College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Fall 2015 Symposium Sharing Creative Ideas, Research, and Discoveries Including contributions from graduate and undergraduate students in: Anthropology, Applied Indigenous Studies, the Civic Service Institute, Community, Culture and Environment, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Planning and Recreation, The Institute for Human Development, Political and International Affairs, Psychological Sciences, School of Communication, Sociology/Social Work, Sustainable Communities, Woman’s and Gender Studies, and Global Studies SAVE THE DATE: The 3rd Annual Symposium will be on Wednesday, December 9th At Ashurst Hall (North campus) 3:00 PM – 5:00PM Join us for the third annual College of Social and Behavioral Sciences symposium of scholarly pursuits. Students from 11 departments and programs will convene to share their creative discoveries and present in-depth research and scholarly work to their peers, professors, and the University and Flagstaff communities. More than 200 posters will showcase the diversity of students' educational experiences. The symposium will highlight students’ participation in traditional research activities, classroombased scholarly projects, and in service learning and collaborative projects. Events are free and open to the public. Symposium poster presentation schedule (Tentative) Student presenters will be assigned to present their posters at one of the following sessions: Session 1 3:00pm – 3:55pm Session 2 4:00pm – 4:55pm Students should plan to arrive 10 minutes before their poster session begins in order to locate their poster board. Posters for the first session should be positioned by 2:55. Posters for the second session should be positioned by 4:00. Student registration process Submit your poster online using this link Symposium Registration closes at 11:59 Monday, November 30th. You will be notified about your poster location by Wednesday, December 2nd. NOTE: Only the primary author should register; all co-authors are to be listed by the primary author on the form. Poster Preparation Information Poster Creation: It is the responsibility of participating students to create posters for the poster sessions. Posters should be designed to be attached using Velcro on a large display board (no tri-fold poster boards). For consistency and convenience, we recommend that you download and take advantage of the poster templates provided below. There is a landscape version and a portrait version with useful tips to help you quickly create an attractive poster, but we encourage you to be creative as well. Click on the Poster Preparation Tips link below for complete details about preparing and printing a poster. Download the NAU landscape poster template Download the NAU portrait poster template Download the CEFNS landscape poster template Download the CEFNS portrait poster template Basic Formatting Requirements: Posters should be no larger than 34 inches x 44 inches to fit on the display board; a bit smaller is fine. All posters must be attached to the display board using Velcro. No tri-fold posters are permitted. Posters must be readable from at least four feet away. The presentation title must be at least two inches high. Beneath the title, the name(s) of the student author(s), faculty sponsor, and department/school must be at least one inch high. All source(s) of your funding should be acknowledged on the poster. Additional Information (below and on the UG Research Poster Presentation Tips webpage): You should create the poster the size you need (maximum size: 34” x 44”) in PowerPoint or PDF format. Trying to blow up an 8 ½ x 11 does NOT work!! The use of dark (especially black) solid color backgrounds is strongly discouraged. Posters using solid dark backgrounds may incur additional charges. There are large format NAU logos to be found at Generally more graphics/less text is preferable! General Instructions: Make sure your poster is sized properly for printing (e.g., 34 inches high by 44 inches wide). This is done in the Page Setup command in PowerPoint. Use conventional fonts, such as Arial, Times New Roman, etc. This will make printing faster and more reliable. Give the file to be printed a meaningful name that includes the course, section, and last name of the person submitting the print job. Here is an example of the recommended format: PSY302W – S1 – Goodman Regardless of the printing option you’ve chosen (GIS Lab, Department of Psychology, SBS Office of the Dean, commercial printer, etc.), make sure you understand both the costs of, and time frames for, printing. The normal paper size for printing is 36” high. Consequently, groups will be required to trim the excess paper to meet the 34” high maximum allowed for the finished poster’s size. E-mail used to submit posters should include contact information including cell phone and e-mail address. Be responsive to e-mails from the office printing the poster for your group. Staff may need to consult with you immediately regarding printing issues. Poster Printing Options A. On-campus options: Department of Psychological Sciences (SBS Castro 228): Psychology students may print posters here. Follow all instructions on the Department of Psychological Sciences webpage; cost will be $30-$40. Geography, Planning, and Recreation department: Students in any department may bring their PPT or PDF to the GIS computer lab in Bldg #70 to print a poster; paper quality varies, it may NOT be heavy-duty. Cost ~$10 charged directly to student’s account. Contact (3-0587) for additional information. 1. Go to the GIS lab in the SBS West building, room 10 2. If you have created the file in a program other than Microsoft PowerPoint, make sure it’s saved to a PDF format for printing. 3. Login to your NAU account at one of the computers 4. Select the appropriate printer a. Select File->Print in the menu b. Choose\geogprt6 as the printer to use c. Click on the Properties button and, in the new window, select Custom d. Set the proper dimensions for the paper (e.g., 34 inches high x 44 inches wide) e. Click OK f. Check the AutoRotate box g. Set the Paper Roll to 36 inch roll and press OK 5. For Microsoft PowerPowerPoint a. Make sure your file will print correctly by clicking Preview b. Click Print and then OK to start your print. 6. For Adobe Reader a. Make sure your file will print correctly by clicking Preview b. Select Fit to Printable Area under Page Scale 7. Your poster will be printed in the large format printer in the back of the room in the order in which your file was sent to the print queue. It may be several hours (or overnight) before the file is printed and ready for retrieval. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences – Dean’s Office: Visit this link for additional information o o o o o o o o Output: Satin Photographic paper. Cost: Approximately $20 - $30; high color content or color photos cost more. Notes: Printing on white background is the least expensive option. Files for printing posters must be in PowerPoint format. Credit/debit card or check required for payment. Files should be sent to Files should be in PowerPoint format. The e-mail should include “Poster Request” and your e-mail address in the subject line. B. Other local poster printing options: Note: Most need 24 hours notice and prefer PDF format; you will need to pay for the poster at the time you place your order. Call to obtain more information. Kinko’s FedEx: (1423 S. Plaza Way, 779-5159) ~$70 + tax with NAU ID Staple’s: (2625 N. Woodlands Village Blvd., 214-8424) ~$70 + tax Print Raven (1300 S. Milton #125, 773-1105) ~$52 (matte) or ~$62 (gloss) + tax C. Online options: Price varies by size and quality ($45-$65); place order by noon (Pacific time) for poster to ship out the same business day (cost of shipping depends on delivery time: $0 - $60). Parking Click here to see NAU Parking Map.