Teacher Reflection: What worked/what didn`t work?

Gus Garcia Middle School
Lesson Plan 2012-2013
Today’s Big Idea(s):
Algebra I
Rios / Shusterman
Objective: Monday 12/10
TSW Explore graphs and describe linear
 Determine trend lines using
parameter changes on the slope and
y-intercept of the linear parent
Objective: Tuesday 12/11
TSW Apply their knowledge of linear
functions to create models and solve
problems situations.
Date: 12/10-14/2012
Objective: Wednesday 12/12
TSW Collect and analyze data for
problem situations involving
linear relationships.
 Organize data into tables and
graphs using scatterplots
 Determine trend lines to
represent the data using slope
and y-intercept transformation
Objective: Thursday 12/13
TSW Collect and analyze data for
problem situations involving
linear relationships.
 Organize data into tables and
graphs using scatterplots
Determine trend lines to represent
*Adapted from KIPP-Austin
Agenda & Time Estimates:
 Calling System – Playing cards
 Hook-students will solve problems that
are given to them as they enter the
 (Alt.)Hook – students will be given a
playing card to find out which group of
tables to sit at, or will find their partner
with same symbol and opposite color.
 Warm-up-8th grade problems/Skill Drills
 Guided Practice – Notes (WS)/Journal
 Independent – group or partner
 Closure-callouts, index cards(Exit Ticket),
or final product
(52 min.)
 Calling System – Playing cards
 Hook-students will solve problems that
are given to them as they enter the
 (Alt.)Hook – students will be given a
playing card to find out which group of
tables to sit at, or will find their partner
with same symbol and opposite color.
 Warm-up-8th grade problems/Skill Drills
 Guided Practice – Notes (WS)/Journal
 Independent – group or partner
 Closure-callouts, index cards(Exit Ticket),
or final product
(52 min.)
 Calling System – Playing cards
 Hook-students will solve problems that
are given to them as they enter the
 (Alt.)Hook – students will be given a
playing card to find out which group of
tables to sit at, or will find their partner
with same symbol and opposite color.
 Warm-up-8th grade problems/Skill Drills
 Guided Practice – Notes (WS)/Journal
 Independent – group or partner
 Closure-callouts, index cards(Exit Ticket),
or final product
(52 min.)
 Calling System – Playing cards
 Hook-students will solve problems that
are given to them as they enter the
 (Alt.)Hook – students will be given a
playing card to find out which group of
tables to sit at, or will find their partner
with same symbol and opposite color.
Gus Garcia Middle School
Lesson Plan 2012-2013
Algebra I
Rios / Shusterman
the data using slope and y-intercept
Objective: Friday 12/14
TSW Be able to complete and make 70% on
their Unit 5 exam.
 Be able to explore linear data using
slope and y-intercept to create a
design on the calculator.
TEKS Connections/Indicate
Materials, Texts
& Reminders:
*Adapted from KIPP-Austin
Warm-up-8th grade problems/Skill Drills
Guided Practice – Notes (WS)/Journal
Independent – group or partner
Closure-callouts, index cards(Exit Ticket),
or final product
(52 min.)
Calling System – Playing cards
Hook-students will solve problems that
are given to them as they enter the
(Alt.)Hook – students will be given a
playing card to find out which group of
tables to sit at, or will find their partner
with same symbol and opposite color.
Warm-up-8th grade problems/Skill Drills
Guided Practice – Notes (WS)/Journal
Independent – group or partner
Closure-callouts, index cards(Exit Ticket),
or final product
(52 min.)
A.2D Collect and organize data, make and interpret scatterplots (including recognizing
positive, negative, or no correlation for data approximating linear situations), and model,
predict, and make decisions and critical judgments in problem situations. Readiness
A.3A Use symbols to represent unknowns and variables. Supporting Standard
A.5C Use, translate, and make connections among algebraic, tabular, graphical, or verbal
descriptions of linear functions. Readiness Standard
A.6C Investigate, describe, and predict the effects of change in m and b on a graph of
y=mx+b. Readiness Standard
A.6D Graph and write equations of lines given characteristics such as two points, a point
and a slope, or a slope and y-intercept. Supporting Standard
Mon. 12/10
Tues. 12/11
Wed. 12/12
 Making Sense
of the Scatter
 Scatterplots
and Linear
 Alg. WB
 Calculator
 Materials Box
 Problem
Solving with
 Alg. WB
 Calculator
 Materials Box
 Problem
Solving with
 Alg. WB
 Calculator
 Materials Box
Thurs. 12/13
 Unit 5 Exam
(Half the test)
 What’s my
Trend? Data
 Calculator
 Slinky, small
paper cups,
paper clips,
candies or
meter stick,
Fri. 12/14
 Unit 5 Exam
(Finish Test)
 Calculator
 Students
 Graphing paper
 Materials Box
 Worksheets for
creating design
 (Calculator
 Or con/t Data
 Or con’t Thurs.
