Master of Education - University of Canterbury

07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
CUAP Proposal-New Qualification/Subject/Endorsement 2015
Section A
Proposal Description
Purpose of the proposal
To amend the existing Masters of Education regulations to offer 180 point pathways either unendorsed, or with
endorsements from one of the following specialisms: Leadership; Inclusive and Special Education, Literacy; E-Learning
and Digital Technologies, Learning and Teaching Languages, Hoaka Pounamu, and Curriculum and Pedagogy. (These
specialisms align with the current or proposed Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsements.)
(NB: a 120 point MEd pathway will be retained for students who hold an honours degree or relevant postgraduate
This proposal is timely because there has been a move from 240 point masters’ degrees to 180 point masters both
nationally and internationally. The University of Canterbury has already developed a 180 point Masters in Teaching and
Learning for initial teacher education and this proposal provides a 180 point pathway for current teachers and leaders
with appropriate professional experience to gain a masters level qualification. There is a high level of interest from the
international market in one-year masters qualifications and it is expected that careful configuration of study pathways
and course occurrences will enable coursework masters to be completed in one calendar year.
The proposal builds on the current endorsements offered within the Postgraduate Diploma in Education and provides
clear pathways for educators to continue their learning in specialised areas that are relevant and important across
diverse settings in early childhood settings, schools, tertiary institutions, and wider training and professional learning
contexts. The proposal retains an unendorsed coursework option to cater for the diversity in postgraduate education
students and the need to offer customised combinations of courses to meet individual needs.
The programme answers the challenge component of the Statement of Strategic Intent because it requires students to
engage in critical reflection linking theory, policy and practice to their professional contexts in order to understand and
design improvements to practice which will benefit diverse learners. Academic staff are similarly challenged to cater for
a diverse student intake comprising New Zealand and international settings.
The proposed programme addresses the concentrate component of the UC Statement of Strategic Intent in that there
are no new courses (with the exception of the Physical Education endorsement) because all of the courses already exist
in the MEd schedule. This qualification concentrates research efforts in teaching, learning and leadership which provide
multiple career pathways for educators within their specialist endorsement areas or as emerging teacher and positional
leaders mentoring other staff. The endorsements build on the existing strengths within the Postgraduate Diploma in
Education and align with the staff research interests and with the established research hubs within the College.
Because the programme is closely involved with practitioners and their settings, it answers to the connect component of
the Statement of Strategic Intent. The majority of courses require a strong engagement in professional practice, and
assessments link theory, policy and practice thus providing ongoing opportunities for UC staff to engage in research and
teaching which is highly relevant to, and supportive of, current educational practice.
Graduates of the programme will be well-equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding to undertake researchinformed teaching and leadership in their particular educational setting. The introduction of postgraduate qualifications
for initial teacher education is likely to be a catalyst prompting many existing teachers and leaders to consider further
study to achieve masters qualifications. The two pathways (coursework only, or mix of courses and 90 point thesis)
provide options for busy professionals who often study part-time or apply for funded leave for part of their study
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
periods. The coursework pathway will provide viable one-year masters degrees for suitably qualified international
The proposed 180 MEd complements the existing Postgraduate Diploma in Education and provides a clear pathway for
students to extend their studies to gain a masters qualification. The trend across New Zealand is towards 180 point
masters qualifications and this will almost certainly result in a decrease in the number of students undertaking 240 point
masters. The current proposal will also incorporate a change to the existing MEd regulations to clarify the requirements
for a 120 point MEd with entry from a relevant Honours degree or Postgraduate Diploma. Retaining this 120 point
pathway will allow students who already hold a PGDipEd or Honours degree, but who do not fit within or wish to follow
the transition arrangements to the 180 MEd, to gain a masters qualification by completing a 120 point thesis, or 30
point research methods and 90 point thesis.
