Adopted Rules and Regulations Cambridge at the Glen Home Owner Association March 16, 2008; last modified November 19, 2010 Appearance / Maintenance: 1. Ornamentation and exterior decorations are NOT permitted on the Community Areas. Display is permitted in the front yard mulched areas of both Townhomes and Single Family residences and must be aesthetically consistent with Cambridge at the Glen subdivision. Such determination shall be in the sole discretion of the Board. Height and width of the decorations are limited to 24 inches. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation that may incur a daily fine of up to $5 per day. 2. Portable equipment, including basketball systems and bicycles, is NOT permitted on townhome common area, when not in use. The equipment must be stored inside the garage or behind the fence on the townhome patio area. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation that may incur a fine of up to $5 per day. 3. Holiday decorations are permitted on homeowner properties thirty (30) prior to the holiday and must be removed thirty (30) days following the holiday. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation that may incur a daily fine of up to $5 per day. 4. Front and corner yard landscaping must be aesthetically and architecturally consistent with Cambridge at the Glen subdivision. Such determination shall be in the sole discretion of the Board. Owners are responsible for the maintenance of parkway trees and grass. Grass must not be higher than 6”, weeds must be prevented and controlled, grass must be edged and planting beds trimmed, and bushes must be trimmed and shaped at least once a year – the landscaping is to be consistently maintained. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, the Board has the authority to engage a landscaper to maintain the property, at the owner’s expense. 5. Each Dwelling owner shall be responsible for keeping their light fixtures adjacent to the alley in good and working order, and shall use only white or clear bulbs. The recommended bulbs are 40w equivalent, soft white, mini spiral, and fluorescent. Periodically, the HOA will authorize unlit bulbs to be replaced at a cost of $10 per bulb to the owner. 6. The only approved light fixture adjacent to the alley is Thomas Lighting #9181-81 with a photo cell (light sensor). Builders Lighting and Design in Franklin Park carries the fixture (847-455-4290). The only exception is a light fixture originally installed by Cambridge Builders on the garage. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation that may incur a daily fine of up to $5 per day. Cambridge at the Glen HOA 1 7. Mailboxes 7.1. TOWNHOME: The HOA maintains the Townhome mailboxes. 7.2. SINGLE FAMILY: The expense of replacing and maintaining Single Family mailboxes and posts in good appearance shall be borne by the unit owner. If a replacement mailbox is necessary, A plain BLACK mailbox, locking or non-locking, consistent in style with the currently installed mailboxes may be considered. All mailboxes on a single post must be identical; unit owners sharing a post must replace the mailbox at the same time. Replacement posts must be consistent in style, color and size with the currently installed posts. A written "Alteration and Addition Application" must be submitted to the Board for either the mailbox or post replacement, and approved by the Board in the Board’s discretion in advance of installation. The “Alteration and Addition Application” is available through the Property Manager. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation that may incur a daily fine of up to $5 per day. 8. Owners must not feed the geese, rabbits, raccoons or other wild animals. Two commercially available bird feeders are permitted in the front yard. 9. Any exterior alteration or architectural change must be submitted to the Board for approval to ensure that any such work shall reflect an enhancement to the subdivision that, in the sole discretion of the Board, is aesthetically and architecturally consistent with the Cambridge at the Glen subdivision. The "Alteration and Addition Application" is available through the Property Manager. 10. Any exterior color change must be submitted to the Board for approval to ensure that any such work shall reflect an enhancement to the subdivision that, in the sole discretion of the Board, is aesthetically and architecturally consistent with the Cambridge at the Glen subdivision. This includes color of the roof, all doors, shutters, siding and sidewalks. The "Alteration and Addition Application" is available through the Property Manager. 11. Doors and windows are the responsibility of all homeowners, but must meet the Board’s approval for any changes. The "Alteration and Addition Application" is available through the Property Manager. Additional windows are NOT permitted on Townhomes. 12. Wood mulches (cedar, cypress, pine or hardwood) are the only approved materials that can be used in front yard planting beds. As of March 1 2008, any added new mulch must be wood mulch. No artificial mulches are permitted. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation that may incur a daily fine of up to $5 per day. 13. Littering HOA property is prohibited. 14. Dogs must be securely on a leash at all times, unless on the owner’s fenced property. Cambridge at the Glen HOA 2 15. No person shall permit an animal on private or HOA property in Cambridge at the Glen without some means for the removal of excrement, nor shall any person fail to remove any excrement deposited by such animal. 