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Global Handwashing Day Quiz
Global Handwashing Day is an annual event celebrating handwashing as an
essential means of combatting the spread of infection and disease.
1. Answer: B. Insects are not a type of germ but can carry germs that spread
2. All of them! Bacteria can be found almost everywhere, including people,
raw food, pets, air, dust, dirt and food waste. It is very important to
prevent bacteria from getting on to food as it could cause illness and
3. Answer: B. A single gram of human faeces can contain 10 million viruses
and one million bacteria. These viruses and bacteria are the main source
of diarrhoea; an illness that kills one child every 30 seconds in developing
countries that don’t have access to the same treatments as we do
4. Answer: A. The average human’s hands carry at least 3000 different types
of bacteria!
5. Answer: C. Washing your hands with soap prevents harmful bacteria and
viruses from spreading.
6. Answers could include but need not be limited to before, after or during
the preparation of food, when you have been in contact with someone ill,
after stroking pets, after playing outside. It is important to wash your
hands at regular times during the day to prevent germs from spreading.
7. Answer: B. Washing our hands with just water won’t always get rid of
grease and dirt. Germs get stuck to these products so when they stay on
your hands, so do the germs. Soap breaks down grease and dirt and allows
germs to be washed away.
8. Answer: C. Effective handwashing requires soap with only a small amount
of water.
9. Answer: A. The recommended length of time for handwashing is 20
seconds. All surfaces should be scrubbed, including palms, back, between
the fingers, and especially under fingernails. Hands can then be dried by
shaking them in the air, or with a clean towel.
10. Answer: B. It is estimated that 230,000 lives could be saved per year
through effective handwashing with soap, as it would stop many life-
threatening diseases from spreading.
Handwashing with soap
halves the amount of people getting diarrhoea.
Global Handwashing day Quiz
1. Germs are microorganisms (living things) that we can only see under a
microscope. Although they are very small, some can cause illness and
disease. Which of these is not a type of germ?
c) Bacteria
2. How does bacteria get into food? Choose as many as you think are correct.
a) When insects land on cooking equipment and food products
b) When a pet touches food products
c) When people touch food with dirty hands
3. How many viruses and bacteria do you think can be found in a single gram
of human faeces (poo)?
a) 6 viruses and 25 bacteria
b) 10 million viruses and one million bacteria
c) 500 viruses and 200 bacteria
4. How many different types of bacteria can be found on the average human’s
a) 3000
b) 20
c) 500
5. What is the most effective way of preventing the spread of these viruses
and bacteria?
a) Having a shower every day
b) Cleaning your bedroom regularly
c) Washing your hands with soap
6. When is it important to wash your hands during the day? Think of three
things and write them down.
7. When washing our hands, we need to use soap to make sure our hands are
really clean. What is the main reason why this is important?
a) Soap makes our hands smell nice
b) Soap breaks down and removes germ-carrying grease and dirt
c) Using soap means we spend longer washing our hands
8. How much water do we need to effectively wash our hands?
a) We need lots of water to rinse off all the soap
b) We don’t need any water
c) We need a small amount of water
9. What is the recommended length of time for handwashing?
a) 20 seconds
b) 2 minutes
c) 7 seconds
10. Many people in developing countries in places like rural Africa do not have
access to toilet facilities, taps and sinks like we do. This leaves them
vulnerable to life-threatening diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia. How
many lives do you think could be saved around the world through effective
handwashing with soap?
a) 1 thousand
b) 230 thousand
c) 500