The proposal fits with the College’s strategic plan to recruit domestic and international students through the provision
of relevant programmes; and it also supports the objective of increasing the numbers of Māori postgraduate students
by providing an endorsement in Hoaka Pounamu. The introduction of a 180 point masters programme will also
contribute to the strategic objective to strengthen partnerships with stakeholders and implement strategies to further
enhance the reputation of the College as a leader in education, sport, health sciences, teaching and research.
The 180 point MEd award will meet the CUAP definition for a Master’s degree. It builds on an undergraduate
qualification, so the minimum entry qualification is a three-year bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification,
completed at a specified level of attainment. The programme comprises 180 points, with at least 45 points at Level 9
and the remainder at Level 8 or 9. The degree is achieved through coursework consisting of assignments, activities,
project work, and research in varying combinations.
Acceptability of the programme and consultation
Ongoing consultation has occurred during the development phase over the past 18 months.The proposal has been
widely disseminated for consultation and responses which have provided useful input have been received from the
following people: Prof. Gail Gillon (PVC Education), Prof. Richard Light, HOS Sport and Physical Education, Assoc. Prof.
Missy Morton, HOS Educational Studies and Leadership, Prof. Letitia Fickel, HOS Teacher Education, Prof. Michael
Robb, HOS Health Sciences, Dr Julie Mackey, Academic Dean, Geoff Moore, Director Education Plus, Prof. Peter Roberts
(EdD Coordinator), Liz Brown (Kaiārahi Māori), College of Education Māori & Bicultural Committee and Prof. Angus
Canterbury professional groups
Rob Callaghan (Canterbury Primary Principals’ Association President, Principal St Martin’s Primary), Raewyn Penman
(Education Services Manager Kidsfirst Kindergartens, Canterbury-Westland), James Morris (Principal Darfield High
School and Canterbury rep on NZ Secondary School Principals Council)
Canterbury Principals
Jacqui Duncan, Principal Cashmere Primary School, Dick Edmundson, Principal Hornby High School, Peter Verstappen,
Principal Wakefield School, Nelson, Peggy Burrows, Principal, Rangiora High School (and current PhD student)
Current students and graduates
Gavin Burn, Halswell School, Assistant Principal (PGDipEd (Leadership), Isaac Day, Enner, Glynn School, Nelson, principal
(PGDipEd (Leadership), Amanda Denston, (Graduate PGDipEd(Literacy) and current PhD student), Susie Stevens,
(Graduate MEd), Myra Fidow (Marian College, Christchurch PGDipEd (Hoaka Pounamu), Vic Irvine (Graduate PGDipEd
(Literacy), Jayne Rayner (Carew Peel Forest School, South Canterbury, Student learning languages endorsement),
Elizabeth McKee (current student Learning languages endorsement), Caro Searrell (MEd student, senior teacher
Elmwood Normal School, Christchurch) and Yi Liu (Postgraduate student representative, current international PhD
Treaty of Waitangi
The College Māori and Bicultural Committee have reviewed the proposal and have provided constructive feedback
about the aspirational programme goals. Ongoing work will ensure that courses meet the stated programme outcomes
which are consistent with the Treaty Principles of Participation, Partnership and Protection. For example recognising
Treaty relevance and responsiveness by ensuring that indigenous research methodologies and their practice and
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
significance are introduced across courses, and that where appropriate, course content addresses how education
privileges or disadvantages some students or groups of students. Continued liaison with the College’s Maori and
Bicultural Committee, and the Office of the AVC Māori is required to ensure that the priorities inherent in Rautaki
Whakawhanake Kaupapa Māori – Strategy for Māori Development are implemented in practice.
Goals of the programme
The aim of the programme is to provide a 180 point masters qualification for educators which will allow them to choose
between a coursework only pathway, or, for those who meet the grade requirements, a combination of coursework and
thesis. Both pathways ensure graduates have a strong grounding in their chosen field or endorsement, and the thesis
option provides a pathway for able students wishing to engage in research and may lead to further research and
doctoral study.
