` CARE GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS #27, Thayanoor Village, Kuttapatti - Tiruchirappalli-09. College Code: 8107 ANNA UNIVERSITY UG DEGREE PRACTICAL EXAM – APR/MAY 2015. CE 2357 - SURVEY CAMP LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Single plane method 2. Double plane method 3. Tangential method 4. Measurement of horizontal angles by Repetition method 5. Measurement of horizontal angles by Reiteration method 6. Evaluation of constants of Tachometer 7. Fly levelling [Dumpy level] 8. Longitudinal section [Profile levelling] 9. Cross section [Profile levelling] 10. Setting out a Simple Curve 11. Setting out of Foundation Trenches of Building 12. Radial Tachometric Contouring 13. Contouring by Square block levels 1. Internal marks 20 Marks 2. Evaluation of survey camp report 30 marks 3. Viva Voce Examination 50 Marks TOTAL 100 Marks ` SINGLE PLANE METHOD AIM: To find elevation of top of object ‘P’ by single plane method. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Theodolite Levellinng staff Pegs Tape Ranging rods PROCEDURE: 1) Setup the theodolite at ‘A’ and level it accurately with respect to the altitude bubble. 2) Setup the telescope horizontal and Vernier ‘C’ or ‘D’ at zero. Take the readings on the staff held vertically on a benchmark say as ‘hA’. 3) Direct the telescope towards the top of the object ‘P’ and bisect it accurately by using vertical clamp and tangent screw. Now the lower and upper clamp screws must be in tight position. Note down the vertical angle of elevation to point ‘P’ say α1. 4) Transit the telescope so that line of sight is reversed. Mark a point B in line of sight at a convnient distance (AB=d). 5) Shift the instrument to station ‘B’. Centre it and carryout all temporary adjustments. 6) With the vertical scale reading zero degree take readings on staff held vertically on the some benchmark say ‘hB’. 7) Direct and focus telescope towards the top of the object P and observe the angle of elevation say α2. 8) Find the horizontal distances from the instrument station to the base of the object and elevation of top of the object by calculation. ` RESULT: Distance, D = R.L of top of the object, P = ` DOUBLE PLANE METHOD AIM: To find elevation of top of object ‘P’ by double plane method. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Theodolite Pegs Tape Ranging rods Levelling staff PROCEDURE: 1) Let P&R be the 2 instrument stations, not in the same vertical plane as that of object Q as shown in figure, Stations R&Q lies in one plane and P&Q lies in the another plane. 2) Setup the instrument over ‘P’ and do that temporary adjustments. 3) Take a staff R at a known distance of D from P (by the side). 4) Sight the top of object Q & measure the vertical angle α1. 5) Locate the station R at a known distance of D from P (by the side). 6) Set the Vernier A to read zero degree. Sight the station R by using lower clamp and lower tangent. 7) Release the upper clamp and give clockwise rotations and sight the top of the station Q (Telescope can be tilted up). Read both over vernier A&B readings. Record the angles RPQ as θ1. 8) Shift the instrument to ‘R’ level it, keep the telescope horizontal (C & D vernier reads ‘O’) & read the staff reading on B as h2. 9) Sight the top of the object Q by releasing telescope clamp and measure the vertical angle α2. A vernier reads 0° when sighting object Q for sighting the object, use lower clamp & lower tangent screw. 10) Release the upper clamp and swing the telescope clockwise & sight P and measure the QRP as Q2 from the vernier A&B. ` RESULT: Distance between P&R = R.L of P = R.L of Q = ` TANGENTIAL METHOD AIM: To determine the elevation by tangential stadia method. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Theodolite with tripod A staff with 2 target of known distance PROCEDURE: 1) Setup the theodolite exactly over station A & carry out temporary adjustments. 2) With the vertical angle reads to zero observe staff reading (h) on staff held vertically over BM. 3) Direct telescope towards 1st meter & staff held vertically over object P & bisect it accurately. 4) Read both vernier C & D which gives vertical angle α1 to the first target. 5) Loosen vertical clamp and direct telescope towards 4th meter of staff held vertically. 6) Read both vernier C & D which gives vertical angle to 2nd tangent. 