Gus Garcia Middle School
Lesson Plan 2012-2013
Algebra I
Rios / Shusterman
Work independently (partner) to complete handout.
Work independently (partner) to complete handout.
Work independently (partner) to complete handout.
Work independently (partner) to complete handout.
Complete Unit 5 Exam with at least 70%
Create a program on the calculator to create their design.
 Monitor students to check for understanding.
 Monitor students to check for understanding.
 Monitor students to check for understanding.
 Monitor students to check for understanding.
 Monitor students to check for understanding.
Assessment/Evidence Of
Learning :
Checks for Understanding:
Higher-Order Thinking
 B: What are two types of linear correlations and how do you distinguish
between them?
 M: How do you know that there is no linear correlation?
 E: When a linear correlation is determined, what parent function is used to
analyze the data?
 B: Is it a function?
 M: What is the independent and dependent variables? What is the domain
and range? Is it continuous or discrete?
 E: How are you using the representations to make your answers (B-M) true?
 B: What methods can you use to find the slope? What is the slope? What does
it represent?
 M: What methods can you use to find the y-intercept? What is the yintercept? What does it represent?
 E: FWhat representation of the data are you using to determine you answers
for question B-M?
 B: What did the slope represent?
 M: How did the slopes for the lines compare?
 E: Why was one of the slopes negative and the other two positive?
 B:
 M:
 E:
What the TEACHER is saying/doing…
Include Time Estimates:
Monday 12/10
*Adapted from KIPP-Austin
 Students are given a playing card to
pair up with their partner.
 Or students are given problems on
index cards to find their partner.
What the STUDENTS are saying/doing…
 Students are looking for their partner.
Students will pair up with another student
with the same number (cards) or answer.
 Students are writing down objective and
agenda for today.
Gus Garcia Middle School
Lesson Plan 2012-2013
Algebra I
Rios / Shusterman
Intro to New Material:
 Introduce equations of lines given
slope and y-intercept, slope and a
point, and two points.
Guided Practice:
 Distribute Making Sense of the
Scatter and Scatterplots and Linear
Correlation to each student.
 Refer students to the top of page 1.
 Display Making Sense of the Scatter
on board.
 Facilitate a class discussion of
correlation, modeling problem 1.
 Refer students to the top of page 1 on
Scatterplots and Linear Correlation.
 Display Scatterplots and Linear
 Facilitate a class discussion of the
possible descriptions of linear
Independent Practice:
 Instruct students to work with their
partner to complete problems 2-4 on
worksheet Making Sense of the
 Instruct students to work with their
partner to complete Sample
 Instruct students to turn in their
answers for the three HOTS
What the TEACHER is saying/doing…
 Instruct students to complete Warmup in their journal.(8th grade problems)
Include Time Estimates:
Tuesday 12/11
Intro to New Material:
 Modeling problems situations with
linear functions
Guided Practice:
 Distribute Problem Solving with
Linear Functions worksheet to each
 Instruct students to work with partner
to complete problem 1.
 Display Problem Solving with Linear
Functions worksheet on board.
*Adapted from KIPP-Austin
Intro to New Material:
 Students will be taking notes worksheet.
Guided Practice:
 Students are looking for Page 1 of Making
Sense of the Scatter
 Students are working and following along
to complete top of page 1 Making Sense to
the Scatter
 Students are answering questions
 Students are looking for Page 1 of
Scatterplots and Linear Correlation.
 Students are working and following along
to complete top of page 1 Scatterplots and
Linear Correlation.
Independent Practice:
 Students are answering questions.
 Students are working out their answers
with their partner to complete their both
 Students will be turning in their answers
for the HOTS questions.
What the STUDENTS are saying/doing…
 Students are getting their folders/journals
and sitting with their partners
 Students are looking for their partner.
Students will pair up with another student
with the same number (cards) or answer.
 Students are writing down objective and
agenda for today.
Intro to New Material:
 Students will be following along with
teacher on worksheet.
Guided Practice:
 Students are working out their answers
with their partner.
 Students are following along with
teacher on Problem Solving with Linear
Functions worksheet.
 Students are answering questions.