Specifically the programme will provide pathways for educators to:
Critically examine and apply theory and research
Apply the principles of biculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand to inform and sustain culturally responsive
Critically reflect on the influence of global conditions, author debates, and their connection to their
educational practice
Enhance and extend their educational practice through the development of knowledge, skills and strategies
Use evidence to inform and justify new developments in their educational practice
Outcome statement
Education pathways: The 180 point MEd programme offers two pathways: coursework only, or a combination of
coursework and thesis.
The coursework only pathway leads to an unendorsed or endorsed MEd. The unendorsed MEd requires 180 points of
coursework with at least 45 points coming from Schedule B. The endorsed MEd coursework requires 90 points (three
30 point courses) from one of the specified endorsement schedules plus a further 90 points of optional courses.
Students will be required to select at least 45 points from courses on Schedule B to ensure the qualification meets Level
9 requirements.
The coursework and thesis pathway requires 60 points (two 30 point courses) from one of the specified endorsement
schedules, plus 30 points in research methodology (two 15 point courses from Schedule C), plus a 90 point thesis in the
area of endorsement. Students who are considering doctoral study will be advised to take this pathway.
The option for a 120 point MEd will be retained for students who have completed a relevant honours degree or
postgraduate diploma. There will be two options for completing a 120 point MEd: either a 120 point thesis (where
students have already completed appropriate research methodology courses), or 30 points of research methodology
and a 90 point thesis.
Employment pathways: Graduates will be able to draw on their theoretical knowledge gained in the programme to
review programmes of work; identify, design and lead new initiatives in their specialist areas with other staff; and
conduct research to further knowledge and understanding of educational theory and practice. The programme will not
only strengthen content knowledge but will equip graduates to undertake leadership within their chosen fields.
University graduate characteristics and Qualification graduate profile
Graduates from this programme will meet the University of Canterbury Graduate characteristics by being:
 Critically competent in their core discipline possessing sound theoretical understanding; advanced researchbased knowledge; and experience in integrating this knowledge through applied inquiry based research within
their educational contexts.
 Employable and innovative practitioners who are competent, culturally responsive and prepared to mentor
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Biculturally aware and respectful, and committed to developing and sustaining partnerships with family,
whānau, hapū, iwi, aiga and community.
Globally aware of issues and research findings impacting on education.
Engaged in the community by working collaboratively to enhance learner partnerships to fulfil the goals of the
national curriculum.
Graduates of this programme will develop the skills and capacities to:
 Provide in-depth knowledge in one or more teaching and learning areas to support other staff and students.
 Make use of technologies and online communication and evaluation practices to critically reflect on, and
document, their own practices and the needs and requirements of learners, families, whānau and communities
where they work.
 Develop the academic proficiency to engage in research work and build expertise in the field.
 Provide a service that is culturally appropriate to the staff, learners and family/whānau they work with both in
respect to content and delivery.
 Critically analyse literature and develop specialist knowledge in their teaching or area of specialism.
Graduates will be able to:
 Demonstrate mastery of sophisticated theoretical subject matter.
 Research, analyse, and argue from evidence.
 Demonstrate the qualities of a reflective practitioner.
 Engage in rigorous intellectual analysis, criticism and problem solving within their specialist field of practice.
 Demonstrate cultural competences and confidence.
 Work in partnership with family/whānau.
Programme overview
The programme is open to students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, hold teacher
registration or other relevant professional experience and standing, and who meet the general prerequisites for masters
courses at the University of Canterbury.
Students on this programme will apply a professional learning focus to their assignments in all their courses. The
programme is usually completed in eighteen months, although part-time study is possible. In some cases, where
suitable summer school courses are offered, the degree may be completed within a calendar year.
The programme consists of 180 points of study gained from coursework only or a combination of coursework and thesis.
 Unendorsed coursework only
The unendorsed coursework only pathway requires at least 45 points from Schedule B (Level 9) and the
remaining points from Schedule A.
 Endorsed coursework only
The endorsed coursework only pathway requires 90 points from the courses prescribed for the specific
endorsement, and a further 90 points of optional courses on the MEd Schedule A. All coursework masters must
include at least 45 points at Level 9 as listed in Schedule B of the regulations.
