Thames Valley and Wessex areas going forwards. The overall capacity of
the team is reduced. The team is ‘fair-shares funded’ by the 3 LETBs, so will need to ensure
the same level of support is provided across the South.
Implications for ways of working:
• John Loy, who coordinates the CPD Programme for the South West will be doing so for the
whole South for the remainder of 2015-16.
• The South West LSMs currently have additional support for LQAF: TVW LSMs did not feel
this additional support was essential, now that the LQAF is well-embedded, but agreed that
work to investigate amounts of education tariff received by LKS across the South and
facilitate sharing of successful approaches to maintaining/improving funding levels would be
useful in light of financial challenges. It was noted that in the South West, tariff funding for
library services is still ‘pooled’ and distributed to Trusts on a formula basis, as used to be the
case in TVW.
• Going forwards, it is suggested that TVW and SW LSM meetings are chaired by a member
of each group, supported by a member of the LETB team. Those present agreed that there
is value in continuing to have face-to-face meetings, but that given the size of the geography
– and the size of the two groups – it seems pragmatic that the TVW and SW managers
continue to meet separately. There was support for the idea of an annual South-wide LSM
meeting to include a CPD element, in addition to two TVW business meetings. It was noted
that ‘patch’ or ‘county’ meetings take place in some areas, and typically include HEI and/or
public library representatives.
Action = HB to send clarification about LQAF criterion 2.1d costings
Action = SR to circulate comparison between Trust-delivered literature searches and
externally provided search services offered by TRIP (done 24-7-15)
Plans for South-wide meeting on the 10th August
The draft agenda was discussed. Ideas for TVW good practice to share included:
# Athens Management
# Search Skills Group
# Membership Eligibility
# Library Leaflets
# Library & eLearning Roles # Public Health Support
# Social Media
# University Links
Action = HB to finalise agenda and identify volunteers to present
Knowledge for Healthcare
TVW representation on task and finish groups (TAFs) and wider reference groups
There is a good level of involvement in the KFH workstreams by TVW staff. Each TAF is
seeking to have a wider reference group. Nominations for some of these were put forward,
others are required.
Action = ALL to let HB know of further volunteers.
Local benefits of Knowledge for Healthcare
How do we ensure that KFH delivers local benefits? Those present split into 2 groups to
 What can we do now to use KFH as an opportunity/lever locally?
 What benefits do we hope the national KFH work streams will deliver locally?
Collaborative Purchasing
HB reminded those present that any collaborative purchasing initiatives need to be locally-led.
JP offered to collate a ‘wish list’ on behalf of the group.
Action = HB to provide usage stats for the current LETB-funded resources
Action = All to advise HB of questions to feed back to Ovid
Action = All to inform JP which of the current LETB-funded titles you need to continue to
access in 2016, and those you would like to continue to access if possible
Regional statistics
Summaries of the collated 2014-15 statistics for TV and for Wessex had been circulated prior to
the meeting, together with the 2013-14 statistics for comparison. AD highlighted the difference
in book purchases between TV and Wessex, in relation to loans.
Action = All to share any other observations/queries
SWIMS Network and System update
SM’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Of particular note:
• The updated network ILDS policy is now available. The copyright sections have been
extensively updated.
• The SEEDS (SWIMS, SENDS, LENDS and EDEN)collaborative scheme is continuing, but
there is no need to continue to collect separate statistics
• Jenny Toller’s role is – like HB’s – South-facing going forwards, and as above, the overall
capacity of the team has been reduced. It is likely that ensuring the continued sustainability
of SWIMS will therefore require more support from within the network.
Notes and actions from meeting held 16th July
• Confirmed as accurate. No outstanding actions.
• AD: Supporting the ‘sign up to safety’ initiative. Working with the local sepsis team and
providing evidence summaries. Considering promoting the library service via the Total
Reward Statements for staff. The new Trust induction booklet will include the library service.
• RMP: There will be a change in senior management in the up and coming months, with a
new Vice Chancellor in Oct and the Chief Operating Officer, Head of IT and the Deputy IT
manager leaving; The University is reviving the Business Model to include the Library, with
changes to make Professional Librarians now Topic Librarians to focus on research. Project
Song is almost complete
• JB: Library Strategy now signed off. Slight restructure in the Library team with the creation
of a Trainee Librarian post. JB attended the CLIP conference in Liverpool, ME attended
Interlend 2015 in Manchester.
• SR: Librarians now attend two ward rounds, with potential to attend three more: this is
providing good evidence about how the library service adds value. Online forms for
membership and requests are proving successful.
• DMa: Nothing new to report.
• AB: Two Library open days have been held, with different events going on, including
massage & Tai Chi. 6 iPads available for loan, complete with a selection of pre-downloaded
apps. ‘Research board’ in the Library promotes how the Library is supporting research in the
Trust. ‘Healthy Living’ book collection.
ABr: The Library integration following the Trust merger is ongoing, with the Head of Library
post being established and joint service plan under development.
PB: Library space at H18 being reduced. Library SLA between Southern Health and
Hampshire Hospitals needs to be renegotiated.
AL: Communication Team has been helping send the Library messages across the Trust;
looking at developing more integrated clinical work.
JP: Starting a journal review, including clinician input, and starting a nursing journal club.
Research activity in the Trust is increasing.
RP: “RBH Library will have a new structure from 1st September. 1 x Band 6 library manager,
1.5 x Band 5 librarians, 1 x band 3 library assistant. The Library will no longer have any
responsibility for e-Learning. It is anticipated that capacity to take part in regional/K4H
work/initiatives will be limited. Helen, our library assistant, has very sadly decided to leave
and has another job; she has been brilliant and great fun to work with so we will really miss
her. She leaves on 24th, hopefully I have found a temp with library experience but they won’t
start until 3rd Aug and will need training so we will be going last resort shortly, and more
frequently in the future”.
Date of next meeting:
12th November, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford