Supplementary materials Supplementary Table 1. State:step table based on maximum parsimony optimization of all morphological characters (see also Figure 2). Supplementary Table 2. Amplification and sequencing primers used in this study. Gene Forward primer Reverse primer thy GGGTATGTAGTTCATCTTACTTC GGCATCCTGGTATTTCTACAGTCTTG 550 stat5a CTGCTCATCAACAAGCCCGA GGCTTCAGGTTCCACAGGTTGC 580 plcb4 GTGAAATTGGAAGCCGAGAT CACCAAGCTCATTTACTTGTGA 369 bdnf CATCCTTTTCCTTACTATGGTT TTCCAGTGCCTTTTGTCTATG 600 bdnf *CCAGGTGAGAAGAGTGATGAC *AGTGCCGAACTACCCAGTCGTA 600 ttn6 first half CTTGACCTKGATTCYGAAYTAAGGAAAGGG †ACCTTTGCACCTCCATCRATGATGG 700 ttn6 first half †CACCTCTCTTGTTCTTGACAATG *ACCTTTGCACCTCCATCRATGATGG 700 ttn6 second half †GARATCASTTGGTCTCGAGAAGAAGG GCATTACAGACTTTGGATTCAGC 600 ttn6 second half †GARATCASTTGGTCTCGAGAAGAAGG *GATAAACCTGATCCTCCAAAAGG 600 rag2 TCATGGAGGGAAAACACCAAA TGCACTGGAGACAGAGATTC 485 atp7a TCCCTGGACAATCAAGAAGC AAGGTAGCATCAAATCCCATGT 700 cytb first half CGACYAATGACATGAAAAATCACCGTTG GTAGGGGTGRAATGGAATTAKGTC 720 TTCCCTTTKCYGGTTTACAAGAC 588 cytb second half CACGAAACAGGATCYAACAAYCC Expected Length (bp) *These primers were designed for this study. † Since the lengths of the amplification targets for genes ttn6 is ~1300 bp, internal primers were designed to make bidirectional sequencing possible using Sanger technology. Supplementary Table 3. Touchdown PCR amplification conditions used for amplifying all loci except thy. Step Temperature (oC) Time (s) Number of cycles Step Initial denaturation 95 180 Touchdown amplification 2/temperature Denaturation 95 45 Annealing 60/58/56/54 90 Extension 72 90 Amplification 30 Denaturation 95 45 Annealing 52 90 Extension 72 90 72 600 Final Extension Supplementary Table 4. PCR amplification conditions used for amplifying thy. Step Step Initial Denaturation Temperature (oC) Time (s) Number of cycles 95 180 Amplification Final extension 30 Denaturation 95 45 Annealing 50 90 Extension 72 90 72 600 Supplementary Table 5. PCR amplification reagent mix used in this study. Reagent Volume (ul) PCR buffer 10X 3.0 MgCl2 (25mM) 3.0 Taq polymerase 0.3 dNTPs (10mM each) 0.5 Nuclease-free H20 14.2 Forward Primer 3.0 Reverse Primer 3.0 Template DNA 3.0 Total 30.0 Supplementary Table 6. Node, identity and description of characters that strongly supported nodes inferred to be incorrect. Node Character in Description morphological matrix Nectar-feeding 21 Upper C crown proportions not (0); anteroposteriorly elongated (1). clade Neonycteris in Micronycteris 23 Upper C anteromedial accessory cusp no raised cingulum or cusp (0); raised cingulum present but cusp absent (1); cusp present but low (2); cusp tall, greater than half height of main cusp (3). Lonchorhina in Phyllostominae Lonchorhina in 25 Upper C lingual cingulum lingual cingulum absent (0); faint lingual cingulum present (1); narrow well-developed cingulum present (2); wide well-developed cingulum present (3). 31 Upper C distal cingulum absent (0); cingulum small (1); large (2). Phyllostominae Neonycteris in Micronycteris 46 Upper P4 number of roots three roots (0); two roots (1); one root (2). Neonycteris in Micronycteris 52 Upper P4 postparacrista extent postparacrista decreases sharply in height near paracone and does not extend to distal edge of tooth (0); postparacrista extends as a continuous crest to the distal aspect of the tooth (1). Neonycteris in Micronycteris Nectar-feeding 53 Upper P4 distal accessory cusps distal accessory cusps absent (0); one distal accessory cusp present (1); two distal accessory cusps (2). 58 Upper P5 anterior margin narrow (0); wide (1). clade Neonycteris in Micronycteris 59 Upper P5 lingual cingular cusp cingulum with raised edge but no cingular cusp (0); lingual cusp weakly developed (1); lingual cusp well developed (2); two well developed lingual cusps (3). Neonycteris in 62 Upper P5 anterolabial cusp absent (0); weakly developed (1); strongly developed (2). Micronycteris Neonycteris in Micronycteris Neonycteris in 66 Upper P5 proportions in occlusal view P5 length less than width (0); length and width subequal (1); P5 length greater than width (2). 70 Upper molars ectocingulum development strongly developed (0); present but weak (1); Micronycteris Lonchorhina in absent (2). 73 Upper M1 and M2 lingual cingulum absent (0); present (1). Phyllostominae Lonchorhina in Phyllostominae Lonchorhina in 77 Upper M1 and M2 metacone and paracone relative height metacone taller than paracone (0); metacone and paracone subequal in height (1); metacone shorter than paracone (2). 