16. The Village of Glenview follows the Cook County ordinance of ‘no open fires allowed’. This includes fire pits. The Village Police should be notified of violations 17. Garbage Storage and Disposal – The Village of Glenview has a Residential Refuse Storage, Collection and Disposal Ordinance that governs acceptable behavior. Everyone needs to be familiar with the Village Ordinance. The collection period is from 7:00 p.m. on the day preceding scheduled pick-up to 7:00 p.m. on the day of pick-up. The container lid must be securely closed at all times. Care must be taken to prevent garbage from littering the alleys and properties. Garbage within the container must be securely wrapped or bound to prevent scattering. Recycle bins must be stored inside except during the collection period. All refuse must be securely wrapped or bound to prevent scattering. In addition to the Village Ordinance, the HOA Rules and Regulations are: 17.1. TOWNHOMES: Townhome garbage containers must be stored inside the garage or behind the fence on the townhome patio area except during the 24 hour collection period. ALL additional trash, including landscape waste, recycle refuse and bulky items must be stored inside the garage or behind the fence on the townhome patio except during the 24 hour collection period. 17.2. SINGLE FAMILY: Single Family garbage containers may be stored directly against the rear of the garage, on or next to the garage apron on a non-permeable surface, no closer than 2 feet from the private alley. ALL additional trash, including landscape waste, recycle refuse and bulky items must be stored inside the garage or on the side of the garage, but not beyond the boundary of the garage towards the alley except during the 24 hour collection period. 18. Townhome owners must disconnect outside hoses from the spigot at the end of the watering season, no later than November 1st. 19. Townhome front storm doors must be 'full view/full view self-storing' style, and be of uniform color within a "Block of Townhomes". For purposes of this rule only, a "Block of Townhomes" is defined as a grouping of townhomes who share a common roof. The color for a particular Block of Townhomes shall be determined as follows: The first owner within a Block of Townhomes who a) submits in writing an "Alteration and Addition Application" to the Board and Townhome Committee requesting permission to install a storm door with a color that matches either the color of the front entry door or the color of the trim around the entry door, and whose application is approved by the Board, and b) installs the approved storm door no later than 30 days from the date of Board approval. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation. Cambridge at the Glen HOA 3 20. Single family, multi-family and duplex front storm doors must be 'full view/full view selfstoring' style and the color must match either the color of the front entry door or the color of the trim around the entry door. The "Alteration and Addition Application" is available through the Property Manager. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation. Use / Parking: 21. Since common townhome outlots are next to and, in some cases, right in front of a townhome, ball playing is not permitted. Outlots include, but are not limited to the corners of Goldenrod/Violet and Patriot/West Lake. These areas are to be treated as the front lawn of the townhomes. 22. Community outlots are for the use and enjoyment of all owners in Cambridge at the Glen. Please be respectful of neighbors and the safety of children and consistently remove your pet excrement. Outlots include, but are not limited to the ‘Violet grassy strip’. 23. To prevent a terrible accident, speed limit is not to exceed 10 miles per hour down an alley, regardless of Village legal speeds. Flag speeders down and warn them. Don’t use any alley as a shortcut. Take license numbers of persistent offenders and contact the Village of Glenview Police for follow up. 24. No parking within 8 feet of the mailboxes during the hours of 11AM – 6PM, Monday through Saturday. The mail may not be delivered. Village ordinance fine of $25 will be given, if reported to the Village Police. Please be considerate of your neighbors and inform guests and visitors. 25. Parking is permitted on driveways and designated street areas in Cambridge at the Glen. Parking is NOT permitted in the alleys at any time, including on garage aprons. 26. Snowmobiles and ATVs are PROHIBITED in Cambridge at the Glen, on public streets and in private alleys, under the Illinois Transportation Statute. Contact the Village of Glenview Police to issue a citation to the offenders. Lease / Rental: 27. Any Dwelling owner who rents their unit must provide the Board with the name and telephone number of the tenant, a copy of the lease, and a statement signed by the tenant affirming that they have reviewed a copy of the Declarations and the current Rules and Regulations, and affirming that they agree to abide by same. Failure to provide the aforesaid to the Board (c/o property manager) within 30 days of the tenant taking possession will result in a fine of $500 assessed against the dwelling owner’s account. 