7) From the observed reading horizontal distance at elevation of top of object can be determined. ` RESULT: The horizontal distance between station and object D = R.L of base of object P = Vertical height of object V = ` MEASUREMENT OF HORIZONTAL ANGLES BY REPETITION METHOD USING A THEODOLITE AIM: To measure horizontal distance and angles at a point by the method of repetition. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Theodolite with Tripod Stand Tape Ranging rod PROCEDURE: 1) The theodolite is setup at station ‘P’ the instrument is centered and leveled properly. Vernier ‘A’ is setup to ‘O’ and vernier ‘B’ to 180°. 2) Release all clamps. Turn the upper plate till the ranging rod at R is focused perfectly and lower clamp is tithed. 3) Unclamp the upper plate, turn the telescope clockwise, bisect the rod at point S exactly and read the vernier angle at ‘A’ and minutes and seconds at ‘B’. 4) Leaving the vernier unchanged, unclamp the lower plate and turn the telescope clockwise until station R is again bisected accurately, check the vernier readings which must be the same as before. 5) Release the upper plate, turn the telescope clockwise and again bisect the station S exactly using the upper clamp. 6) The vernier reading will read twice the value of the angle. 7) Repeat the above procedure until the angle is repeated required number of times. 8) Change the face, the telescope will now be inverted and face will be right. Repeat the whole procedure as far face left. Using anticlockwise swing the average of the two values of the angle thus obtained gives the value of angle RPS. ` RESULT: Included angle between the lines ` MEASUREMENT OF HORIZONTAL ANGLES BY REITERATION METHOD USING THEODOLITE AIM: To measure horizontal angles at a point by the method of Reiteration. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Theodolite Tripod stand Ranging rods PROCEDURE: 1) Setup the instrument over Q and level it correctly. The face of the instrument should be left. 2) Set the vernier A close to zero. 3) Direct the telescope to point R and bisect it accurately by using the lower clamp and lower tangent screw. Note the vernier readings. 4) Loosen the upper plate and turn the telescope clockwise until points is exactly bisected by turning the upper tangent screw. 5) The mean of the vernier gives the value angle RQS. 6) Similarly, bisected S T and U. Successfully take readings of both verniers at each bisection. 7) Finally close the horizontal by sighting the station point R. 8) The vernier A should now read the first reading and find the error. If error is small it is equally distributed among the several observed angle. If the error is lare the reading should be discarded and new set to be taken. 9) Change face and repeat the above procedure as for face left. The mean of the two set is the true value of the angles. ` RESULT: The angles are measured as ` EVALUATION OF CONSTANTS OF A TACOMETER AIM: To evaluate the tacheometric constants of given tachometer. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Tachometer Chain or Tape Ranging rod Pegs or Arrows Levelling staff PROCEDURE: 1) Measure the line about, 100m long on a fairly level ground and drive pegs at same interval say 25m, say a,b,c and d. 2) Setup the tachometric at one end of this line say ‘O’ and keep the staff on the pegs A,B,C and D. Observe the corresponding staff intercepts with horizontal sight. 3) Knowing the value of D and S for different points, a number of simultaneous equations can be substituting the values of D and S in equation D = KS+C. The simultaneous solution of successive pairs of equation will give the value of K and C and the average of these can be found. ` RESULT: The constants of the given tachometer are determined and they are found to be as K [Multiplying constants] = C [Additive constants] = ` FLY LEVELLING AIM: To do the following, it is required to do the fly leveling using dumpy level. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Cross staff Tripod stand Dumpy level PROCEDURE: 1) Place the dumpy level instrument on the ground where the maximum number of stations are inside and level the instrument. 2) Now view the station A and take the staff reading. 3) Repeat all the process in all other station. 4) Shift the instrument when point are not visible the last reading taken upon the sight. 5) After shifting the instrument back reading should taken where fore sight are taken in previous reading. ` RESULT: The reduced level of various stations is computed. ` LONGITUDINAL SECTION [PROFILE LEVELLING] AIM: To determine the elevation of ground surface along a pre-determined line. