Green Energy Fee Ideas with potential sponsors and advisors

Green Energy Fee Ideas with potential sponsors and advisors
Large Grant: UV Sanitation at the Rec Center
Wade King Recreation
Adam Leonard & Pete
The staff are considering this technology for the 2013-2014
academic year. Will need 2-4 students to apply for grant and
make it happen.
Large Grant: High Speed Hand Dryer for
Wade King Recreation
Adam Leonard & Pete
Staff would like to reduce paper towel usage
Large Grant: Quieter, less water drainage high
speed hand dryer for Parks Hall
Business and
Check with Craig Dunn
Parks hall staff have noticed that there is a large stock room of
paper towels, just for drying hands. They would like to
eliminate the need for all of this paper by trying a new high
speed hand dryer. Will need 2-4 students to apply for grant
and make it happen.
Large Grant: Rainwater harvesting in ES
Basement (west side).
Facilities Management
Plumbing shop?
Replumb nearby high capacity restrooms to flush the toilets.
Large Grant: More LED site/road lighting
Facilities Management
Facilities Management
Large Grant: More LED lights in dorms
Facilities Management
Residence Life Staff
Large Grant: LARGE solar array on Parks Hall
roof. Support student research from 2008
Facilities Management
Need to find one
Small or Large depending on scale: Leaking
Jeannie Gilbert
The biology building has specialized faucets that are not aging
well, many of them leak, particularly when used but some leak
frequently. The water loss is unnecessary and would add up over
a year’s time. Unknown whether they need to be replaced or
Green Energy Fee Ideas with potential sponsors and advisors
Small Grant: University wide Styrofoam
Kendra Bradford
Small Grant: University wide uniform
recycling signage
Kendra Bradford
Small Grant: biodegradable laboratory plastics
Kendra Bradford, Mark
Small Grant: motion sensor lights in bio
building lecture halls
Peter Thut
Small Grant: Biophylia Design
Western Library
Learning Commons
Shevell Thibou and David
Biology department received many packages in Styrofoam boxes.
Last year we had a pilot program with AS recycling to collect
Styrofoam where we got rid of lots of Styrofoam, that program
was unfortunately not continued. UW has a Styrofoam recycling
program with a private company. When they were contacted
they expressed interest in finding a partner in Bellingham to
service this area. This project would be to explore the feasibility
of having Styrofoam recycling at WWU.
Different WWU buildings and departments have their own
signage for recycling. Students, who use multiple buildings, find
the different systems confusing and leads to incorrect usage of
the recycling containers. This project would be to see if there
could be campus wide uniformity of signage.
The biology staff has been approached by multiple companies
that claim to sell biodegradable laboratory plastics. This project
would be to investigate the accuracy of biodegradable plastics for
Bellingham's landfill system.
The biology building's two lecture halls often have their lights on
all the time, even during the summer when there is very low
usage in those rooms. There are many lights (40?) that use
100wt(?) bulbs. This project would be to see if there was a way
to have the lecture halls on motion sensors to reduce electrical
Connecting humans with natures is shown again and again to
increase human health and productivity. Biophylia Design is the
act of integrating natural elements into our study/work/living
We are looking for 2-4 students who want to pilot a Biophylia
Design study at Western. No location has been identified, but we
will need the project team to identify similar or nearby control
and experimental locations so an appropriate study can be
Green Energy Fee Ideas with potential sponsors and advisors
Idea provided by: Gene Meyers, Huxley College of the
Small or Large Grant: Composting in residence
hall kitchenettes
Large Grant: Sustainability and Interlocking
Need to find one
Need to find one
Concrete Pavements
Large Grant: Replacing Wade King Rec center
hand dryers
Small or Large Grant: 100% Compostable with
Small Grant: Tutoring Center Team: Western
Waste Education Center
Small or Large Grant: Western Waste
management system Video
Kendra Bradford
Carol Berry
Carol Berry
Carol Berry
Students have identified the need to have small compost
collection units in the kitchenettes of residence halls. A group
working on this project would need to identify a pilot location,
research the logistics, and acquire permission to conduct
composting in the pilot residence hall location(s).
Western’s Outdoor Maintenance Supervisor is interested in
trying out Sustainability and Interlocking Concrete Pavements
We would get much less runoff environmentally, and we reduce
the impermeable surface area of WWU, which may help our
storm water charges from the city.
The hand dryers in the women's changing room (I presume
men's too) at the Wade King Rec Center do not turn off and
go for a really long time. People often press it multiple time
to try to turn it off since is seems like it is stuck on. Would be
great to have one that either have sensors or can be turned
Problem: plastic cup lids in the compost stream
Replace all the plastic hot cup lids with compostable lids
Replace all the assorted paper cups and coordinate buying
of paper cups so they all have custom graphics, engaging
users and providing instruction for disposal
o Participatory, action-based learning
o Info wall, 5 -part waste sorting station, monitor
o WWU & Whatcom County Virtual waste system
o "A day in the life of a bin of trash" Trash Tracking
Green Energy Fee Ideas with potential sponsors and advisors
Large Grant: Haggard Hall Zero Waste
Carol Berry
Problem: Freshman first experience ( English 101)
occurs in a building with inadequate waste sorting
options - missing an opportunity to orient new
students to the fact that waste matters, and their
everyday actions make a difference.
Classroom signage
Sorting facilities on each floor of the building
Possible instructor connection, needs on-going
ownership by English Department as well as
custodial department
Social: everyone has a role, waste doesn’t
disappear - the problem of privilege? Learning in a
laboratory for sustainability.
(emptying the trash in the ivory tower?)
Participatory learning
Global, social, local
Film festival
Panel discussion
Hands-on Re-use & re-make fair
Vendors & demonstrations
Actual WWU/Whatcom waste system tour for up
to 50 people
Potential stops: SSC, AS Recycle Center, Whatcom
Transfer Station, Re Store, Green Earth
Technologies, Roosevelt landfill
Include overnight stay (?) - and speakers/guides re
social, environmental, economic implications
related to Whatcom County waste.
Small Grant: Toward Zero Waste Expo
Carol Berry
Small or Large Grant: Understanding what
Western tosses:
Carol Berry
Small Grant: Zero Waste Ad spot
Carol Berry
Test effectiveness of messages, including focus on waste
reduction, before waste sorting.
 1 toddler, intent on sorting toy - shapes go in
appropriate holes
 2 closer look, toddler is putting pieces of trash into
the correct holes
Green Energy Fee Ideas with potential sponsors and advisors
3 - pull back into child sitting in the middle of a sea
of garbage
 Did you buy this just to throw it away –
 like throwing money in the dump
 Responsible buying, responsible disposal
Large Grant: Solar Fiber Optic Lighting
Facilities Management
Scott Dorough
Perfect application of solar. (Why limit solar
technology to hot water heating and electrical
energy production?)
Windows are the biggest losers in any building…the
single biggest energy user by far that require huge
HVAC systems to counter their energy losses. Using
very, very limited energy sucking apertures
[windows] in buildings and bringing in natural and
artificial lighting through efficient means like light
tubes and fiber optics, and OLED displays
connected to low-energy building cameras. i.e.,
Windowless buildings with an efficient contiguous
thermal envelope.