Books – Northern Territory Birds

Northern Territory Library
Birds of the Territory - Subject Guide
This guide has been developed to assist in identifying a bird you have seen on your travels in
and around the Northern Territory. Resources also include material about migratory birds and those found in
neighbouring regions. Home to almost half of all the bird species found in Australia and with two contrasting
climatic conditions (humid in the north and arid in the south), the Northern Territory has much to offer the
dedicated bird watcher. A Field Guide and checklist Birds of the Northern Territory is available from Birdwatch
Australia, whose website also contains details of available NT birdwatching tours.
Books – Northern Territory Birds
Books – Red Centre Birds
Chatto, Ray.
The distribution and status of shorebirds
around the coast and coastal wetlands of the
Northern Territory. Palmerston, N. T. : Parks and
Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory, 2003.
598.33 CHAT
Arnold, Malcolm.
Malcolm Arnold's birds of the Red Centre. Alice
Springs, N.T. : Barker Souvenirs, 1999.
NTC 598.0994291 ARNO
Chisholm, Alec.
An explorer and his birds: John Gilbert’s
discoveries in 1844 -1845. Melbourne : Brown,
Prior, Anderson, [1945].
NTC PAM 598.2994 CHI
Friend, G. R.
Measures of variability in bird and reptile survey
data in Kakadu National Park, Northern
Territory. Canberra : Commonwealth Scientific and
Finding Birds in Australia’s Northern Territory.
Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO Publishing, 1997.
NTC 598.07234 FIND
Niven McCrie, James Watson.
Finding birds in Darwin, Kakadu
and the Top End, Northern
Territory, Australia. Casuarina, N.T. :
Niven McCrie, 2006.
NTC REF 598.0994295 MACC
Pizzey, Graham
Regional field guide to birds: Ref
Centre to Top End. Sydney South,
NSW: Harper Collins Publishers,
NTC 598.07234 PIZZ
Sharland, Michael.
A territory of birds. Adelaide : Rigby, 1964.
NTC 598.29942 SHA
Storr, G.M.
Birds of the Northern Territory. Perth : Western
Australian Museum, 1977.
NTC 598.29942 STO
Department of Arts & Museums
Books – Katherine & Kakadu Birds
Industrial Research Organization, 1981.
NTC 639.95 FRIE
A guide to bird watching in the Katherine
Region : with check-list, map and directions to
sixteen reliable bird watching sites. [Northern
Territory] : NT Birds, 2003.
NTC 598.07234 GUID
Reed, Mike.
Top end birdwatching : Kakadu,
Pine Creek, Katherine, Mataranka,
Victoria River, Timber Creek,
includes maps; notes, checklists
and directions. Katherine, N.T. : NT
Birds, 2014.
NTC 598.072 REED
Renaud, Annemarie.
Birds at the top downunder. Wellington, N.Z. :
First Edition Ltd., 2007.
NTC 598.0723 RENA
Books – Top End Birds
Arnold, Malcolm.
Malcolm Arnold's birds of the Top End. Alice
Springs, N.T. : Barker Souvenirs, 1997.
NTC PAM 598.099429 ARNO
Goodfellow, Denise Lawungkurr and
Stott, Michael.
Birds of Australia's Top End with
A field guide for residents and
visitors to the Top End of
Australia. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. :
New Holland, 2005.
NTC 598.0723494295 GOOD
Goodfellow, Denise.
Birds of Darwin mangroves and mudflats.
Winnellie, N.T. : D. Goodfellow, 1996.
NTC 598.176 GOOD
Noske, Richard and Brennan,
The birds of Groote Eylandt. Darwin
: Northern Territory University Press,
NTC 598.0994295 NOSK
Books – Australian Birds
British Museum (Natural History)
Birds of the Harold Hall Australian expeditions,
1962-1970 : a report on the collections made for
the British Museum (Natural History). London :
The Museum, 1974.
REF 598.2994 BRI
Campbell, Archibald James.
Nests and eggs of Australian birds : including
the geographical distribution of the species and
popular observations thereon. Melbourne : Wren,
REF 598.2994 CAM
Dawes, Sean C.
John Gould : an Australian
Stepney, S. Aust. : Australia Pub.,
Debus, Stephen J. S.
Birds of prey of Australia : a field
Collingwood, Vic. : CSIRO Publishing
in association with Birdlife Australia,
REF 598.9 DEBN
Forshaw, Joseph M.
Australian Parrots. Melbourne : Lansdowne, 1969.