 Students are working out problem 1 on
Gus Garcia Middle School
Lesson Plan 2012-2013
Algebra I
Rios / Shusterman
 Using calling systems to call on
students to work problem 1 on the
Independent Practice:
 Instruct students to work with their
partner to complete problems 2-3 on
Problem Solving with Linear
 Facilitate a class discussion of
student’s results to clarify any
What the TEACHER is saying/doing…
 Instruct students to complete Warmup in their journal.(8th grade problems)
Intro to New Material:
Include Time Estimates:
Wednesday 12/12
 Students are working out their answers
with their partner to complete problems
2-3 on Problem Solving with Linear
 Students are giving results and asking
any question that they might have on the
What the STUDENTS are saying/doing…
 Students are getting their folders/journals
and sitting with their partners
 Students are looking for their partner.
Students will pair up with another student
with the same number (cards) or answer.
 Students are writing down objective and
agenda for today.
Intro to New Material:
Guided Practice:
Guided Practice:
 Display Problem Solving with Linear
Functions to debrief problems 2-3,
clarifying any misconceptions.
 Instruct students to continue to work
with their partner to complete
problems 4-6 on Problem Solving with
Linear Functions worksheet.
 Instruct students to turn in their
answers for the three HOTS
What the TEACHER is saying/doing…
*Adapted from KIPP-Austin
Independent Practice:
Independent Practice:
Include Time Estimates:
Thursday 12/13
board when called on.
 Instruct students to complete Warmup in their journal.(8th grade problems)
 Students are working out their answers
with their partner.
 Students are asking questions on
Problem Solving with Linear Functions
worksheet to check for understanding.
Independent Practice:
 Students will continue to work with their
partner to complete problems 4-6 on
 Students will be turning in their answers
for the HOTS questions.
What the STUDENTS are saying/doing…
 Students are getting their folders/journals
and sitting with their partners
 Students are looking for their partner.
Students will pair up with another student
with the same number (cards) or answer.
Gus Garcia Middle School
Lesson Plan 2012-2013
Algebra I
Rios / Shusterman
 Students are writing down objective and
agenda for today.
Intro to New Material:
Intro to New Material:
Guided Practice:
Guided Practice:
 Distribute materials for activity to
each group 3-4.
 Facilitate a classroom discussion on
the background and procedures for
the activity.
Independent Practice:
 Instruct students to work with their
group to collect and record the data
in the table.
 Instruct students to clean up after
themselves after completing the
 Students are collecting their materials for
the activity.
 Students are asking questions on what
they are unsure of.
Independent Practice:
 Students are working in groups to collect
and record data to complete activity.
 Students are gathering their materials to
clean up after themselves.
What the TEACHER is saying/doing…
 Instruct students to complete Warmup in their journal.(8th grade problems)
Intro to New Material:
Include Time Estimates:
Friday 12/14
Guided Practice:
 Handout designs to students
Independent Practice:
 Instruct students to complete their
design from Thursday
 Remind students that they are
allowed time to complete problems.
 Monitor students to check for
 Instruct students to leave their design
in class to check for understanding.
*Adapted from KIPP-Austin
What the STUDENTS are saying/doing…
 Students are getting their folders/journals
and sitting with their partners
 Students are looking for their partner.
Students will pair up with another student
with the same number (cards) or answer.
 Students are writing down objective and
agenda for today.
Intro to New Material:
Guided Practice:
 Students are collecting their design for
Independent Practice:
 Students are allowed time to complete
the problems.
 Students are working on their design to
find slopes, domain, and range
 Students will be handing in their design
to teacher.
Gus Garcia Middle School
Lesson Plan 2012-2013
Differentiated Instruction:
Algebra I
Rios / Shusterman
(MONDAY)Making Sense of the Scatter/Scatterplots and Linear Correlation
(TUESDAY)Problem Solving with Linear Functions
(WEDNESDAY)Problem Solving with Linear Functions
(THURSDAY)What’s My Trend? Data Collection
(FRIDAY)Work on Calculator design project
(Mon. - Fri.)Allow students time to complete assignments.
1.  Preferential seating
2.  Extended time on Assignment
3.  Cooperative grouping
4.  Emphasis critical content
5.  Daily agenda on board/Teacher review
6.  Reduce/minimize distractions
7.  Use pictorial directions
8.  Use positive reinforcement
9.  Emphasis: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile skills
10.  Provide course syllabus/outline
11.  Give directions in small distinct forms
12.  Use written backup or oral directions
13.  Establish routines in classroom
14.  Simplify instructional language, NOT content
15.  Pre-teach vocabulary, modeling, hands-on, pictures and visual aids
16.  Opportunity to accelerate in areas of strength; independent research
17.  Multiple disciplines are integrated into the unit
Teacher Reflection: What worked/what didn’t work? Why?
*Adapted from KIPP-Austin