21st CT – 21st Century Tools CR – Constructed Response Tasks LCC- LA Comprehensive Curriculum NGSS-Next Generation Science Standards STEM – Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics Earth Science Monroe City School District Scope, Sequence, and Timeline/Curriculum Map First Nine Weeks TOPIC Days GLE Introduction to Earth Science 17 SI 1. Write a testable question or hypothesis when given a topic (SI-H-A1) SI 2. Describe how investigations can be observation, description, literature survey, classification, or experimentation (SI-H-A2) SI 3. Plan and record step-by-step procedures for a valid investigation, select equipment and materials, and identify variables and controls (SI-H-A2) SI 4. Conduct an investigation that includes multiple trials and record, organize, and display data appropriately (SI-H-A2) SI 5. Utilize mathematics, organizational tools, and graphing skills to solve problems (SI-H-A3) SI 6. Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) SI 7. Choose appropriate models to explain scientific knowledge or experimental results (e.g., objects, mathematical relationships, plans, schemes, examples, role-playing, computer simulations) (SI-H-A4) SI 8. Give an example of how new scientific data can cause an existing scientific explanation to be supported, revised, or rejected (SI-H-A5) SI 9. Write and defend a conclusion based on logical analysis of experimental data (SI-HA6) (SI-H-A2) SI 10. Given a description of an experiment, identify appropriate safety measures (SI-H-A7) ESS 2. Trace the flow of heat energy through the processes in the water cycle (ESS-H-A1) ESS 3. Describe the effect of natural insulation on energy transfer in a closed system (ESS-H-A1) ESS 15. Identify the sun-driven processes that move substances at or near Earth’s surface (ESS-H-B2) ESS 16. Use the nebular hypothesis to explain the formation of a solar system (ESS-H-C1) NGSS Resources “What’s Inside The Earth” on United Streaming (27 min video) Lesson(s): 1.1 1.2 1.3 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Geology Oceanography Meteorology Astronomy Hydrosphere Atmosphere Geosphere Biosphere Core Mantle Crust Latitude Longitude Topographic map Contour line Contour interval System Hypothesis Theory Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 1 TOPIC Minerals Days 9 GLE NGSS Resources ESS 19. Interpret geological maps of Louisiana to describe the state’s geologic history (ESS-H-C3) ESS 20. Determine the chronological order of the five most recent major lobes of the Mississippi River delta in Louisiana (ESS-H-C3) ESS 23. Identify the evidence that supports the big bang theory (ESS-H-D1) Lesson(s): 1.4 1.5 Geochemical Cycles ESS 13. Explain how stable elements and atoms are recycled during natural geologic processes (ESS-H-B1) ESS 14. Compare the conditions of mineral formation with weathering resistance at Earth’s surface (ESS-H-B1) ESS 15. Identify the sun-driven processes that move substances at or near Earth’s surface (ESS-H-B2) Lesson(s): 2.1 2.2 2.3 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Element Atomic number Energy level Isotope Mass number Compound Chemical bond Ion Ionic bond Covalent bond Metallic bond Mineral Silicate Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron Streak Luster Crystal form Hardness Mohs scale Cleavage Fracture Density Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 2 TOPIC Days GLE Rocks 9 ESS 22. Analyze data related to a variety of natural processes to determine the time frame of the changes involved (e.g., formation of sedimentary rock layers, deposition of ash layers, fossilization of plant or animal species) (ESS-H-C5) NGSS Resources Lesson(s): 3.1 3.3 3.4 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Rock Igneous rock Sedimentary rock Metamorphic rock Rock cycle Magma Lava Weathering Sediments Erosion Deposition Compaction Cementation Clastic sedimentary rock Chemical sedimentary rock Metamorphism Contact metamorphism Regional metamorphism Hydrothermal solution Foliated metamorphic rock Nonfoliated metamorphic rock Project Based Activity via Technology (5 days) (First Nine Weeks GLE’s) First Nine Weeks Review/Assessment (5 days) (First Nine Weeks GLE’s) Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 3 21st CT – 21st Century Tools CR – Constructed Response Tasks LCC- LA Comprehensive Curriculum NGSS-Next Generation Science Standards STEM – Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics Earth Science Monroe City School District Scope, Sequence, and Timeline/Curriculum Map Second Nine Weeks TOPIC Days GLE Earth’s Resources 4 ESS 1. Describe what happens to the solar energy received by Earth every day (ESS-H-A1) ESS 11. Describe the processes that drive lithospheric plate movements (i.e., radioactive decay, friction, convection) (ESS-H-A7) (ESS-H-A3) (ESS-H-A4) ESS 22. Analyze data related to a variety of natural processes to determine the time frame of the changes involved (e.g., formation of sedimentary rock layers, deposition of ash layers, fossilization of plant or