NUTS EGM 21/3/13 Meeting Opened: 5:27pm Studio One UNSW

Meeting Opened: 5:27pm
Studio One UNSW Gate 2
 President’s Report
 Treasurer’s Report
 Amendments to the Constitution
Arc Required Amendments
Committee and Member Suggested Amendments
 Elections of:
Arc Delegate
Social Head
Vice President
First Year Representative
Introduction from the president on how today is to run. Agenda outlined.
President’s Report
A lot has been done this year already. O-Week was successful. Over 300 members
signed up, many of them are new. Domestic was a huge success in the writing and the
production of it.
The Real Inspector Hound is bumping in on Saturday, and it starts on Monday.
Committee have been doing many good things. The marking rubric is up, as it was
promised last year.
NUTS affiliation with UNSW Advantage. Good news for the members.
Trying to get a major sponsor for every single show. It takes off some of the financial
Treasurer’s Report
Not much to say as all of the receipts are not in yet. $1000 of membership in O-Week.
Definitely broke even with Domestic. A report shall go up after every show so that the
society knows where our money is going.
Amendments to the Constitution
End of 2012, there was an AGM where a whole new constitution was passed, but Arc
requires some changes.
Vice-President role was taken away from Arc Delegate. The new constitution means
that committee votes in the VP. Arc does not enjoy this idea. So, let’s change it.
The constitution says nothing about job sharing.
3.1The part of the Executive of the club that shall be elected from the full members at
the Annual General Meeting are: INSERT 3.1.9 A Vice President
INSERT 3.3 No member is permitted to hold two or more Executive positions, with
the exception of the position of Vice President, which will be elected by the
membership from the incoming publicity officer, costume head, social head, Arc
delegate, and technical officer.
REMOVE 3.8 The role of vice president will not be elected at a general meeting but
will be selected through nomination at the first meeting of the new Executive each
Arc are okay with these solutions.
Crystal Moral moved the motion, Leon Huxtable seconded. Unanimous pass. Woo!
INSERT 3.4 Job sharing of any Executive position is not permitted.
Crystal Moran moved the motion. Millicent Simes seconded. Motion passed
Constitution says nothing about how we are to change the constitution aside from that
we are to change it at an AGM. 14 days before, the call is made to all members to
make amendments. 7 days after, all amendments are sent to Arc for approval.
INSERT Written notice is to be given to all club members fourteen (14) days
before an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting which calls for suggested
amendments to the Constitution.
Insert Suggested amendments will be forwarded by the Executive to Arc
Student Development seven (7) days before the Annual or Extraordinary General
Meeting for review, and distributed to members for consideration. Crystal Moran moved the motion. Chetan Sahai seconded. Unanimous vote
for. Motion passed. Crystal Moran moved the motion. Shannah Ely
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
INSERT 4.11.8 In meetings of the Executive, a quorum of two-thirds of the Executive
is required, with the exception of when Executive members are ineligible to
participate in discussions (see 8.1)
Quorum of two-thirds is required, unless they can’t participate in the discussion.
Crystal Moran moved the motion. Nick Sykes seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Amendments for Publicity Officer.
CHANGE 3.8.7b from "promote NUTS by a website, Facebook and posters" to
promote NUTS by a website, Facebook, twitter, other social media platforms, and
Various concerns were raised to the wording of the statement. The Twitter account is
a bit dead. Motion moved by Matthew Chan. Seconded by Bart Daniels. 10 votes for.
23 against. 2 abstaining. Motion not passed.
INSERT 3.8.7 c. to be knowledgeable in current website standards, promotions and
fundraising techniques.
How is it policed? More of a standard. What happens if they are not good at the job?
There are ways for them to be removed from the committee. Matthew Chan moved
the motion. Dave Minehan seconded. 3 abstained. None against. Majority for. Motion
Arc Delegate:
Brief description of what the Arc Delegate does. Millie Simes nominates Nick Sykes.
Shannan Ely seconded. Nick Sykes to give a speech. No other nominations. Nick
Sykes is now Arc Delegate.
Social Head:
Brief description of the job of Social Head.
Tom Dobson nominated Matthew Northover. Seconded by Jonathon Miegel. Sam
Glissan nominated Ali Lyons. Kylie Upton seconded. Millie Simes nominated Lauren
Ulmer. Nick Sykes seconded. Dave Minehan nominated Casper Hardaker. Alison
Abdullah seconded. Leon Huxtable nominated Anthea Mentzalis. Andrew Elstone
seconded. Speeches to be given by all and questions to be addressed.
Votes were collected for the position.
The winner is Matthew Northover for Social Head.
First Year Representative
Speech given by the old first year representatives.
Sam Marques nominated Casper Hardaker. Seconded by Bart Daniels. Millie Simes
nominated Stuart Maclaine. Lauren Ulmer seconded. Alison Abdullah nominated
Aiyana Merlo. Seconded by Dave Minehan. Emma Gillespie nominated Ella
Burchmore. Becky Bunting seconded. Ali Rigby nominated Emma Gillespie.
Seconded by Georgia Watkins. Carly Eluna nominated Dar’ya Karbovska. Seconded
by Angela. Dar’ya Karbovska nominated Carly Eluna. Alyssa Lombardi seconded.
Ali Lyons nominated Sam Glissan. Seconded by Lauren Ulmer. Chelsea Needham
nominated Nyasha Nyakuenga. Kylie Upton seconded. Lauren Musgrave nominated
Dave Minehan. Seconded by Emma Gillespie. Matthias Vecanski nominated himself.
Georgia Watkins seconded. Ella Burchmore nominated Imogen Ewing. Harry
Rathbone seconded.
Speeches and questions to happen.
The winner is Sam Glissan for First Year Representative.
Vice President
Outline of the Vice President position. Crystal Moran nominated Dom Foffani. Dave
Minehan seconded. Unanimous vote for. Dom Foffani is Vice President.
Meeting Closed: 6:39pm