Stream 1 Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change QLD Project Title Applicant Name Project Description Funding (GST exclusive) 2012-13 to 2015-16 $479,650 Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Fitzroy NRM region Fitzroy Basin Association Inc The "Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change in the Fitzroy NRM region" project focuses on reviewing and updating the Central Queensland Strategy for Sustainability - 2004 and beyond (CQSS2). The broad plan for developing CQSS2030 is defined by 6 phases. Phase 1 is the first phase of consultation with institutional and community stakeholders. The consultation will focus on soliciting feedback on the CQSS2, documenting community aspirations and stakeholder priorities. Phase 2 comprises a review phase that includes review of the CQSS2, consultation reports and policy and context reviews. This stage will summarise important contextual issues relevant to the plan. Phase 3 involves a number of tasks to collate and synthesise current scientific and technical information. A systems approach (based on resilience thinking) will be adopted to build and share an understanding about NRM systems in the Fitzroy. Particular focus will be given to incorporating climate change scenarios into this process. Phase 4 involves plan development – setting targets, prioritising issues and developing strategies. Phase 5 comprises the second formal round of institutional and community consultation. Various mechanisms (reference groups and networks) will be used to engage stakeholders throughout all plan development stages. The second consultation phase will focus on presenting the draft plan for feedback and discussions around plan delivery. Phase 6 is the final phase of plan development and involves the delivery of plan products. Plan products include the core NRM plan, supporting documents, and web-based information system. Stream 1 Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change QLD Applicant Name Project Description Burnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management Inc The Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) and key partners have developed a proposal to ensure climate variability is embedded in regional NRM Plans, and will develop a “NRM and Climate Variability Action Strategy" for the Burnett-Mary with significant stakeholder input and support. Key to the plan is a strong and thorough engagement process with the region’s communities, particularly landholders, to ensure local climate variability needs are understood, incorporated and addressed. The key product of this proposal will be the publication of the “NRM & Climate Variability Action Strategy” which will guide regional investment. This Action Strategy will incorporate a review of the ‘Country to Coast Regional Investment Strategy 2005’, new climate variability science and other applicable action plans and policies relevant to the area. To ensure the thorough incorporation of climate variability planning in the region, the Wide Bay Burnett Environment and NRM Plan (WBBE&NRM Plan) and the WBBM&E Strategy will also be reviewed and updated. Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Northern Gulf NRM region Northern Gulf Resource Management Group The Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Regional NRM Plan 2016-2021 will greatly assist the Northern Gulf community plan for climate change. It will be action orientated, describing a collective regional vision and demonstrate clear pathways to implementation. The Plan update process will incorporate up to date science, information and knowledge along with utilising innovative and strategic engagement processes. The plan will focus on establishing new and fostering existing partnerships, identifying roles and responsibilities to deliver regional, state and national objectives and true alignment of effort. Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Burdekin NRM region NQ Dry Tropics formally Burdekin Dry Tropics (BDT) Group Inc The Burdekin Plan will transition from a five-year plan with a forty-year planning horizon and scant mention of climate, to a continuous planning system for contributor inclusion and innovation uptake. Mitigation and adaptation considerations will be integral to a five-part planning system. A revised governance framework, strategic approach statement, action plan, renewal process and contextual information hub are being developed. The project will deliver practical, cross regional tools, which include climate information, into planning decisions irrespective of nature, scale or when it becomes available. Engagement around CEF and Queensland Regional Groups' Collective NRM planning principles is anticipated. Project Title Funding (GST exclusive) 2012-13 to 2015-16 $421,300 Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Burnett Mary NRM region 2 $733,399 $522,975 Stream 1 Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change QLD Project Title Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Cape York NRM region Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Mackay Whitsunday NRM region Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Southern Gulf NRM region Applicant Name Project Description Cape York NRM Ltd Cape York NRM (CYNRM) will adapt a socio-ecological systems approach towards development of an NRM plan that considers the distinctive cultural landscapes of Cape York. Ongoing community consultation confirms that it is "time for implementation” hence the process will involve learning by doing consultation strategies, integrate current synthesised studies, and recent environmental accounts conducted on Cape York. Outcomes will be an adaptive planning approach that produces community engagement in building a multi-media atlas that includes tools for ongoing monitoring against environmental accounts; and a compendium of planning, research and case studies highlighting available information and practice in adapting to climate change. Reef Catchments Mackay Whitsunday Inc The Mackay Whitsunday Isaac NRM Plan update will incorporate climate change mitigation and adaptation measures by spatially prioritising areas with the greatest potential for carbon sequestration within projected climate change scenarios. Multiple spatial datasets will be collated and analysed, producing planning tools to facilitate stakeholder consultation in identifying landscapes for activities that contribute to biomass, biodiversity, ecosystem services and protection of natural and community assets. Plan updates will be aligned where possible with regional NRM groups, state and Commonwealth policies and plans. A new chapter will be produced, expressing a shared vision for the region’s future in a changing climate. Southern Gulf Catchments Inc This project will incorporate planning for climate change into the revised Southern Gulf Catchments Limited NRM Plan. This will be achieved by building the organisation's capacity in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation, collaborating across regions, engaging with the region's community and accessing technical expertise and decision support tools. A review of the Southern Gulf Catchments Limited NRM Plan will be undertaken as a parallel process to this project. This approach will add value to the integration of climate change information by providing for more comprehensive community engagement and an updated platform which is more flexible and responsive. 