MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER SHAKARIM, SEMEY Document of 3 level by EMCD MQS EMCD EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/02Discipline's program for “ 2013 discipline «BP of Vertebrate ”____2013 Zoology» for students № 1edition EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL COMPLEX OF DISCIPLINE «BP Plant systematics» For the specialty 5B011300– «Biology» DISCIPLINE'S PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS Semey EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page 2 from 10 2013 Compiled by: _____________Nagashbekova L.A.., teacher of the chair of Biology Discipline's program is confirmed at the Biology chair meeting (Protocol № ., 2013 ) Chairs, head ____________ S.K.Kalieva, c.b.s., associated professor Discipline's program is approved by the Education-Metodological Bureau of the Department of Natural Science (Protocol № ___, 2013) Chairman of EMB of the Natural Science Department _______Abdisheva Z.V., c.b.s., associated professor Discipline's programis confirmed by the Education-Metodological Council of the University (Protocol №, 2013) Science Department _______Iskakova G.K. 4 INTRODUCED THE FIRST TIME EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 05.09.2013 № 1edition Content 1. General Provisions 2. Contents and distribution of hours by type of occupation 3. Guidelines for the study of discipline 4. The format of the course 5. Course policy 6. Grading policy 7. Literature page 3 from 10 EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page 4 from 10 1. General provisions 1.1 Course brief description: The basis of the course "BP of Vertebrate Zoology" are characteristics levels of structural organization of animals, taxonomy and phylogeny analysis of taxonomic groups and characteristics of animals. 1.2 The main objectives of the course are as follows: - to promote the training of young professionals - zoologists to research work: - Memorization and reproduction of the material studied; - The development of zoological methods in a practical and research work; - The ability to analyze the studied material; - Correct assessment the studied material. Discipline aims: - Expansion of knowledge of anatomy and morphology and systematics of animals; - A detailed study of structure of zoological objects; - Independent work with the special literature; - The ability to produce technical drawings of objects of study. 1.4 Studying this discipline the student must: activate self study; consolidate the obtained knowledge by participating in seminar lessons, studying scientific journals; Freely speaking, reading, listening, writing biological text. Work with vocabulary and know definition biological terms. assessment his/her obtained knowledge through examinations and tests - actively improve the quality of education; - knowledge of all levels of the organization of life and main stages in the evolution of animals; - knowledge of all the taxonomic ranks of animals; - practical skills to identify animals; - mastery of the simplest methods of morphological studies of objects. 1.5 Prerequisites: - biology - ecology - geography - zoolog EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page 5 from 10 - vertebrate zoology. 1.6 Postrequisites: - zoogeography - animal physiology - taxonomy of animals - teaching practice. 1.7 Extract from the working curriculum: Course Semester 3 Credits 6 3 Lecture, hours 30 Lab Exam practise 15 1,75 Test 3,5 Таble №1 Total Type of control 50,25 exam 2 . Contents and distribution of hours by type of occupation № 1. 2. 3. Subject 1 Introduction. General characteristics and systematics type of Chordates. 2 General characteristics of Class Cephalochordata. External and internal organization of the lancelet. General 3 characteristics and organization of subtype Vertebrates. General characteristics of Class Cephalaspidomorphi. External and internal organization of Lectur Lab e practis e 2 Table №2 Literatures Hours СРСП СРС 2 1,2,3,4,5 2 1 2 1,2,3,4,5 3 2 2 1,2,3,4,5 EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. lamprey. General 4 characteristics and organization of Gnathostomes. General characteristics of Class Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes: External and internal organization of Sharks and bony fishes. General 5 characteristics of the superclass tetrapods. External and internal organization of the class of Amphibians. Systematics of class Amphibians. 6 General characteristics and external, internal organization of class Reptiles. Systematics of class Reptiles. 7 General characteristics and external, internal organization of class Aves. Systematics of class Aves. 8 General characteristics and origin of class Mammals. 9 Systematics of class Mammals. ВСЕГО: 30 05.09.2013 № 1edition 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 15 page 6 from 10 2 2 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 2 2 2 EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page 7 from 10 3 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STUDY THE DISCIPLINE The theoretical course fixed on practical training. Practical exercises are conducted after studying at the lecture of a topic. Students develops the ability to think, to compare and analyze. Formation of such thinking is based on a system of interdisciplinary links at all stages of education and at all levels of the educational process. Interdisciplinary communication required for the acquisition by students of the fundamentals of science and enhance the cognitive activity. They contribute to expand their horizons, develop cognitive interests, increased activity in the independent acquisition of new knowledge and its application in practice. At the workshops, students develop communication skills, organize roundtables, dialogues, role play, zaschishayut projects. 