T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions Part E: Outlook 19. Which further strategies and measures are planned by your city in order to further advance urban resilience and sustainability in the future? City or Region (in alphabetical order) Brussels Dublin Future Strategies and Measures on Urban Resilience and Sustainability Parckdesign 2014 The new PRDD: is still being debated and will be developing the new vision of a sustainable strategy of the Brussels region. It will give a new structure to all the sustainability policies and sustainable settlement. Air-Climate plan: An air, climate and energy plan is currently under development for the Brussels region. It will develop integrated air, climate, and energy legislation via the “COBRACE”, the Brussels Air, Climate and Energy Code, which is in the process of adoption. The targets are a 30% reduction of CO2 by 2025, an improved air quality and, more generally, aims at a more sustainable Region. This plan contains many measures gathered following several specific topics (Buildings, transport, companies, adaptation to climate change, etc.) Some of the measures it will contain: Minimise energy needs and energy dependence; Use energy from renewable sources and promote rational use of energy (RUE); Improve the energy performance of buildings; Reduce the environmental impacts of mobility needs; Evaluate and improve air quality; Reduce the emission of atmospheric pollutants; Highlight the exemplary role of the public authorities with regard to both buildings and transport. Nature plan: currently being debated https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53386966/AteliersRapportSynthese_20121211_FR.pdf Soil Pollution management: different upcoming measures are being discussed and planned : Improve financial help to pay decontamination costs to make it a more bearable investment Perform on own funds studies on complex pollution at neighbourhood level Impose reuse of clean or slightly polluted land in the territory of the Region, such as land development or construction material, as soil for settlement or soil for construction material. Dublin City Council is a partner in INTERREG IVC RE-GREEN project which is developing a green building policies aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies as a means of contributing to the development of green regions. http://www.re-green.eu/en Dublin Sustainable Energy Community – is a 4 sqkm area of Dublin city centre has been selected as an exemplar sustainable energy community. The programme encompasses a range of projects from reducing the energy demands of commercial buildings, to improving energy efficiencies of new social housing. Dublin City Council and Codema are working together on a new project called Ace. Ace promotes the importance of renewable energy in everyday life to citizens, businesses, universities and local government, the idea being if the right information is provided there will be an increased uptake of renewable energy. The first ACE project launched September 2012 is a design competition for a new ‘energy-smart’ feature to be installed in a public plaza in the city centre to inform people about renewable energy and sustainability. The competition is open to all members of the public and will challenge designers, planners, ICT professionals, 1 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions Ljubljana London (municipality of Barking & Dagenham) Nottingham Rotterdam creative thinkers and visual communicators alike to come up with a smart feature to engage and inspire citizens about sustainable energy. http://www.codema.ie/news-article/date/2012/09/25/energy-smart-plaza-fordublin-through-ace-project.html Dublin City Council supported by Renaut and the Electricity Supply Board have just launched Dublin City e-car scheme giving Dublin City Council access to two electric cars and one 5-seater van for a period of up for use to promote Dublin City Council business and events. Dublin Bus (largest public transport bus provider with fleet of 920 buses) has signed a partnership agreement this year with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), to become a member of the SEAI’s Public Sector Energy Partnership Programme and will commit to playing its role in meeting the government’s target of reducing public sector energy usage by 33% by 2020. Greening the IFSC’ Project Launched September 2012 – The Initiative aim to make Ireland's Financial Services Centre one of the most Resource Efficient in the World. Designed to help companies operating from the IFSC measure their carbon footprint and come up with a plan to reduce resource consumption (waste, water and energy) – and ultimately reduce costs. The pilot project will involve eight companies across 10 offices in the IFSC - which collectively employ more than 7,500 people and have a total energy bill of over €5 million. New Regional Development Programme of Ljubljana Urban Region 2014-2020 The Local Development Framework is the key document that governs the spatial dimension of sustainability and resilience. Targets: reduce the city’s carbon emissions by 26% of 2005 levels by 2020, to 1444 kt CO2; by 2020 20% of the energy used in the city will be produced within the Greater Nottingham