 Endorsed coursework and thesis pathway
The endorsed coursework and thesis pathway requires 60 points from the courses prescribed for the specific
endorsement; plus 30 points in research methodology (selected from Schedule C); plus a 90 pt thesis in the area
of endorsement.
Proposed teaching/delivery methods
The programme may be commenced at various times in the year including January or November for summer school
courses, February for semester 1 and whole year courses, and July for semester 2 courses. While some full-time
students will opt to complete the degree over 18 months, depending on the selection of courses students may complete
the coursework pathway within one calendar year. The programme may also be taken part-time to provide professional
learning opportunities for educators who are working full time. Some endorsements are offered online while others
offer courses with campus occurrences, or a mixture. The courses generally involve active participation in online or face4
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
to-face real-time classes. Online students may in some cases participate in the campus classes via e.g. Skype or Adobe
Assessment and moderation procedures
The courses will be assessed variously by take-home exams, written assignments (including development of action
plans, critiques of policy documents, descriptive reviews of learning and teaching contexts, and reports of field studies
carried out in learning environments), oral presentations, and teaching resources and tasks. Participants are expected
to participate in the online learning forum discussions and make postings on readings and practical scenarios. The
course assessments will be subject to the standard moderation processes within the College of Education as per section
6 of the University of Canterbury Assessment Policy.
The precriptions for the endorsement pathways are included as an additional document.
The expertise already exists to support the endorsed 180 point masters as the courses have already been approved in
the schedules of the current MEd and PGDipEd and their endorsements in the same areas as this proposal.
Physical facilities: This programme requires standard facilities for online teaching, namely office space and access to
Adobe Connect and Skype, as well as Learn. These are already provided as students are joining existing courses.
Equipment: Existing equipment will be used, but will need to be updated continuously. The programme will require the
development of web-based mini-lectures and demonstrations, which will require the continuous updating of software
on staff computers
Library resources
A document has been prepared by the Library staff confirming the availability of resources.
Plans for monitoring programme quality
As well as formal and informal evaluation of the programme’s courses by students and teaching staff, programme
evaluation will take place according to the Academic Reviews Policy. A small monitoring group comprised of the
Programme Coordinator, Endorsement Coordinators, and the Academic Dean or a deputy will review enrolment, pass
rates, retention and student satisfaction annually.
Review of the programme
Within three years of the first cohort of students graduating from the new qualification, a Graduating Year Review (GYR)
will be conducted to ensure that delivery of the qualification has met the goals of the original proposal. Subsequently a
Programme Review will be carried out at least every five years to confirm the integrity of the programme and the
qualification; to identify areas for change, improvement and areas of good practice; to ensure the qualification meets
national and international standards for comparable qualifications in the same or comparable disciplines; and to ensure
(where appropriate) that the programme and the qualification satisfy professional expectations.
Statement re Section B
Section B will be made available to CUAP on request.
For New Qualifications – TEC/NZQA/UNZ Requirements
EFTS value of qualification
NZQA exit level of qualification to go on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework
Statement regarding funding
Memorandum of understanding
1.5 EFTS
Level 9
Fully funded postgraduate
Duration of the Qualification-NZQF requirement
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Minimum number of points to complete the qualification
Vacation/recess weeks
Work experience/placement hours per week
Tuition/teaching (full-time equivalent) weeks (including exam and study weeks)
Teaching hours per week
Self-directed learning hours per week
180 points
52-70 weeks
Calendar Form
New Qualification Regulations
UC Calendar 2015 Page 287
The Degree of Master of Education (MEd)
These award regulations should be read in conjunction with General Course and Examination Regulations
1) Degree Programmes
The Master of Education may be awarded through one of two pathways:
a) 120 points pathway which can be either:
i) Endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education
ii) Unendorsed through the completion of a thesis
b) 180 points pathway which can be either unendorsed or endorsed in one of the following areas:
i) Curriculum and Pedagogy
ii) E-learning and Digital Technologies
iii) Hoaka Pounamu
iv) Inclusive and Special Education
v) Leadership
vi) Literacy
vii) Teaching and Learning Languages
2) Entry Requirements
a) Admission to the Master of Education shall be subject to the approval of the Dean of Education
b) Candidates for the 120 point pathway must have:
i) Completed either a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning with Honours, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education
or other equivalent qualifying course of study, with a B+ average or better
ii) Applicants for the endorsement in Inclusive and Special Education must have qualified for a Postgraduate
Diploma in Education endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education, Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist
Teaching or an equivalent qualification.