82 Upper M1 and M2 trigon width and depth wide and shallow (0); narrow and deep (1). Phyllostominae Lonchorhina in Phyllostominae 109 Upper M1 hypocone shelf development hypocone shelf very large, maximum mesiodistal lenght equal to or greater than distance between paracone and metacone (0); hypocone shelf large, maximum mesiodistal length greater than half the distance between paracone and metacone but not 100% of that distance (1); hypocone shelf small, well developed and clearly distinct from trigon, maximum mesiodistal length less than half the distance between the paracone and metacone (2); hypocone shelf very small, present as a cingulum but may not be clearly distinguished from the trigon (3); hypocone shelf absent (4). Nectar-feeding 138 Upper M3 premetacrista development premetacrista longer than postparacrista (0); clade premetacrista and postparacrista length subequal (1); premetacrista one-half to three quarters the length of the postparacrista (2); premetacrista one-third to slightly less than one-half the length of the postparacrista (3); premetacrista present but less than one-third the length of the postparacrista (4); premetacrista absent (5). Nectar-feeding clade Nectar-feeding clade Nectar-feeding clade 139 Upper M3 metacone metacone present as a disinct cusp (0); metacone indistinct, incorperated into premetacrista (1); metacone entirely absent (2). 158 Lower c anterior diastema absent (0); diastema present between canine and last lower incisor (i1, i2, or i3) (1). 159 Lower c tip divergence lower canines not laterally divergent (0); canines laterally divergent, shafts slanted outward so that the tip of each tooth lies dorsal or dorsal and lateral to the lateral edge of the root where the tooth enters the alveolus (1). Neonycteris in 174 Lower p4 number of roots three roots (0); two roots (1); one root (2). Micronycteris Neonycteris in Micronycteris 178 Lower p4 overall morphology p4 tribosphenic with a distinct trigonid and talonid (0); p4 premolariform, with cusps but not arranged in tribosphenic pattern (1); p4 peglike or nearly featureless (2). Nectar-feeding 179 Lower p4 anterolingual cuspule absent (0); cuspule present (1). clade Nectar-feeding 181 Lower p4 distal cuspule absent (0); cuspule present (1). clade Nectar-feeding clade Neonycteris in Micronycteris Lonchorhina in 183 Lower p4 occlusal outline long and strongly laterally compressed (length/width > or = 1.7) (0); short and broad (length/width < 1.7) (1). 187 Lower p4 and p5 crown morphology crown morphology of p4 and p5 similar (0); p4 and p5 with different crown morphologies (1). 202 Lower p5 protocristid absent (0); one protocristid (1); two protocristids (2). Phyllostominae Lonchorhina in Phyllostominae Lonchorhina in Phyllostominae 205 Lower p5 protoconid development less robust, taller, sharper (0); more robust, shorter, more blunt (1); extremely short (2). 250 Lower m1 hypoflexid depth deep (0); shallow (1); absent (2). Lonchorhina in Phyllostominae Neonycteris in 267 Lower m3 labial cingulid development strongly developed (0); weakly developed (1); absent (2). 276 Lower m3 hypoconulid presence present (0); absent (1). Micronycteris Nectar-feeding clade 278 Lower m3 talonid width talonid wider than trigonid (0); talonid and trigonid subequal (1); talonid narrower than trigonid (2). Supplementary Figure 1. Summary phylograms from maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of morphological data. Branches collapsed into triangles had maximum support, † identifies fossil genera or species, non-monophyletic genera are in bold and outgroups are shown in gray font. Percent bootstrap support or posterior probabilities <100 are shown above or below internal branches, branch and number colors are scaled to branch support. A. Majority-rule consensus of 411 most parsimonious trees (length = 2888 steps). B. Maximum likelihood phylogeny all morphological characters (loglikelihood = -13800). Dashed line indicates branch is not shown to scale. C. Consensus phylogram of all compatible bipartitions in Bayesian posterior trees from 4 independent runs (6 chains total). The harmonic mean of the posterior log-likelihood of the model given the data was -10583. Supplementary Figure 2. Summary phylogram of posterior trees from 4 independent runs (8 chains total) of Bayesian analyses of DNA sequence data. The harmonic mean of the posterior log-likelihood of the model given the data was -103597. Posterior probabilities <1.00 are shown below or above internal branches, branch and number colors are scaled to Bayesian posterior probability. Non-monophyletic genera are in bold, outgroups are shown in gray font.