Treasurer: Merle Deare
Tel: 033 - 344 2170
News Editor: Val Spearman
Tel: 033 – 3865018
e-mail : ve.spearman@gmail.com
Field Trip Manager : Craig A’Bear
082 818 4204
L Muller : c/o ChristelM@umshwati.gov.za
WELCOME : The club AGM was held on 10 September and a group of 17 members attended. Notes of the
meeting are attached for information. A group of 12 members met on13 October for the monthly meeting. A
new member, Darren Marais was welcomed to the meeting. He brought some interesting handmade items for
discussion. Craig advised that Nick May from “Toprocks” (Ashburton) had also joined the club.
FEES : The membership fees were discussed at the AGM and it was agreed that the fees remain at R100 for
a single member and R120 for family membership.
CLUB ACTIVITIES : The trip to Jozini and Monzi (St Lucia), from 22 to 24 September, was a great
success and enjoyed by all. The weather was kind to drivers and members and the two young girls who joined
us with their parents, seemed to have a good time. Chaz and Debbie drove up from Port Edward and collected
some lovely specimens. On the Saturday, we visited the local dealers near Jozini, where we found a wide
range of specimens (large rocks and small crystals) and could negotiate reasonable prices. Then we went to
the amethyst mine where we could collect crystals, and unusual shale rock forms. We then went to a site to
look for agates. The rains of the past few days had cleared away the soil and interesting specimens were
found. On Sunday we visited the fossil quarry where a great deal of earth had been moved and exposed many
large and small fossils and fossilised wood. The iconic large acacia tree which had stood in the middle of the
quarry for many years was this time, found bulldozed over and in pieces. A sad sight to see. The trip to and
from the quarry was over the mountains along a very scenic route. A number of rare cycads could be seen
clinging to the high rock cliff faces. Mary Neethling photographed many of these cycad specimens on our trip
in April. Along this route we found another quarry where wonderful rock size and small agates were found.
On the last day, Monday, we left the Baobab Inn and travelled south stopping at Monzi near St Lucia. There
we met up with local farmers who took us to interesting fossil sites. A few shark’s teeth specimens were
found. A very interesting talk was given about the geology of the area and type of fossils found there.
Afterwards we visited the local gift shop and tea room for lunch, said our goodbyes, and returned home very
satisfied with our collections!
An outing took place to the Albert falls area on 6 October to look for quartz crystals. The good weather
attracted 12 members who visited two farms. A number of specimens were found but one of the Durban
members found the best specimens.
The next outing to the Seven Oaks area to look for other quartz crystal specimens, was scheduled to take place
on 29 October, but please note that this outing has had to be cancelled. Due to the heavy rains, access to sites
is difficult. Another date is being investigated and members will be informed in due course. The last
organised trip on the calendar is scheduled for 24 November to Port Shepstone to visit the calcite quarry. This
trip will however, also be subject to the weather.
The last club meeting of the year is to take place on Sat 10 November. Hope to see you there.