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国 立 遺 伝 学 研 究 所 と OIST ( 沖 縄 科 学 技 術 大 学 院 大 学 ) が 共 同 で 、 ”Evolutionary
Bioinformatics” シンポジウムを OIST のシーサイドハウスで開催します。日本・中国・
韓国からの18名の招待講演と、各国10名ずつの 若手研究者の参加(ポスター発表およ
興 味 の あ る か た は 、 シ ン ポ ジ ウ ム の ホ ー ム ペ ー ジ ( をごらんください。
NIG-OIST joint Symposium
Evolutionary Bioinformatics
- 13th Japan-China-Korea Bioinformatics Symposium & Training Course Dates: August 10th-12th, 2015
Venue: OIST Sea Side House, Okinawa, Japan
Organized and sponsored by NIG and OIST
NIG is abbreviation of "National Institute of Genetics" located in Mishima, Japan.
OIST is abbreviation of "Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology" located in
Okinawa, Japan.
Call for participation of young investigators
# We expect young investigators from Korea, China, Japan, and other East Asian
countries to attend this symposium.
# There is no clear definition about "young investigator". Graduate students, post-docs,
junior faculties are our main expectations. However, if you think you are young, it is OK!
# There is no registration fee for this symposium.
# Participants should cover one's travel expence (air flights, trains, bus, etc.) between
one's plance and meeting venue, namely, OIST Sea Side House.
# Organizing committee will provide free two-night stay (Aug. 10-11) at OIST Sea
Side House for all young investigators who will attend this symposium. This includes
free meals as follows: dinner on Aug. 10, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Aug. 11, and
breakfast and lunch on Aug. 12.
# All young investigators are expected to present posters.
# Organizing committee will choose some young investigators to give short oral talks
during this symposium.
# All talks and discussions will be in English.
How to apply to this sympoisium
Young investigators in China should contact Dr Xie Lu ( at SCBIT.
( at KOBIC.
Young investigators in Japan and other East Asian countries should contact Dr. Saitou
Naruya ( at NIG.
Around 10 young investigators from each country will be able to attend this symposium.
List of invited speakers (as of June 5th, 2015)
Akashi Hiroshi, Professor, Division of Evolutionary Genetics, National Institute of
Genetics (NIG), Japan
Title: Inferring ancestral DNA sequences under non-stationary models:
methodology and applications
Chen Runsheng, Professor, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: Noncoding sequence and precision medicine
Gojobori Takashi, Distinguished Professor, Computational Bioscience Research Center
(CBRC), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia,
and Project Professor, National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan
Title: Challenges in comparative metagenomics
Hao Bailin, Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Title: Whole-genome-based Prokaryotic phylogeny and mega-classification of
Ikeo Kazuho, Associate Professor, Laboratory for DNA Data Analysis, National Institute
of Genetics (NIG), Japan
Title: Integrated data analysis system for NGS technology from DNA to protein
Inoue Ituro, Professor, Division of Human Genetics, National Institute of Genetics (NIG),
Title: Is "thrifty genotype hypothesis" by Neel still valid?
Kim Jaebum, Assistant Professor, Konkuk University, Korea
Title: Ancestral genome reconstruction
Kim Ryan Woonbong, Director, Korean Bioinformation Center (KOBIC), Korea
Title: to be announced
Kim Sangsoo, Professor, Soongsil University, Korea
Title: Predicting the splicing quantitative trait loci
Kim Sanguk, Professor, Pohang University of Sciecen and Technology (POSTECH),
Title: Network analysis to understand the process of metazoan evolution
Li Yixue, Professor, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes of
Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: Data mining: driven by functional studies for biology
Nakamura Yasukazu, Professor, Genome Informatics Laboratory, National Institute of
Genetics (NIG), Japan
Title: Towards better genome annotation
Saitou Naruya, Professor, Division of Population Genetics, National Institute of Genetics
(NIG), Japan
Title: Diversity of conserved noncoding sequence evolution among eukaryotes
Satoh Noriyuki, Professor, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan
Title: Horizontal gene transfer, when and how: a case study of tunicates
Dr. Oleg Simakov, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan
Title: Dynamics of genome architecture evolution across metazoans
Dr. Robert Sinclair, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan
Title: Necessary relations for nucleotide frequencies
Xie Lu, Professor and Vice Director, Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology
(SCBIT), China
Title: Identification of protein variants influencing protein abundance levels in
breast cancer
Zhao Guoping, Professor, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes
of Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: to be announced
Program (as of June 5th, 2015)
Talk time for invited speakers is 35 min. including questions and discussions.
Talk time for selected young investigators is 15 min. including questions and discussions.
=== Day 1: Monday, August 10, 2015 ===
13:00-13:30 Registration & Poster preparation
13:30-13:40 Introduction by Saitou (NIG) & Satoh (OIST)
13:40-14:15 Invited Talk 1 by Chen Runsheng, China
14:15-14:50 Invited Talk 2 by Kim Sanguk, Korea
14:50-15:25 Invited Talk 3 by Satoh Noriyuki, OIST, Japan
15:25-16:00 Invited Talk 4 by Hao Bailin, China
16:00-16:30 Tea Break
16:30-17:05 Invited Talk 5 by Kim Sangsoo, Korea
17:05-17:40 Invited Talk 6 by Gojobori Takashi, KAUST/NIG, Japan
17:40-18:15 Invited Talk 7 by Zhao Guoping, China
18:15-18:50 Invited Talk 8 by Kim Ryan Woonbong, Korea
19:00-20:00 Dinner at Seaside House
20:00-21:00 Poster Presentation 1
=== Day 2: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 ===
9:00-10:00 Selected Short Talks 1-4
10:00-10:35 Invited Talk 9 by Nakamura Yasukazu, NIG, Japan
10:35-11:10 Invited Talk 10 by Li Yixue, China
11:10-11:45 Invited Talk 11 by Inoue Ituro, NIG, Japan
11:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:35 Invited Talk 12 by Xie Lu, China
14:35-15:10 Invited Talk 13 by Akashi Hiroshi, NIG, Japan
15:10-15:45 Invited Talk 14 by Kim Jaebum, Korea
15:45-16:20 Invited Talk 15 by Oleg Simakov, OIST, Japan
16:20-16:40 Tea Break
16:40-18:30 Poster Presentation 2
18:30-20:00 Dinner at Seaside House
=== Day 3: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 ===
9:00-10:15 Selected Short Talks 5-9
10:15-10:50 Invited Talk 16 by Robert Sinclair, OIST, Japan
10:50-11:25 Invited Talk 17 by Ikeo Kazuho, NIG, Japan
11:25-12:00 Invited Talk 18 by Saitou Naruya, NIG, Japan
12:00-13:00 Lunch & Closing Ceremony
13:30-14:30 Visit to OIST (optional)
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