28. Any Dwelling owner who sells their unit must provide the Board with the name and telephone number of the purchaser, and a statement signed by the purchaser affirming that they have received and reviewed a copy of the Declarations and the current Rules and Regulations, and affirming that they agree to abide by same. The aforesaid shall be provided to the Board (c/o property manager) at or prior to closing or a paid assessment letter may not be issued. Cambridge at the Glen HOA 4 29. Multi-Family units must have one unit occupied by the owner per Declaration 8.09a. A fine of $500.00 plus $30/day for three months will be assessed against the account of the unit owner. The daily fine will be $50/day thereafter. Other: 30. Any proposed amendment to the Rules and Regulations, Declarations or By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Board for review prior to circulation of a petition. The Board shall approve or disapprove the proposed amendment no later than thirty (30) days after receipt by the Board. No owner may record or cause to be recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds any document that purports to amend the Declarations or By Laws without first following this process. Any proposed amendment or recording contrary to this rule shall be deemed null and void and of no effect. 31. The Board, in its sole discretion, may remedy any violation and charge any reasonable cost, attorney’s fees and expenses incurred to the assessment account of the offending unit owner. 32. In the event that a duly noticed meeting is called for the purposes of electing Directors and/or Townhome Committee members, and a quorum is not reached either in person or by proxy, then the full Board may fill a Director’s position and the Townhome Committee may fill an open Townhome Committee member position by appointment. The Board shall send out notice to all members of the Association seeking persons who would like to be considered for appointment. The term shall be in accordance with the Declarations and By-Laws of the Association. 33. Beginning January 1, 2008, a late fee will be assessed for each monthly assessment and/or fine assessment that is late ten (10) days. 34. A fine of $50.00 may be assessed if the “Alteration and Addition Application” is not submitted prior to an approved exterior alteration or architectural change. 35. Damaging or defacing to HOA property is prohibited. A fine of at least $100.00, in addition to any cost to return the property to its original condition, will be assessed to the account of the offending owner. 36. “For Sale “ and “For Rent “ signs are not permitted on Townhome or Community property. “For Sale” and “For Rent” signs must be displayed on the INSIDE OF THE TOWNHOME either in the window or the inside of the Front storm door. After one warning and one week’s time after notification, this is considered a continuing violation that may incur a daily fine of up to $5 per day. Cambridge at the Glen HOA 5 Adopted Violation and Fines Policy Cambridge at the Glen Home Owner Association March 16, 2008 1) If someone is believed to be in violation of any of the provisions of the Declaration and ByLaws or Rules and Regulations, a signed, written complaint must be submitted by an Owner, the property manager, a resident or a member of the Board of Directors. A written complaint form prescribed by the Board shall be sent to the Board/manager. Owners are responsible for the conduct of all tenants, residents and guests occupying or visiting their unit. 2) The person charged with the violation will be given written notice of the complaint, informing him of the alleged violation and (1) may be given a warning not to repeat the conduct alleged or (2) notice that the accused is entitled to a hearing before a fine is levied. 3) Any accused owner requesting a hearing on the violation must send a written request for a hearing postmarked no later than ten (10) days after the date of the Notice of Violation. Upon receipt of the request, the Board of Directors will schedule a hearing before the Board or it’s duly authorized Committee within thirty (30) days. The owner will be notified. 4) At the hearing, the accused will have the opportunity to present a defense and respond to any accusations of a violation. A hearing may proceed with or without the presence of the accused Owner, so long as all notices have been sent in advance. Any findings of the hearing will be submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 5) A hearing can proceed based upon witness complaints and/or witness testimony. The Board/Committee will weigh all evidence prior to rendering a finding. All hearings shall be closed. The rules of evidence shall not apply. 6) If any resident is found guilty of a violation, the Board will notify the guilty party and/or the Owner in writing and a fine may be charged to the assessment account of the Owner of the unit in which the guilty person resides, in accordance with the paragraph below. 7) There will be a warning issued for the first violation of a rule or regulation, provided the Owner has not been found guilty of the same violation and there is not a specific fine associated with the adopted rule or regulation. If the Owner has been previously found guilty of the same violation, the fine will be $25.00. Third guilty violations will be fined $50.00. Fourth and subsequent guilty violations will be fined $100.00 for each infraction. Continuing violations may incur a daily fine of up to $5.00 per day. Fines may be assessed for adopted rules and regulations as specified. 8) In the event of any violation of the Rules and Regulations, Declaration or By-Laws of the Association, the Board reserves the right to pursue any and all legal remedies to compel enforcement, legal and equitable. Any and all costs and attorney’s fees shall be assessed back to the account of the offending Owner at the time they are incurred. Cambridge at the Glen HOA 6