598.71 FORS
Morcombe, Michael.
The great Australian birdfinder.
Sydney : Lansdowne, 1986.
REF 598.2994 MORC
Pizzey, Graham.
The Graham Pizzey & Frank
Knight field guide to the birds of
Australia. Pymble, N.S.W. :
HarperCollins, 2001.
REF 598.2994 PIZZ
Simpson, Ken.
Field guide to the birds of Australia. Camberwell,
Vic. : Viking, 2010.
REF 598.0994 SIMP
Slater, Peter.
Australian waterbirds. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. :
Reed, 1987.
REF 598.2994 SLAT
Thomas, Richard et al.
The complete guide to finding the
Birds of Australia. Collingwood,
Vic. ; CSIRO, 2011.
REF 598.2994 COMP
Walters, Martin.
Endangered birds: a survey of
planet Earth's changing
Chatswood, N.S.W.: New Holland,
REF 333.95822 WALT
Books – Reference Collection – Asian
Briffett, Clive.
The birds of Singapore.
Kuala Lumpur; New York: Oxford University Press,
REF 598.295957 BRI
Gould, John.
The birds of Australia. Melbourne : Lansdowne,
SP COLL 598.2994 GOU
Morris, Frank T.
Impressions of waterfowl in Australia. Melbourne
: Lansdowne, 1977.
SP COLL 598.41099 MORR
Coates, Brian J.
The birds of Papua New Guinea : including the
Bismarck Archipelago and Bougainville.
Alderley, Qld. : Dove Publications, 1985-1990.
REF 598.29953 COA
North, Alfred J.
Nest and eggs of birds found breeding in
Australia and Tasmania. Sydney : F.W. White,
SP COLL 598.2994 NORT
A Field guide to the waterbirds of Asia. text by
Bharat Bhushan [et al.] ; illustrations by Takashi
Taniguchi. Tokyo : Kodansha International ; New
York : Distributed in the U.S. by Kodansha America,
REF 598.295 FIE
Price-Jones, Humphrey.
Australian birds of prey. Lane Cove, N.S.W. :
Doubleday, 1983.
FOL 598.91099 PRI
Mackinnon, John.
A field guide to the birds of
Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and
Bali : the Greater Sunda
Islands. Oxford ; New York :
Oxford University Press, 1993.
REF 598.29598 MACK
Schodde, Richard.
Nocturnal birds of Australia. Melbourne :
Lansdowne Editions, 1980.
SP COLL 598.2994 SCHO
Stevens, Lyla.
Birds of Australia in colour. Melbourne :
Whitcombe & Tombs, [196-].
SP COLL 598.2994 STE
Books – Reference Collection –
Comprehensive World Guides
Forshaw, Joseph M.
Parrots of the world. Collingwood, Vic. : CSIRO
Publishing, 2011.
REF 598.71 FORS
Handbook of the birds of the
world. Barcelona : Lynx Edicions,
REF 598.2 HAND
Books – Thea Schmidt Collection
Please ask staff for assistance view
Forshaw, Joseph M.
Kingfishers and related birds. Melbourne :
Lansdowne Editions, 1985.
SP COLL 598.892 FOR
Niven McCrie has a website focused on the Top
End of the Northern Territory [north of Warloch
Ponds, west to the Western Australia border and
east to the Gulf of Carpentaria].
The Top End Atlas Committee aims to support
Birds Australia in acquiring reliable Atlas data over
the vast expanse of the Top End.
Van Gessel, Fred.
Bird calls of the Northern Territory. Woy Woy,
N.S.W. : Fred van Gessel, 2002.
Did you know?
The Northern Territory Coat of Arms features our floral emblem (Sturt's Desert Rose); our animal emblem
(Red Kangaroo) and our bird emblem (Wedge-tailed Eagle). These magnificent birds can more commonly
be found in the Red Centre where they can be seen riding the thermal currents with their huge wingspan of
up to 2.5 metres.
Subject Headings – Library Catalogue
The simplest search uses the subject term “birds” with the country or region.
Birds -- Asia
Birds -- Singapore
Birds -- New Guinea
Birds -- Papua New Guinea
598.299429 Birds -- Northern Territory
Birds -- Australia
Do you want particular types of birds? Use terms like:
598.710994 Parrots -- Australia
Contact Details
Phone: 1800 019 155
or (08) 8999 7177
(08) 8999 6927
GPO Box 42, Darwin, N.T. 0801
Location: Parliament House, Darwin
More information and other subject guides available through the NT Library website.