c) Candidates for the 180 point pathway must have:
i) qualified for a Bachelor’s degree with a major in Education, Psychology, related discipline or an equivalent
qualification; or
ii) have qualified for any other degree of a New Zealand University , and hold a professional teaching
qualification; or
iii) been admitted under the Regulations for admission ad eundem statum as entitled to enrol for the Degree of
Master of Education
d) The detail of the course of study followed, as well as the performance in the qualifying course of study will
determine entry to the programme. Candidates will normally be expected to have maintained a B+ average or
better in the qualifying course of study.
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
e) Requirements b (i),(ii),c(i),(ii) and d may be waived by the Dean of Education for a Candidate able to
demonstrate extensive practical, professional or scholarly experience of an appropriate kind.
3) Structure of the Degree
a) Candidates for the 120 point pathway shall complete either a thesis equivalent to 120 points (1.0 EFTS) or a
thesis equivalent to 90 points (0.75 EFTS) and coursework equivalent to 30 points (0.25 EFTS).
b) Candidates for the 180 (1.5 EFTS) point pathway shall complete a flexible course of study made up of either:
i) Endorsed Coursework
(1) At least 90 points (0.75 EFTS) of courses in area of endorsement; and
(2) Further courses from the Master of Education Schedule A to make a total of 180 points (1.5 EFTS)
(3) A total of at least 45 points (0.375 EFTS) of the courses from (1) and (2) must be included in Schedule B
ii) Unendorsed Coursework
(1) At least 45 points (0.375 EFTS) in courses from Schedule B and further courses from the Master of
Education Schedule A to make a total of 180 points.
iii) Coursework and Thesis
(1) 60 points (0.5 EFTS) of prescribed courses in area of endorsement
(2) 30 points (0.25 EFTS) from Schedule C; and
(3) EDEM690 thesis in area of endorsement
c) With prior approval, relevant and equivalent postgraduate level courses up to the value of 60 points (0.5 EFTS)
may be credited from another school, department, College or from another university or tertiary institute.
d) A candidate with any grade for courses falling below a B+, prior to enrolling in the thesis, may be required to
complete the degree by coursework, or have their points reassigned towards either a Postgraduate Diploma in
Education or a Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
e) A candidate whose results are not satisfactory after the first year of study (or equivalent part-time study) may
be required to withdraw from the programme. These points may be reassigned towards either a Postgraduate
Diploma in Education or a Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
4) Time limits
a) Candidates for the 120 point pathway have the following time-limits:
i) A full-time candidate may not complete the qualification in less than twelve months and must complete the
qualification in no more than two years of enrolling in the first course.
ii) A part-time candidate may not complete the qualification in less than eighteen months and must complete
the qualification in no more than three years of enrolling in the first course.
b) Candidates for the 180 point pathway have the following time-limits:
i) A full-time candidate may not complete the qualification in less than twelve months and must complete the
qualification in no more than three years of enrolling in the first course.
ii) A part-time candidate may not complete the qualification in less than eighteen months and must complete
the qualification in no more than five years of enrolling in the first course.
c) The Dean may extend these maximums in special circumstances.
5) Re-enrolling in Courses
A candidate who fails any course may not normally re-enrol in that course, but may with the Dean’s permission,
substitute another course for the failed course.
