Code5 Artist Brief

Goodwin Development Trust: Code 5 Artists Live-Work Residency 2016
New artists Live/Work Residency developed by Goodwin Development Trust
- Artist Fee:
£15,600 (including VAT)
- Location:
Thornton estate, Kingston upon Hull, England
- Residency length:
8 months starting March 2016
- Working with:
Local residents, schools and community groups
- Theme:
“Greening the Estate” - sustainable land use.
- Funded by:
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Arts Council England, Goodwin Development Trust
- Supported by:
East Street Arts
- Note: There will be a separate budget contributions for travel, relocation, and materials. (Details
to be confirmed.) Goodwin will actively assist the artist to find suitable accommodation on or near
the estate.
Please could you send us the following by 1st February 2016:
- Curriculum Vitae (max 2 sides A4)
- Expression of Interest Proposal, outlining your vision and potential approach (we do not expect
specific project ideas at this stage) (max 2 sides A4)
- A selection of images to illustrate your work (max 5mb)
If successful you will be invited to interview week commencing 15th February 2016
Goodwin is offering a unique opportunity to be involved in a new project pushing the boundaries of
socially engaged arts practice. We are looking for an artist (or 2 artists working jointly), with a
commitment to participatory arts practice and a proven interest in the issues of climate change and
the natural environment (particularly sustainable land use).
Code 5 will be a substantial artist’s residency in which the appointed artist will both live and work on
Thornton, a deprived inner city housing estate in Hull; creatively engaging local residents in the
issues of sustainable land use and climate change. The artist accommodation will be for the sole use
of the artist/s and their immediate family members. The accommodation will comprise of 2 – 3
bedrooms and the rent will be an ‘affordable rent’. The artist/s will be responsible for all their own
utility bills and Council Tax.
The environment and green energy are a major concern for Goodwin; we see the growing impact
of food and fuel poverty on Hull’s poorest communities and we are aware that many resident feel
disconnected from environmental issues. We are tackling this in a number of ways from promoting
local food growing through a community garden, to being research partners in the national launch of
a unique energy saving device – the Oxypod. Five brand new ‘Code 5’ houses have recently built on
Thornton are designed and built to the UK’s most environmentally efficient standards. [Goodwin is
building these houses with the support of the Homes and Communities Agency. Thornton will be the
only place in the UK where so many have been built together.]
The residency will be supported by East Street Arts, who are pioneering the development of livework spaces in the UK. It will build on their extensive research into alternative approaches to artists’
residencies in Europe - for example the renowned Blue House in Amsterdam.
The Code5 artist/s will have an informal support team made up of Goodwin staff, volunteers from
Thornton Urban Gardeners, local Hull College students’ and members of Hull’s creative community,
including Kingston Arts Group; providing ready-made social and professional connections.
We welcome applications from artists from UK and beyond. We want to develop an
international dimension to this project, partly through existing connections between artists,
communities and Universities in Hull and Rotterdam, and partly through developing links to other
inner-city communities in UK and abroad who are facing similar issues of civic disengagement with
the environment and climate change issues.
‘Greening the Estate’ (sustainable land-use) will be the theme, providing the basis of an open,
flexible brief to which the shortlisted artists can respond, providing a major professional
development opportunity. Initial activities will include creative consultation to identify
priority/transformational projects through the development of Thornton’s own Neighbourhood
Plan. The artist/s will engage with local residents and volunteers in the creation and delivery of these
projects, putting the community of Thornton on the cultural map in the lead up to Hull2017 UK City
of Culture.
There will be a real synergy between this project and Hull’s Green Port/Siemens development, which
put it at the forefront of UK green energy production and the aspiration to make Hull2017 the first
“green” UK City of Culture.
This will be the second Code 5 artists’ residency. The first, in 2014-2015, saw Italian artist, Silvio
Palladino design a brand new community garden, inspired by the history and people of Thornton
A third and final Code 5 residency will take place in 2017. We expect future residencies to be subject
to a separate recruitment processes but there is potential for longer-term involvement – subject to
the needs of the projects, community aspirations and funding availability.
Send applications by email to:
Sharon Darley (Quality of Life)
Goodwin Development Trust
Goodwin Resource Centre
Ice House Road
01482 587550
Information about Goodwin Development Trust
Founded 20 years ago by 14 formidable residents of the Thornton Estate, the Goodwin Development
Trust is now a 180-strong community-led Social Enterprise based in the heart of Hull, serving
communities, citywide. We are committed to delivering a wide range of services designed to reverse
social decline and improve the quality of life for all. These include Children's Centres and family
support, employment, enterprise and training, health and wellbeing, and long-term interventions to
create safer and stronger communities. Our vision for Thornton estate, and for wherever we work, is
to empower local people to tackle social ills and build communities where high employment,
educational excellence, social inclusion, a 'no drugs' culture and plummeting crime statistics will
become the social norm.
We believe that the arts and culture are critical to achieving that vision.
Under the umbrella title of ‘Estate of the Nation’
Goodwin Development Trust is seeking to deliver a
small number (2-3) of high quality, high profile
artists’ residencies and new commissions each
year, culminating in 2017 City of Culture. Estate of
the Nation is a proud, peaceful and bold rallying cry
on the part of those streets, neighbourhoods and
communities in Britain that have been socially and
economically stereotyped and demonized in recent
years as the wealth gap widens. Estate of the
Nation sets out our ambition to work with artists of
national and international caliber, commissioning
creatively inspired participatory projects and events with and for local communities, working in
partnership with local artists and agencies.
Our aim is to inspire, motivate, encourage and stimulate
the engagement of local people in high quality arts
activity, enabling them to play a key role in
commissioning, programming and making. Estate of the
Nation will reflect the real life issues that affect
communities today – from climate change to food
poverty, from disaffected youth to social isolation. We
will engage artists with a commitment to socially and
critically engaged arts practice, maintaining a strong fit
with the priorities and themes of Hull’s plans for UK City
of Culture, the Arts Council’s vision for Great Art &
Culture for Everyone, and Art for Hull/Roots and Wings
(Creative People and Places), which recognise Hull as
one of the areas when ordinary people are least likely
to engage in the arts.
CODE 5 - 2016 & 2017
According to Joseph Rountree Foundation's Climate Change and Social Justice Evidence Review
(2014), disadvantaged communities are least likely to contribute to causing climate change but are
most likely to be most negatively impacted by its effects. At a local level, climate change on
Thornton’s residents will be long term and profound, including tangible impacts on health and
wellbeing of vulnerable people through food and fuel poverty, along with loss of local bio-diversity,
and damage and cost from repeated flooding – most recently in 2007 - due to Thornton’s close
proximity to Hull estuary. (Source: Hull’s Environment and Climate Change Strategy 2010-2020).
The Code 5 artists in residencies are one of the innovative ways in which Goodwin will empower
local people to tackle important social and environmental issues that affect their daily lives.