3 Funding (GST exclusive) 2012-13 to 2015-16 $952,562 $559,080 $476,775 Stream 1 Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change QLD Project Title Applicant Name Project Description Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Condamine NRM region Condamine Catchment Natural Resource Management Corporation Ltd The Condamine catchment NRM Plan is the collaborative guiding framework developed by the catchment community for protecting the natural assets of the catchment. This project will revise and update the Plan to address climate adaptation and emerging issues such as mining impact. The Plan will take a systems approach around the themes land, water and nature and use a range of modern engagement approaches. The Plan will be supported with current science used with scenario testing to refine targets and priorities for the catchment including carbon sequestration options and climate adaptation opportunities. The suite of web-based outputs will form the basis for the user interface for interaction with the systems models as a communication and engagement tool for future implementation projects. South East Queensland Catchments The current South East Queensland (SEQ) NRM Plan is a Policy in the statutory SEQ Regional Plan. State and local government, industry, SEQ Catchments, community and Traditional Owners have committed to work together to achieve the targets in the NRM Plan. The targets and supporting maps require updating to integrate carbon sequestration and climate change adaptation activities into the current resilience framework for SEQ. Updating the NRM Plan in tune with the upcoming review of the SEQ Regional Plan will ensure linkage to local and state planning and decrease the risk of carbon sequestration activities being impacted by rapid growth in SEQ. Desert Channels Queensland To map, identify risks and develop management actions to build landscape resilience for refugia at risk from climate change, within the Desert Channels Queensland (DCQ) region. Climate change refugia (both aquatic and terrestrial) will be critical in the DCQ region, given its arid and semi-arid climate, erratic rainfall, and ephemeral river systems. Projected increased fluctuations in rainfall and increases in temperature, including longer and more intense heatwaves, will mean that many species and ecosystems will be under greater stress. A better understanding of such critical refugia will inform an updated DCQ NRM plan, and drive future strategic investment. Regional NRM planning for climate change in the South East Queensland NRM region Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Desert Channels NRM region 4 Funding (GST exclusive) 2012-13 to 2015-16 $424,710 $390,347 $403,624 Stream 1 Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change QLD Project Title Applicant Name Project Description FNQ NRM (T/A Terrain NRM) The review of the Wet Tropics NRM Plan will identify spatial priorities for climate change adaptation and mitigation across the landscape, integrated with landscape connectivity considerations and analysis of threats, tradeoffs and synergies across a range of NRM management objectives. The revised plan will be action-oriented and flexible and will provide tools to enable the Wet Tropics community to better plan and manage for impacts and opportunities associated with climate change. The project aims to complete the update of the NRM Plan for the purposes of guiding investments and policies by June 2014, followed by a 2 year adaptive management stage to test scenarios, incorporate new information and refine strategies and management actions. South West NRM Group The project will identify the relevant Carbon Farming Initiative priority areas, assessing the opportunities and threats to the region's natural resources. Climate variability and trends will also be analysed, with mitigation and adaptation activities incorporated into the organisation's existing NRM plan. In collaboration with landholders, traditional owners and other stakeholders, the project will develop decision-making tools to implement sustainable environmental and agricultural practices with a core focus on strategic planning and climate change resilience. The project will present a clear positive and negative list of carbon activities that complement the integrity of the landscape and biodiversity of the region. Funding (GST exclusive) 2012-13 to 2015-16 $607,639 Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Wet Tropics NRM region Regional NRM planning for climate change in the South West Queensland NRM region $488,376 $432,713 Regional NRM planning for climate change in the Border Rivers and MaranoaBalonne NRM region Queensland Murray Darling Committee Inc The Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change in the Queensland Murray Darling Basin Region Project will be shaped by the expertise of scientists and technical experts, land managers, Aboriginal communities, and members of conservation, agriculture, research and development organisations and industries and the policies of local, state and federal governments. This Plan will document the region’s natural resource assets, threats, priorities and challenges. The plan will incorporate climate change adaptation and mitigation actions, land and soils, weeds and pests, water and wetland, biodiversity and vegetation, and cultural heritage management actions in a holistic way and will ensure economic and social aspects of natural resource management are considered. This will result in an NRM Plan that is developed by the region for the region and will reflect the current priorities of stakeholders and community members. The NRM Plan will guide future actions, best practices in natural resource management and direct investment. The Plan will deliver clear direction for carbon plantings, biodiversity based carbon sequestration activities, landscape scale climate change responses whilst achieving an integrated natural resource management plan across a broad range of natural resource management assets in the region. 5