Crescent Valley High School Site Council October 15, 2014 Meeting

Crescent Valley High School Site Council
October 15, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Welcome and Introductions:
In attendance: Ryan Kanter, Cherie Stroud, Deb McCarty, Ian Black, Hannah Gilbert, Carol
Beamer, Mary Johnson, Arian Kulp. Missing: Robbie Cox, Katie Kearns, Kodi Fagan,
Tracy McAlister
Public Input, if any – None today
Review & OK of September minutes – Okayed and ready to post.
Follow-up on September Action Items:
1 - Katie to contact Vanessa from Youth Move Oregon and Annika. COMPLETE. Annika is working
to integrate into Impact Day Plans
2 - Carol will research available assessment tools on engagement. COMPLETE. Attached to last
month’s minutes & forwarded to counselors for assessment for future years.
Review rest of CVHS 2013-14 School Performance Data
Cherie reviewed the balance of the school performance information that wasn’t
available at September’s meeting. Below is the link for our school report card.
The RTI program was introduced to the Site Council. RTI (Response to Intervention) is a proactive, scientific approach to student interventions that aims to intervene before a
students has “failed” or fallen too far behind. Relies on data-based decision making. It’s
framed on a pyramid structure with three tiers: Tier1 should be ~80% of students and is
the primary level. Tier2 targets ~15% and focuses on short duration, progress
monitoring. Tier3 focuses on the 5% and is more individualized, intensive, and frequent.
Preliminary tiers are being developed for Writing, Reading, and Math and will be
integrated into next year’s School Improvement Plan.
Preliminary Levels for 2014-15 Cohort:
Writing: Tier2 – 15% and Tier3 – 1%
Reading: Tier2 – 9% and Tier3 – 3.7%
Math: Tier2 – 5.7% and Tier3 – 1.6%
The “SMARTER BALANCED” Test was also introduced to the Site Council. Starting this year, all
juniors will need to complete this 9-hour duration test within a 6-week window in
April/May. This will replace OAKS testing, and student feedback is that this 100%
computerized test is quite a different test experience (both style and content). Students
now need to take this for graduation, but as this is a new test, work samples can be used
to demonstrate proficiency as a back-up.
Next Steps in 2014-15 SIP Goal Development:
The proposal will solidify by end of October. Early draft is:
Driven by departmental Student Learning Growth Goals in writing and math, focused on
9th grade, and based upon RTI (Response to Intervention data) –
1 - Writing: By June 2015, all freshmen in Introduction to Literature will
improve his/her composite score, based on the state writing rubric, by
the following levels:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
2 - Math: By June 2015, all freshmen in Algebra classes will improve his/her
skills in Solving Equations by the following levels:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
3 – On-Track to Graduate: Same as 2013-14. [100% of 9th graders will begin
10th grade with a minimum of 6 credits, including 1 full credit of math
at the Algebra1 level or higher.]
Cherie will send to the Site Council when it’s ready and we’ll discuss at next Site Council. Cherie
will present to the School Board on 12-1. Note: there are many goals that are not
reflected in the SIP. Only 2-3 to be focused on in SIP. For example, the school also looks
at SAT scores, AP success rates, college rates, etc.
STEAM Updates:
The CVHS STEAM advisory board met on October 13. The board reviewed and discussed the
status of CVHS classes/projects (ITE, Engr2, ITE/Art by Design), Reviewed results of
community summer programs, and the new CVHS Girls-Got-STEAM Club. Suggestions
were made to add a parent to the board as well as Jan Boley, CS teacher.
Potential Topics for November Site Council meeting:
1 – 2014-15 School Improvement Plan (15’)
2 – RTI Program (Trinity) – 15’
4 – Advisor/AO improvement cycle – 15’
5 – HAT update – 10’
On-Deck for December:
1 – Team exercise
2 – Smarter Balanced testing
3 – RTI Behavioral
Adjourned at 4:20 PM