4. COURSE FORMAT Form of training sessions - lecture, laboratory, SRSP, the CDS. 1:00 lectures, laboratory classes is 50 minutes. Classes are held on schedule. Also planned independent work of students in the classroom and outside the classroom. Graph independent work of students and report on them held on schedule department. Monitoring the Implementation of independent work carried out in the form of an oral interview, homework problems with solutions, test papers, test tasks. 5 POLICY OF COURSE The student must be proactive and self-discipline in the process of learning, in the case of lateness, absences for unreasonable excuse, the late submission of work and passivity in the learning process will be presented to students in the form of fines removal points. 6 POLICY OF grading Monitoring of students' knowledge is in the form: - Сurrent control (held weekly); - Boundary control (7 and 15 weeks); - Total control - exam. Current control - is the systematic examination of the student's knowledge in lectures, workshops and independent work under the guidance of a teacher. Provides various types of monitoring: - Oral questioning; - Control of work; - Homework; - Tests. In the process of studying the discipline every kind of students work is evaluated in points . - Performance and protection lab work - 270 points (8 labs . Works - by 15 points , 3lab . Works - 20 points , 1 lab. Work - 30 points) ; - Implementation of control work schedule execution Independent work with teacher - 60 points (12 SRSP - 5 points ); EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page 8 from 10 - Perform independent work in the form of Independent work - 150 points (2 works - 45 points , 2 work - 30 points); - Boundary control - 120 points (1 RK - 60 points , 2 RC - 60 points) . Total - 540 points. Distribution points for weeks and types of control are presented in the table Distribution points of the discipline «BP of Vertebrate Zoology» Week 1-15 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 3 Type of control Visiting and preparation for classroom work Total 30 Table №3 Note Teacher notes only the absence of the student in the classroom Perform laboratory work (report, protection) The external and internal 15 In lab organization of the lancelet practice занятии The external and internal 15 In lab organization of lamprey. practice The external and internal 15 In lab organization of Sharks and bony practice fishes. Determination of bony fishes The external and internal 15 In lab organization of the class of practice Amphibians. Determination of amphibian species The external, internal organization 15 In lab of class Reptiles. Determination of practice Reptile species The external, internal organization 15 In lab of birds. Determination of Bird practice species The external, internal organization 15 of Mammals Determination of mammal species 15 Independent work 1. General characteristics and 130 In organization subtype tunicates. accordance with 2. The origin of fishs. the schedule 3. Ecological groups of birds. 4. Ecological groups of mammals EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 4 05.09.2013 № 1edition page 9 from 10 Independent work with lecturer Phylogenetic relationships of the 18 type of Chordata. 5 Evolution of vertebrate nervous system. 18 6 Reproduction and development of vertebrates 18 General characteristics of subclass Chimera 16 7 Boundary control In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule 130 Total points for 1-15 week Exam Total points for the academic period 30+270 400 1000 The examination of the discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum performance indicators on the modules Boundary control and final attestation (60%), exam (40%), which is 100%. A student admitted to the final control of the discipline, if its total per semester rating points higher or equal to 50%. Students Knowledges and skills are evaluated on the following system: A points system character ratings of knowledge Table №4 Leter А АВ+ В ВС+ С С- Number 4,0 3,67 3,33 3.00 2,67 2,33 2,00 1,67 Percentage 95-100 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 Rating traditional system Excellent -«Good -«-«Satisfactorily -«-«- EMCD 042-18-35.1__./022013 Д+ Д F 05.09.2013 № 1edition 1,33 1,00 0,00 55-59 50-54 0-49 page 10 from 10 -«-«Unsatisfactory 7 Literatures 7.1. Main literatures 7.1.1.Олжабекова К,Б, Есжанов Б.Е. Омыртқалылар зоологиясы 1, 2 том, 2011 ж. 7.1..2Адольф Т.А. и др. Руководство и лабораторные занятия по зоологии позвоночных. 7.2. Addition literatures 7.2.1 Майер Н.Г. Английский язык для биологов: учебно – методическое пособие. Горно-Алтайск: РИО ГАГУ, 2010г 7.2.2 А.С. Бугрова., Е.Н.Вихрова. Английский язык для биологических специальностей. Изд: Высшее профессиональное образование, 2008г 7.2.3.Англо – русский биологический словарь., Изд: Высшее профессиональное образование, 2005г