Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

Mary Ruth, Volunteer Team Leader, leads the applause in appreciation for Rebecca Crowley, Uplands
Village Activities/Volunteers Wharton Homes Coordinator at the recent Volunteer Appreciation
Pleasant Hill Ramblings by Jean Clark, Chronicle contributor
April was National Volunteer Month and Rebecca Crowley, Activities Coordinator, organized an
Uplands Village Volunteer Luncheon. The sandwiches, drinks, and fruit were great. Special thanks went to
many current volunteers who are regularly helping elders and assisting staff. The program featured remarks
from Mr. David Slaten, Interim Nursing Home Administrator, and from Michelle Hogg, Director of Nursing at
Wharton Homes. Uplands Village staff, Rebecca Crowley and Lisa Norris, Eden Educator, then
awarded personalized certificates of appreciation to each “Valuable Volunteer” Volunteers were recognized
with a certificate, a poem, and treats. Most of the volunteers live in Uplands Village, but there are several who
live nearby. Some have daily or weekly assignments, and others are occasional helpers at the Wharton Homes
and Fletcher House for Assisted Living.
Early Sunday morning a group sings hymns as they move through the four Wharton Homes. Eden Bingo
happens every Friday at Wharton Homes, holidays or not and Tuesday evenings at Fletcher. Duncan Everett
faithfully reads dramatically in Wharton Homes 1 & 2 and Fletcher House. There is Coffee & Chat
every Saturday. Rebecca provides equipment for ping pong, ball toss, board games, card games,
indoor bowling, crafts, noodle ball, parachute ball, indoor kickball, wii games, puzzles, etc. In addition there is
chair tai chi, fingernail manicures, movies, relaxation exercises, music & stretch, or stretch & flex, mind
joggers, and garden activities. For those culinary minded, helpers bake in the kitchen of each home or make
drinks such as Pina coladas or Marguerites, orange floats, or banana splits. Worship services led by Chaplain
Alan Taylor are held every Tuesday and Bible study on Thursdays. Volunteers or Wharton staff assists those
who need help. Talent from the wider community like Tex & Loretta or Monica Henson sing-a-longs,
entertainment from groups such as the Pomona Choir, or the Elks Club. One week in April, each day had a
special theme – Sunday, Mothers’ Day was “Pink Out Day”; Monday was Pajama Day; Tuesday was 30’s Day;
Wednesday was Camo/Hat Day; Thursday was Fiesta Day; Friday was “Purple Day” and Saturday was “Red
Shirt Day”.
Fletcher House residents are more independent and regularly participate in other Uplands Village
activities. There is a regular Mon, Wed, & Fri Flex & Stretch Class in Adshead Hall of Fletcher of two different
levels led by experienced instructors. Many Village activities are held here because of its central location and
the available facilities. You can participate in Armchair Theater, bi-weekly community bridge games, ping
pong, monthly book reviews, health seminars, monthly wine & cheese parties, executive chats, Assembly or
Association meetings, Uplands Board meetings, Shalom Center for Continuing Education, PH Community
Church, UCC potlucks and programs, movies, wii games, craft sales, crocheting group, and other special events
without ever leaving the building. When Fletcher residents celebrate birthdays, they can select whatever they
want for that day’s dinner. Sometimes a special entertainment comes their way and Rebecca and Kellie will
book people such as an Elvis Impersonator or “Nostalgia John” who played 1940s songs.
After being inspired by “Alive Inside”, a documentary about music and memory, Rebecca Crowley and
Mary Ruth are planning to offer a weekly piano event (Eden style) at Wharton Munson Home, using both
‘players’ and ‘partners’ with a designated staff support person. There are many talented piano players in
Uplands Village and several already play regularly before the evening meal in the Fletcher House dining room.
Our Wharton Homes’ Eden Alternative Principle #2 encourages Elder contact with plants, children and animals.
The Junior Volunteer Program equips young people to interact with the Elders on a daily basis and to
develop lasting relationships. The Program allows young people to become a part of the lives of our Elders, not
just to entertain, but to form close relationships with them. For more information about any volunteer program,
contact Rebecca Crowley, Activities & Volunteer Coordinator at 277-1184 or rcrowley@uplandsvillage.com or
Mary Ruth, Team Leader, Wharton Association Eden Alternative Volunteers
at whartonhomesvolunteers@gmail.com.