area from renewable or low/zero carbon sources (Baseline: 2008: less than 1%); improving the ability with which we use natural resources, including water, increase waste reuse, recycling and composting to 50% (Baseline 2008/09: 32%); improve our ability to mitigate or adapt to environmental challenges; create jobs for local people in an extending and innovative environmental sector; ensure that everyone understands the environmental challenge and how we can play our part in responding to it; increase the use of public transport by 2m trips to 58m trips per year by 2020 (defined as bus passenger journeys originating in Nottingham City); eradicate fuel poverty by 2016 (defined as the % of income based benefits recipients living in homes with energy efficiency ratings below 35). Documents: Nottingham Community Climate Change Strategy http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=33519&p%20v Green Nottingham http://www.nottinghaminsight.org.uk/insight/scs/green/scs-action-program.aspx For the urban (re)development, an ambitious ‘Sustainable Development’ covenant between City and 60 development companies and housing corporations was signed in 2008. This was extended to ‘Green Building’ in accordance with BREEAM standards. Retrofitting nine historic houses in Sleephellingstraat (2009) according to the passive house construction principles is in keeping with this objective. The overall idea of this Green Building agreement is that all (re)developments must from now on be sustainable and energy-efficient. http://www.rotterdamclimateinitiative.nl/documents/89_Action_Points.pdf 2 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions Sofia Stuttgart Establishment of integrated planning policies and measures and use of public money for activating private partners in projects of common interest – this is the guiding principle applied in the new Integrated plan for urban regeneration and development of Sofia 2014-2020, which is to plan the promotion of urban resilience and sustainability in the territory of the city-region as a whole. Besides the demographic change, the predicted climate change is one of the key issues for sustainable and resilient spatial planning on regional and local level. Considering the dimension of this task all available instruments and procedures have to be used to tackle the challenges connected. Based on that the regional strategy of the future is built upon the following components: 1. Provision of a database for planning and political consulting; 2. Use of formal planning instruments; 3. Use of informal planning instruments. The following chart gives an overview, about the different components: Analysis / database: a) Adaptation „Climate atlas“: Regional atlas for climate sensitive planning on regional and local level. Vulnerability analysis: Mapping effects of climate change Regional database for information on climate change; selected counter‐measures b) Mitigation: Potential analysis for several sources of renewable energies Potential analysis for biomass power stations „Greenhouse Gas Regional Inventory Project“ (GRIP); Accounting CO²‐ emission and evaluation of possible courses of action (formal) planning tools: a) Adaptation Protection of open spaces Development regulation [flood protection] [replacement of vulnerable infrastructure elements] b) Mitigation: Regulation of land consumption (Development, large‐scale retail …) Protection locations / alignments for energy generation and supply Protected areas for the use of renewable energies Regional Transportation / Mobility plan [including public transport and bicycles] + „climate‐proofing“ [evaluation of effects on CO²emission] Implementation/ Communication/ Information: a) Adaptation Expert‐network on vulnerability Consulting services for municipalities Communication of „best practices“ Model projects Co‐Funding of Landscape Park projects to preserve open space and to implement new green structures Improvement of open spaces Monitoring b) Mitigation: Purchase of light railways Extension regional railway system; improved supply /services Co‐funding of Landscape Park projects to enhance green infrastructure Modell projects in the field of economic development (e.g. EMobility, drive systems and components) Consulting services for municipalities and business companies 3 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions Ludwigsburg (city within the region of Stuttgart) Communication of „best Practices“ Support EU – covenant of mayors (International) Exchange (esp. USA, METREX) Monitoring Connected to this strategy is the following new research project: „KlimoPass: Entwicklung modellhafter Anpassungsstrategien der Regionalen Energie- und Verkehrsinfrastruktur in der Region Stuttgart an den Klimawandel“ (development of exemplary climate adaptation strategies for the regional energy and transport infrastructure in the Stuttgart region, started in 2012, no results to date) http://www.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de/servlet/is/69998/ periodic update of the land use plan („Flächennutzungsplan“), considering the topics climate protection and climate adaptation; further concrete projects on climate adaptation; intensive linkage of these topics with a resilient settlement structure. 4