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Dumpy level Tripod stand Leveling staff Chain Tape Ranging rod Arrows Cross staff PROCEDURE: 1) Let AB be the centre of line of selected road. The level is setup on firm ground at suitable position. 2) A back sight is taken on the bench mark and entered in the level book. 3) Having stretched the chain is line form a staff reading are taken. 4) The instrument is then moved forward and setup on firm found at L. 5) Reading are taken as before and the levelling operation is completed on the benchmark. 6) All the reading are entered in the field book. ` RESULT: Reduced level of all points are work out longitudinal section working profile after selected road surface is drawn. ` CROSS SECTION [PROFILE LEVELLING] AIM: To determine the elevation of ground surface along a pre-determined line. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Dumpy level Tripod stand Leveling staff Chain Tape Ranging rod Arrows Cross staff PROCEDURE: 1) Let AB be the centre of line of selected road. The level is setup on firm ground at suitable position. 2) A back sight is taken on the bench mark and entered in the level book. 3) Having stretched the chain is line form a staff reading are taken. 4) The instrument is then moved forward and setup on firm found at L. 5) Reading are taken as before and the levelling operation is completed on the benchmark. 6) All the reading are entered in the field book. ` RESULT: Reduced level of all points are work out cross section working profile after selected road surface is drawn. ` SETTING OUT A SIMPLE CURVE AIM: To trace out a simple curve using double theodolite method. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Theodolite Tripod Pegs Arrows PROCEDURE: 1) Setup one theodolite at point of circular (T1) and the other at point of tangency (T2). Set the vernier A at both the theodolite at zero. 2) Direct the telescope at T1 onwards T2 and the theodolite at T2 and T1. 3) Set an angle ‘0’ in both the theodolite so as to direct the line of sight towards T1a & T2a, Thus the point a1 the point of intersection of the two line of sights is established on the curve. 4) Similarly the point b is established by setting ‘O2’ in both the theodolites and bisecting the ranging rod at ‘b’. ` RESULT: A simple circular curve has been set using calculated data on the field. ` SETTING OUT OF FOUNDATION TRENCHES OF BUILDING AIM: To set out the line of excavation and centre line of walls. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Lime powder Pegs Taps Theodolite PROCEDURE: 1) Prepare the centre line sketch of the building. 2) Wall points A&B from the base line, as the end marks A,B,C,etc., a little away from end mark & lie a string accurately. 3) Mark centre line for all other walls AD,BC,etc., 4) For every wall drive the pegs, little away the ends and mark it with the string accurately. 5) Measure the width foundatioin from the centre line the up corners are 1,2,3,4,5,etc., Pegs are driven at these corner. 6) Now length plan being marking in the ground excavation may be started. ` RESULT: Thus the setting out of foundation trenches of building is done successfully in the field. ` RADIAL TACHEOMETRIC CONTOURING AIM: To Prepare the radial contour of the ground surface. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Cross staff Chain Levelling staff Ranging rods Pegs Arrows Tripod stand PROCEDURE: 1) The area to be surveyed is to be divided into a number of parts. 2) The 40m radial line is measure and it split into 8 divisions of each 5m. 3) And then the cross staff is kept at that point and the required readings are taken. 4) The tilting level is used to take the angle. A 60° angle is measured with respect to the line. And the same procedure is repeated for six divisions. ` RESULT: Reduced level of the guide point are thus formed and contour map is prepared for the given surface. ` CONTOURING BY SQUARE BLOCK LEVELS AIM: To prepare the contour of the ground surface. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Cross staff Chain Levelling staff Ranging rod Pegs Arrows Tripod stand PROCEDURE: 1) The area to be surveyed is divided into a number of square. 2) The size of square is 5m X 5m. 3) Setup the instrument on the ground level and temporary adjustment. 4) Establish the temporary bench mark near the area to be surveyed. 5) The elevations of corner of square then adjusted. 6) The square should be small enough to conditions. ` RESULT: Reduced level of those guide points one thus formed contour map is prepare for the given ground size.