Anxiety Disorders What are anxiety disorders? Anxiety is a normal

Anxiety Disorders
What are anxiety disorders?
Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at times. However, when anxiety becomes
excessive, it can cause such distress that it interferes with a person’s ability to lead a normal life. The
major types of anxiety disorders are listed below:
Panic Disorder – recurrent, sudden surges of physical symptoms that appear out of the
Separation Anxiety Disorder – worry about separating from caregivers
Generalized Anxiety Disorder – excessive uncontrollable worry about a number of
events or activities
Social Anxiety – fear of social or performance situations
Specific Phobia – fear of a specific object or situation
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – bothersome thoughts and images followed by
repetitive behaviors or rituals
What are the symptoms of Anxiety Disorders?
Symptoms vary depending on the type of anxiety disorder: however, general symptoms include:
Physical symptoms such as an increased heart rate, shortness of breath, feeling of
choking, sweating, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, fear of losing control or of going crazy,
fear of dying, numbness or tingling sensations, chills or hot flashes
Feelings that are out of proportion to the situation (e.g., crying, sadness, tantrums,
irritability, frustration, anger, embarrassment, fear, and hopelessness)
Worrying hours, days or weeks ahead
Asking repetitive questions and/or frequently looking for reassurance
Demonstrating excessive avoidance of certain things or situations
Headaches, stomachaches, or muscle tension
Sleep difficulties
How are Anxiety Disorders Diagnosed?
Diagnosis is made by a mental health professional qualified to assess for this condition. Because anxiety
disorders can cause physical symptoms, evaluation by a pediatrician or family physician is usually
recommended to rule out medical conditions. Diagnosis is made following a thorough mental health
evaluation that includes an interview with the child and caregivers as well as questionnaires. It may also
be helpful to gather information from teachers.
How are Anxiety Disorders treated?
Psychotherapy, medication or a combination of the two is used in treating anxiety disorders. Research
shows that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective in treating anxiety disorders. CBT can be
used in individual, family, and/or group formats.
For more information or to request an evaluation and treatment, please contact Children’s Behavioral
Health at (402) 955-3900