6) Thesis
The following conditions apply to thesis courses:
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
a) A candidate shall secure approval of the Dean of Education or Nominee of the Dean of Education for the topic
chosen and the proposed course of investigation
b) A candidate shall not present in a thesis any part which has been previously accepted for another degree or
c) The thesis shall satisfy the conditions listed in Section L of the General Course and Examination Regulations and
shall be submitted as detailed in those regulations.
7) Award of Postgraduate Diploma in Education or a Postgraduate Certificate in Education
A candidate who fails to complete the requirements for the Master of Education degree but successfully meets the
requirements of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or the Postgraduate Certificate in Education may be
awarded either of these instead with the permission of the Dean of Education.
8) MEd with Honours
There shall be two classes of honours: First Class Honours and Second Class Honours. Second Class Honours shall be
awarded in two divisions: Division 1 and Division 2.
1. First class honours will be awarded for a GPA of 7.00 or higher
2. Second class honours division honours will be awarded for a GPA between 6.00 and 6.99
3. Second class division two honours will be awarded for a GPA between 4.00-5.99
9) Transitional Arrangements
a) Candidates enrolled in either the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or Master of Education may be transferred
to the Master of Education 180 point pathway, provided that:
i) the first enrolment in courses for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or Master of Education was
between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2015; and
ii) the course of study meets the requirements as detailed under Regulation 3. Structure of the Degree; and
iii) the requirements of the 180 point pathway are completed within the time-limits specified at the time of the
first course enrolled in for that award.
b) Candidates who have a completed Postgraduate Diploma in Education or equivalent may complete the 180
point pathway through the completion of a further 60 points provided that:
i) the Postgraduate Diploma in Education was completed between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2015;
ii) the course of study meets the requirements as detailed under Regulation 3. Structure of the Degree; and
iii) the requirements of the 180 point pathway are completed by 31 December 2017
c) Candidates with a Postgraduate Diploma in Education or equivalent qualification from another University may
complete the 180 point pathway through the completion of a further course of study provided that:
i) the qualifying course of study was completed between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2015; and
ii) the course of study meets the requirements as detailed under Regulation 3. Structure of the Degree; and
iii) a minimum of 90 points is completed through study at the University of Canterbury; and
iv) the requirements of the 180 points pathway are completed by 31 December 2018
d) Completion of the 240 points pathway by coursework is available under the following conditions:
i) the enrolment in the first course for this must be prior to 1 January 2016; and
ii) the course of study must be completed by 31 December 2018.
Endorsement Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education
All endorsements options must contain at least 45 points from Schedule B as per regulation 2(i)3.
Endorsed Option
Curriculum and
For completion by coursework:
90 points from EDEM602, EDEM606, EDEM607, EDEM609, EDEM610, EDEM611,
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Endorsed Option
E-learning and Digital
Hoaka Pounamu
Inclusive and Special
Teaching and Learning
EDEM614, EDEM620, EDEM627, EDEM631, EDEM635, EDEM650, EDEM651, EDEM656, ,
EDEM685, EDEM687
90 points from the Master of Education Schedule A
For completion by thesis:
60 points from EDEM602, EDEM606, EDEM607, EDEM609, EDEM610, EDEM611,
EDEM614, EDEM620, EDEM627, EDEM631, EDEM635, EDEM650, EDEM651, EDEM656,
EDEM685, EDEM687
30 points from Master of Education Schedule C
EDEM690 thesis in the area of endorsement
For completion by coursework:
90 points from EDEM627, EDEM628, EDEM629, EDEM630, EDMM633
90 points from the Master of Education Schedule A