animal species) (ESS-H-C5) CCSS Resources Thinkfinity – Power Up Game Lesson(s): 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Running Water and Groundwater 4 ESS 2. Trace the flow of heat energy through the processes in the water cycle (ESS-H-A1) Lesson(s): 6.1 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Renewable resource Nonrenewable resource Fossil fuel Ore Hydroelectric power Geothermal energy Point source pollution Nonpoint source pollution Runoff Global warming Conservation Compost recycling Water cycle Infiltration Transpiration Gradient Stream channel Discharge Tributary Base level Meander Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 4 TOPIC Days GLE Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior 8 ESS 6. Discuss how heat energy is generated at the inner core-outer core boundary (ESSH-A4) ESS 11. Describe the processes that drive lithospheric plate movements (i.e., radioactive decay, friction, convection) (ESS-H-A7) (ESS-H-A3) (ESS-H-A4) ESS 12. Relate lithospheric plate movements to the occurrences of earthquakes, volcanoes, mid-ocean ridge systems, and off-shore trenches found on Earth (ESS-H-A7) NGSS Resources Lesson(s): 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Plate Tectonics 4 ESS 11. Describe the processes that drive lithospheric plate movements (i.e., radioactive decay, friction, convection) (ESS-H-A7) (ESS-H-A3) (ESS-H-A4) ESS 12. Relate lithospheric plate movements to the occurrences of earthquakes, volcanoes, mid-ocean ridge systems, and off-shore trenches found on Earth (ESS-H-A7) Lesson(s): 9.3 9.4 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Earthquake Fault Focus Seismic waves Epicenter Elastic rebound Aftershock P wave S wave Surface wave Seismograph Seismogram Moment magnitude Liquefaction Tsunami Seismic gap Crust Mantle Lithosphere Asthenosphere Outer core Inner core Plate Plate tectonics Divergent boundary Convergent boundary Transform fault boundary Continental volcanic arc Volcanic island arc Convection current Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 5 TOPIC Mountain Building Days 4 GLE NGSS ESS 6. Discuss how heat energy is generated at the inner core-outer core boundary (ESS-H-A4) ESS 11. Describe the processes that drive lithospheric plate movements (i.e., radioactive decay, friction, convection) (ESS-H-A7) (ESS-H-A3) (ESS-H-A4) ESS 12. Relate lithospheric plate movements to the occurrences of earthquakes, volcanoes, mid-ocean ridge systems, and off-shore trenches found on Earth (ESS-H-A7) Resources Lesson(s): 11.1 11.2 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Slab-pull Ridge-push Mantle plume Deformation Stress Strain Isostasy Isotatic adjustment Anticline Syncline Monocline Normal fault Reverse fault Thrust fault Orogenesis Folded mountain Fault-block mountain Project Based Activity (Geology) (5 days) (Second Nine Weeks GLE’s) Second Nine Weeks Review/Assessment (5 days) (Second Nine Weeks GLE’s) Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 6 21st CT – 21st Century Tools CR – Constructed Response Tasks LCC- LA Comprehensive Curriculum NGSS-Next Generation Science Standards STEM – Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics Monroe City School District Scope, Sequence, and Timeline/Curriculum Map Earth Science Third Nine Weeks TOPIC Days Geologic Time 8 GLE ESS 3. Describe the effect of natural insulation on energy transfer in a closed system (ESS-H-A1) ESS 15. Identify the sun-driven processes that move substances at or near Earth’s surface (ESS-H-B2) ESS 17. Determine the relative ages of rock layers in a geologic profile or cross section (ESS-H-C2) ESS 18. Use data from radioactive dating techniques to estimate the age of earth materials (ESS-H-C2) ESS 19. Interpret geological maps of Louisiana to describe the state’s geologic history (ESS-H-C3) ESS 20. Determine the chronological order of the five most recent major lobes of the Mississippi River delta in Louisiana (ESS-H-C3) ESS 21. Use fossil records to explain changes in the concentration of atmospheric oxygen over time (ESS-H-C4) CCSS Resources Lesson(s): 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Uniformitarianism Relative dating Law of superposition Principle of original horizontality Principle of crosscutting relationships Unconformity Correlation Extinct Fossil Principle of fossil succession Theory of evolution Natural selection Adaptation Index fossil Radioactivity Half-life Radiometric dating Radiocarbon dating Geologic Time Scale Eon Precambrian time Era Period Epoch Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 7 TOPIC Days GLE The Atmosphere: Structure and Temperature 13 ESS 3. Describe the effect of natural insulation on energy transfer in a closed system (ESS-H-A1) ESS 4. Describe the relationship between seasonal changes in the angle of incoming solar radiation and its consequences to Earth’s temperature (e.g., direct vs. slanted rays) (ESS-H-A2) ESS 7. Analyze how radiant heat from the Sun is absorbed and transmitted by several different earth materials (ESS-H-A5) ESS 8. Explain why weather only occurs in the tropospheric layer of Earth's atmosphere (ESS-H-A5) ESS 9. Compare the structure, composition, and function of the layers of Earth’s atmosphere (ESS-H-A6) Lesson(s): 17.1 17.2 17.3 ESS 10. Analyze the mechanisms that drive weather and climate patterns and relate them to the three methods of heat transfer (ESS-H-A6) Lesson(s): 21.1 21.2 21.3 Climate 11 CCSS Resources Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Ozone Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Summer solstice Winter solstice Autumnal equinox Spring equinox Heat Temperature Conduction Convection Radiation Reflection Scattering Greenhouse effect Albedo Isotherm Tropical zone Temperate zone Polar zone Koppen climate classification system Wet tropical climate Tropical wet and dry climate Humid subtropical climate Marine west coast climate Dry-summer subtropical climate Subarctic climate Greenhouse effect Global warming Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 8 Project Based Activity (Meteorology) (5 days) (Third Nine Weeks GLE’s) Field Trip (LA Tech Planetarium/IDEA Place) (1 day) (Fourth Nine Weeks GLE’s) Third Nine Weeks Review/Assessment (5 days) (Third Nine Weeks GLE’s) Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 9 21st CT – 21st Century Tools CR – Constructed Response Tasks LCC- LA Comprehensive Curriculum NGSS-Next Generation Science Standards STEM – Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics Monroe City School District Scope, Sequence, and Timeline/Curriculum Map Earth Science Fourth Nine Weeks TOPIC Days GLE Origin of Modern Astronomy 10 ESS 24. Describe the organization of the known universe (ESS-H-D2) ESS 28. Identify the relationship between orbital velocity and orbital diameter (ESS-H-D6) (PS-H-E2) ESS 29. Demonstrate the elliptical shape of Earth’s orbit and describe how the point of orbital focus changes during the year (ESS-H-D6) ESS 30. Summarize how current technology has directly affected our knowledge of the universe (ESS-H-D7) Lesson(s): 22.1 22.2 22.3 ESS 16. Use the nebular hypothesis to explain the formation of a solar system (ESS-H-C1) Lesson(s): 23.1 23.2 The Solar System 4 NGSS Resources Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Astronomy Geocentric Orbit Heliocentric Retrograde motion Ellipse Astronomical unit (AU) Rotation Revolution Precession Perihelion Aphelion Perigee Apogee Phases of the moon Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse Crater Ray Mare Rille Lunar regolith Terrestrial planet Jovian planet Nebula Planetesimal Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 10 TOPIC Days GLE Studying the Sun 6 ESS 5. Explain how the process of fusion inside the Sun provides the external heat source for Earth (ESS-H-A3) ESS 7. Analyze how radiant heat from the Sun is absorbed and transmitted by several different earth materials (ESS-H-A5) ESS 26. Identify the elements present in selected stars, given spectrograms of known elements and those of the selected stars (ESS-H-D4) ESS 27. Trace the movement and behavior of hydrogen atoms during the process of fusion as it occurs in stars like the Sun (ESS-H-D5) ESS 30. Summarize how current technology has directly affected our knowledge of the universe (ESS-H-D7) Lesson(s): 24.1 24.2 24.3 ESS 3. Describe the effect of natural insulation on energy transfer in a closed system (ESS-H-A1) ESS 23. Identify the evidence that supports the big bang theory (ESS-H-D1) ESS 24. Describe the organization of the known universe (ESS-H-D2) ESS 25. Using the surface temperature and absolute magnitude data of a selected star, locate its placement on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and infer its color, size, and life stage (ESS-H-D3) Lesson(s): 25.1 25.2 Beyond our Solar System 6 CCSS Resources Inquiry Activity Quick Lab Exploration Lab Application Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Quick Lab Exploration Lab Building Reading/Voc. Literacy Thinking Visually (concept maps, Venn diagrams, cycle diagrams, outlines, tables) Vocabulary Electromagnetic spectrum Photon Spectroscopy Continuous spectrum Absorption spectrum Emission spectrum Doppler effect Refracting telescope Chromatic aberration Reflecting telescope Radio telescope Photosphere Chromosphere Corona Solar wind Sunspot Prominence Solar flare Aurora Nuclear fusion Constellation Parallax Binary star Light-year Apparent magnitude Absolute magnitude Main-sequence star Red giant Supergiant Cepheid variable Nova Nebulae Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 11 TOPIC Days GLE CCSS Resources Lesson(s): 25.3 Vocabulary Protostar Supernova White dwarf Neutron star Pulsar Black hole Galaxy Galaxy cluster Hubble’s law Big bang theory Project Based Activity (Astronomy) (5 days) (Fourth Nine Weeks GLE’s) Project Based Activity via Engineering (5 days) (Fourth Nine Weeks GLE’s) Earth Expo (Earth Science GLE’s) Fourth Nine Weeks Review/Assessment (5 days) (Fourth Nine Weeks GLE’s) Monroe City School District Revised Spring 2012 Page 12