Health Matters - Mentor Graphics Child Development Center

Overview of Child Development Center Health Policies
Working in partnership with families to provide a healthy environment for each
individual child and the group of children is one of our top priorities. The CDC follows
the recommended guidelines from Child Care Division to determine if a child has
symptoms/conditions that would exclude him/her from the Center.
Health Maintenance
We make every effort to keep parents informed about health concerns or changes in
the health of a child while the child is at the center so long absences due to health
issues can be prevented. In the event of an outbreak of a contagious illness at the
CDC, parents will be notified so that they can take the precautions they feel are best
for their child’s health. Classrooms post health alerts and have additional take home
information to assist parents in being aware of symptoms and treatments of any
contagious illness. It is a parental responsibility to inform Center staff immediately
should your child contract a serious contagious illness. In addition we request you call
or e-mail the Center before 9:00 to notify staff if your child will be staying home due to
Frequent hand washing is the single best way of preventing disease/illness. Please join
us in helping your child to develop the habit of frequent hand washing. In accordance
with the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control, we recommend the
following steps: use warm running water; rub hands together and lather all surfaces,
even between fingers and the back of hands; continue rubbing for 20 seconds or
roughly two rounds of Happy Birthday, Happy Bubbles, or the ABC’s; rinse hands and
dry with a paper towel; use a separate towel to turn off the running water.
To help children learn the steps for proper hand washing, the steps are posted in picture
form in each child’s restroom.
Parents’ and children’s hands should be washed when arriving at and leaving from
school. In addition we take care to help children wash thoroughly, before and after
eating, after toileting, after nose wiping, and after group touch table or water play as
well as frequently throughout the day!
If your child becomes ill at school, a parent will be located and asked to take the child
home immediately. It is imperative that your registration and emergency card is kept
up to date with the names and phone numbers of two responsible adults willing to pick
up your child in case the Center cannot locate the parent(s). ) Ill children will be kept
comfortable and away from others to minimize the risk of exposure.
When is my child too sick to come to school?
Symptoms/conditions which exclude a child from the Center or for which a child will be
sent home include but are not limited to:
Fever over 100 degrees F taken under the arm
Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool per day)
Severe cough/Cold symptoms
Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes
Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus filled
Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above
Difficult breathing or wheezing
Complaints of severe pain
Any communicable/contagious disease
Unusual behavior or unexplainable discomfort: changes in eating/drinking;
cranky and less active, crying more than usual.
When can my child return to school?
In order to keep children and staff healthy, we ask that your child be fever/symptom
free for 24 hrs without the aid of medications before returning to the Center. If you are
asked to pick up a child who is sick, you will receive an “Exclusion Notice” (attached)
with clear instructions for the requirements and timeline for returning to the CDC.
If prescription medication is required to return your child to complete health, a full 24
hours of medication is required prior to your child's return to the Center.
Sometimes symptoms such as fever and diarrhea are early indicators of illness and
come and go over a period of time. Children cannot attend school with a fever.
Loose bowel movements accompany the administration of many childhood
prescriptions. If bowel movements cannot be contained within the diaper, children
may not be in attendance.
Will I need a note from my child’s pediatrician to return to school?
Yes, in most cases we do ask that a child who has had a contagious illness or has been
sent home from the CDC with a health issue return to school with a pediatrician’s note.
In these cases, a pediatrician visit would most likely be part of the course of treatment
for the child.
Administration of Medicine
If your child requires medication during the day, the medicine must be in the original
prescription container labeled with the child's name, doctor, medicine name, dosage,
and current date. A medicine form, available in the classroom, must be signed each
day the medicine is to be given to the child. Information provided on the form must be
consistent the stated prescription guidelines on the original container. All medication is
kept in a locked box in each classroom at all times. CDC staff will only administer
medication according to the written consent provided by the parent.
The CDC cannot administer non-prescription medicines (Tylenol, cough medicine, etc.)
unless prescribed by a doctor (doctor's note needed). In addition, we cannot
administer vitamins or fluoride to children. Please do not leave unused medicine at the
Center. All medicines will be discarded if not picked-up within one week after usage.
Sunscreen/Diapering and First-Aid Ointments
Sunscreen, diapering and first aid ointments are considered non-prescription
medications. Similar to prescription medications, they must come to school in the
original container, labeled with the child’s name. A permission to administer
medication form needs to be filled out, signed by the parent and must include the
dosage and application procedures. The CDC can apply sunscreen to the face only if
it is in a stick format.
Diaper ointments and creams must state on the container that they are for the
treatment or prevention of diaper rash. ‘Off label’ use of creams such as Aquaphor,
Vaseline, or calendula ointment for diaper rash or other applications require a Doctor’s
If your child will need sunscreen during the day, we ask that parents apply the first
application. Teachers will apply sunscreen after nap and as needed per the
medication request form. In the hot summer weather please remember to bring
sunscreen, a hat and several changes of lightweight clothing to aid us in proper skin
protection for your child.