For completion by thesis:
60 points EDEM627, EDEM628, EDEM629, EDEM630, EDMM633
30 points of schedule C
EDEM690 thesis in the area of endorsement
For completion by coursework:
EDEM649, EDEM656, EDEM657 and EDEM658
60 points from the Master of Education Schedule A
This endorsement cannot be completed by thesis under the 180 point pathway:
Any students wishing to undertake a thesis would be required to enrol in a 120 point MEd
following completion of the 120 point Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Hoaka
For completion by coursework:
60 points from EDEM618, EDEM622, EDEM624, EDEM625 or EDEM685
90 points from the Master of Education Schedule A
For completion by thesis:
30 points from EDEM618, EDEM622, EDEM624, EDEM625 or EDEM685
30 points from Master of Education Schedule C
EDEM690 thesis in the area of endorsement
For completion by coursework:
90 points from EDEM634, EDEM635, EDEM637, EDEM638, EDEM639 or EDEM641
90 points from the Master of Education Schedule A
For completion by thesis:
60 points from EDEM634, EDEM635, EDEM637, EDEM638, EDEM639 or EDEM641
30 points from Master of Education Schedule C
EDEM690 thesis in the area of endorsement
For completion by coursework:
60 points from EDEM616, EDEM617 or EDEM618
90 points from the Master of Education Schedule A
For completion by thesis:
One from EDEM616, EDEM617 or EDEM618
30 points from Master of Education Schedule C
EDEM690 thesis in the area of endorsement
For completion by coursework:
EDEM631 and EDMM632
30 points from EDEM633, EDEM681
90 points from the Master of Education Schedule A
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Endorsed Option
For completion by thesis:
EDEM631 and EDMM632
30 points from Master of Education Schedule C
EDEM690 thesis in the area of endorsement
Schedule A to the Degree of the Master of Education (All Courses)
For full course information, go to
Note: Not all courses will be offered in any one year
Course Title
Group Work: Process and Practice in Counselling
Solution Focused Theory and Skills
Research Project in Learning, Teaching and
Curriculum Implementation in Science Education
Contemporary Issues in Literacy Education
Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education
Teaching Drama in the Curriculum
Contemporary Issues in Curriculum and Diversity
Assessment for Learning
Critical Literacies in Children's Literature and
Media Texts
Enhancing Reading Development in Young
Children at Risk
Dyslexia: Identification and Intervention
Inclusive and Special Education
Teaching and Learning in Inclusive Settings
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Challenging Behaviours: Positive and Effective
2016 P/C/R/EQ
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of the School of Health Sciences R:
EDEM 671 EQ: HLTH482
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of the School of Health Sciences R:
EDEM 672 EQ: HLTH483
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL834
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL835
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL836
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL840
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDSN766, EDTL866
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL852, EDSN752
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Special Topic: Curriculum Implementation in
Computer Science
e-Learning and Pedagogy: Effective Strategies for
the Classroom
Best Practice in Online Teaching and Learning
Teaching Meets Technology: Reading and
Planning Research
Change with Digital Technologies in Education
Foundations of Language Acquisition and
Languages Learning: Context and Curriculum
Foundations of Technology-Enhanced Language
Leadership of Learning
Leadership of Effective Teaching
Distributing leadership for learning
Curriculum Leadership
Leadership for School and Centre Improvement
Educational Leadership and the Law in New
Te Tiriti o Waitangi i te Ao Matauranga
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School. RP: Note: this course
does not require a background in
computer science, but will assume
that students are comfortable as
computer users. It is
recommended that students have
some experience with
programming, to contextualise the
topics, although the course will
not require students to write
programs. Knowledge of
mathematics to senior high school
level is useful for several topics.
