Literacy Resources For Social Studies Social Studies, Literacy, and Social Justice in the Common Core Classroom: A Guide for Teachers" by Ruchi Agarwal-Rangnath Building Literacy in Social Studies: Strategies for Improving Comprehension and Critical Thinking by Donna Ogle, Ron Klemp and Bill McBride (Jul 11, 2007) Common Core Literacy for ELA, History/Social Studies, and the Humanities: Strategies to Deepen Content Knowledge... by Katherine S. McKnight (Apr 18, 2014) Teaching Social Studies: A Literacy-Based Approach by Emily Schell and Douglas Fisher (Oct 27, 2006) Reading, Thinking, and Writing About History: Teaching Argument Writing to Diverse Learners in the Common Core... by Chauncey Monte-Sano, Susan De La Paz and Mark Felton (May 25, 2014) Literacy Resources For Social Studies Literacy in History and Social Studies, Grades 6 - 8: Learning Station Activities to Meet CCSS (English Language... by Schyrlet Cameron and Suzanne Myers (Jan 15, 2014) Reading Like a Historian: Teaching Literacy in Middle and High School History Classrooms by Sam Wineburg, Daisy Martin and Chauncey Monte-Sano (Aug 19, 2013) Getting to the Core of Literacy for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, Grades 6-12 by Vicky M. Giouroukakis and Maureen Connolly (May 14, 2013) The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society (Studies in Literacy, the Family, Culture and the State) by Jack Goody (1986)