OFFSHORE PETROLEUM EXPLORATION ACREAGE RELEASE AUSTRALIA 2014 Bidding for an exploration permit Acreage release process The annual Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release (the Acreage Release) is a key part of the Australian Government's strategy to increase petroleum exploration in Australia’s offshore waters. The regular release of acreage provides explorers with new opportunities to invest in Australia’s oil and gas sector and enables industry to undertake longer term planning to support the ongoing investment in, and development of, Australia’s offshore petroleum exploration industry. The Acreage Release also ensures access to comprehensive pre-competitive geological and geophysical datasets, and ensures the provision of quality information on third party issues that may impact on successful applicants. The Acreage Release is underpinned by Australia's stable economic environment and well-established, objectivebased regulatory framework which seeks to balance environmental, social and economic considerations in the development of Australia’s natural resources. The main steps in the acreage release cycle are: Stakeholder nomination of vacant offshore acreage to be considered for inclusion in the Acreage Release. A nomination period of between two and three months for the following year’s release opens immediately after the Acreage Release launch. Once potential areas have been identified, the Australian Government undertakes an extensive stakeholder consultation process with agencies in Commonwealth and state jurisdictions. This process involves consideration of factors such as maritime boundaries, environmental and fisheries impacts, defence and communications, maritime safety, marine parks and native title. Industry is advised of shortlisted areas proposed for the subsequent year’s Acreage Release through the December edition of the Australian Petroleum News eNewsletter. These areas are provisional and subject to change until officially launched by the Minister. The Acreage Release is launched by the Commonwealth Minister for Industry. This announcement generally coincides with the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Conference, held in April/May each year. Industry is formally invited to place bids for each release area via a notification in the Australian Government Gazette. The Gazette notice details application and submission requirements. The release of areas is supplemented by detailed pre-competitive geological information and analysis on the areas and other support material available at and through domestic and international information seminars. The website also contains information on how to submit a bid, the bid assessment criteria applied by the Joint Authority and other investment considerations and contacts. Industry is strongly advised to consider the 2014 Acreage Release General and Special Notices before placing a bid. Bidding for an exploration permit The Joint Authority invites work program bids and cash bids for the 2014 Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release. Areas are clearly identified as either a “work program area” or a “cash bid area”. Work program permits The Joint Authority seeks to grant a work program exploration permit to the applicant most likely to most likely to achieve the fullest assessment of the petroleum potential within the permit area in the primary (minimum guaranteed) period of the permit (Years 1-3). 1 DISCLAIMER: This fact sheet has been developed as a guide only. It does not replace or amend information provided in the Offshore Petroleum Legislation, Regulations and Guidelines available at: In the event that there is a discrepancy between this fact sheet and the legislation or regulations, the legislation or regulations have precedence. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions. Image courtesy of BHP Billiton Petroleum Pty Ltd. Applicants are required to propose an exploration strategy that has the potential to significantly advance the assessment of the petroleum potential of the permit area. The exploration strategy should be supported by a technical assessment of the release area and the work program proposed for the six year permit term. Cash bid permits From 2014, a cash bidding system will be selectively used to allocate offshore petroleum exploration permits in mature areas or areas known to contain petroleum accumulations. For cash bid exploration permits, a sealed bid auction will be run by the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA). Cash bid permits will be awarded to the applicant that first satisfies the prequalification criteria and then, once invited by the Joint Authority, places the highest cash bid for the area that exceeds the reserve price. Application submission Closing dates Applications for areas in the 2014 Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release must be received by NOPTA by 4.00pm local standard time on the relevant dates below. Late applications will not be considered. Work Program Round 1 (14 areas) Thursday 2 October 2014 Areas: NT14-1, NT14-2, NT14-3, AC14-2, AC14-3, AC14-4, W14-2, W14-3, W14-4, W14-5, W14-7, W14-14, W14-15, W14-16. Cash Bid Round (4 areas) Prequalification: Thursday 30 October 2014 Cash Bid*: Thursday 5 February 2015 Areas: W14-20, W14-21, W14-22, W14-23 *Only prequalified applicants will be invited to submit a cash bid. Further information on submitting a bid, including application checklists and bid assessment criteria, is available at Preparing your application Work Program Round 2 (12 areas) Thursday 2 April 2015 Areas: AC14-1, W14-1, W14-6, W14-8, W14-9, W14-10, W14-11, W14-12, W14-13, W14-17, W14-18, W14-19. Before submitting a bid for an exploration permit, applicants should familiarise themselves with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 and the processes and requirements contained in the following guidelines available at Lodgement of applications (work program and cash bid prequalification) Work Program Permit Applications: Applicants that satisfy the prequalification criteria will be invited by the Joint Authority to submit a cash bid. The invitation will provide details on how to submit the bid. Requirements of Bid and Renewal Applications; Assessment of Bid and Renewal Applications; and Permit Conditions and Administration. Applicants are also encouraged to research recent work program exploration permit awards in the relevant sub-basin to ascertain the standard of winning work program bids in the region. Title instruments and work program activities for offshore petroleum titles are available on the National Electronic Approvals Tracking System (NEATS) website at: Applications must be submitted to NOPTA by the deadline and in the manner specified in the relevant gazette notice. Lodgement of applications (cash bid) Re-release of areas Work program areas: The Joint Authority may at its discretion re-release an area that does not receive any bids. An area that is not re-released remains vacant acreage. Cash bid areas: If there are no bidders on a cash bid area, the area will be passed in and remains vacant acreage. Areas offered for cash bidding will not be re-released. Cash Bid Permit Applications: Cash Bidding Guideline For further information, please email: A full list of the legislation and regulations relating to the operational practices of the offshore petroleum industry in Australia can be found at: AUSTRALIA 2014 2 Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release