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL891
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL894
Subject to the approval of Head of
School EDTT801, EDTT802
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: Enrolment in PGDipEd
or M.Ed./Subject to Approval by
Head of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School Enrolment in PGDipEd or
M.Ed./Subject to Approval by
Head of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School. RP: Participants should
have previously studied a language
or completed teacher education or
have experience teaching
languages (including ESOL), and
familiarity with a range of digital
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDEL801, EDEL802
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDEL803, EDEL804
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL821
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL841
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL863
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL826
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Educational Philosophy and Policy
Re-examining Early Years Education
Tikanga and Rautaki Whakaako Reo
Whakaora Reo-Language Revitalisation
Matauranga Maori Hei Marautanga
Te Reo Te Kohure
Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
Child Development: Research, Contexts and
Introduction to Interventions
Counselling and Psychology: Theories and Skills
Independent Study
Special Topic: Transforming Education in
Special Topic: Future Focussed Education in
Culturally Inclusive Pedagogies: Motivating
Diverse Learners
From Practice to Theory in Making Art Works
Introduction to Methodologies and Ethics in
Educational Research
Quantitative Research In Education
Qualitative Research in Education
Emergent Research Methodologies
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDUC414
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDHP701
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDHP702, MAOR427,
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDHP705
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: TREO401
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDUC412, CFPY601
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDUC416, CFPY602,
PSYC413 EQ: EDUC416, CFPY602
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDUC421, CFPY603
EQ: EDUC421, CFOY603
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: CFPY604, EDUC461,
EDUC661, HLTH481 EQ: CFPY604,
EDUC461, EDUC661, HLTH481
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDUC674
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDUC459, EDUC659,
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL801, EDUC660
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDUC459, EDUC659,
EDTL801, EDUC459
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Issues in Language Acquisition and Learning
Issues in Technology-Enhanced Language
Introduction to Tertiary Teaching
Tertiary Teaching Methods
Learning Design and Assessment in Tertiary
Tertiary Teaching Scholarship
EDEM690* MEd Thesis
EDEM691* MEd Thesis
120 A
* Thesis courses are taken as described in Regulation 3. Structure of the Degree
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School. RP: EDEM631 or
equivalent knowledge.
Participants should have
previously studied a language or
completed teacher education or
have experience teaching
languages (including ESOL). R:
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School. RP: EDEM631 or
equivalent knowledge.
Participants should have
previously studied a language or
completed teacher education or
have experience teaching
languages (including ESOL), and
familiarity with a range of digital
P: Subject to approval of the
Programme Coordinator R:
HEDN501, HEDN502
P: Subject to approval of the
Programme Coordinator R:
HEDN501, HEDN502
P: Subject to approval of the
Programme Coordinator R:
HEDN501, HEDN502
P: HEDN601 and HEDN602 and
HEDN603; or approval of the
Programme Coordinator R:
HEDN501, HEDN502
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL904
P: Subject to approval of the Head
of School R: EDTL905
Schedule B to the Degree of the Master of Education (Level 9 Courses)
For full course information, go to
Note: Not all courses will be offered in any one year
Course Title
Assessment for Learning
Change with Digital Technologies in Education
Distributing leadership for learning
Curriculum Leadership
Re-examining Early Years Education
2016 P/C/R/EQ
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School R: EDTL821
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School R: EDTL841
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
07 UC/15 MEd (revised)
Course Title
Te Reo Te Kohure
Counselling and Psychology: Theories and Skills
Special Topic: Future Focussed Education in
Issues in Language Acquisition and Learning
Issues in Technology-Enhanced Language
MEd Thesis
MEd Thesis
2016 P/C/R/EQ
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School R: TREO401
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School R: CFPY604, EDUC461,
EDUC661, HLTH481 EQ: CFPY604,
EDUC461, EDUC661, HLTH481
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School. RP: EDEM631 or equivalent
knowledge. Participants should have
previously studied a language or
completed teacher education or
have experience teaching languages
(including ESOL). R: EDEM632
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School. RP: EDEM631 or equivalent
knowledge. Participants should have
previously studied a language or
completed teacher education or
have experience teaching languages
(including ESOL), and familiarity with
a range of digital technologies.
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School R: EDTL904
P: Subject to approval of the Head of
School R: EDTL905
* Thesis courses are taken as described in Regulation 3. Structure of the Degree
Schedule C to the Degree of the Master of Education (Research Methods Courses)
For full course information, go to
Course Code
Course Title
Introduction to Methodologies and Ethics in
Educational Research
Quantitative Research In Education
Qualitative Research in Education
Emergent Research Methodologies
P: Subject to approval of
the Head of School R:
EDUC459, EDUC659,
P: Subject to approval of
the Head of School R:
EDTL801, EDUC660
P: Subject to approval of
the Head of School R:
EDUC459, EDUC659,
EDTL801, EDUC459
P: Subject to approval of
the Head of School