Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK Climate change and positive feedback loops in the tropical rainforests Meghan Burke Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK Introduction: Rainforests are a crucial part of the Earth’s ecological systems. They provide a sink for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, creating a buffer for climate change. They also provide a source of carbon dioxide, which is produced from dead plant matter. In addition to this, the forest decreases the albedo of the earth and absorbs energy from the sun. This energy acts as heat to transfer moisture from trees into the atmosphere and leads to increased local rainfall which nourishes the forest. Climate change is affecting these components of the rainforest. It creates positive feedback loops that harm this ecosystem and increase climate change. The forests are such an important part of the climate system, that the effects that rainforests have on climate and climate change has on the forests are significant and complex. Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK Rainforests play an important part in the climate system. Perhaps the most significant role of the rainforest in climate is its role as a carbon dioxide sink. While they only cover about 6% of the Earth’s land surface, almost 30% of global soil carbon stocks are contained in their soils (“H. Rainforest Role in the Carbon Cycle”) and 40% of the world’s carbon is contained in the vegetation (Phillips et al., 1998). Furthermore, rainforests contain densely populated flora, estimated to contain about half of the world’s plant species. Called the “lungs of the world,” photosynthesis from these plants takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere while producing more than 20% of the world’s oxygen (“Rainforest Facts”). These mechanisms help balance out the increasing amount of carbon dioxide that is being released into the atmosphere from both anthropogenic and natural causes. Scientists have estimated that rainforests absorb 4.8 billion tons of carbon a year (Connor, “Revenge of the Rainforest”). This amounts to about 18% of the world’s annual fossil fuel emissions, thus making a significant impact on how much carbon is added to the atmosphere annually and buffering the rate of climate change. The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the rainforests is second only to the oceans, which dissolve about half of anthropogenic emissions that don’t remain in the atmosphere (University of Leeds, 2009). Rainforests also contribute to global warming. While the large amount of vegetation existing in the rainforest helps to absorb carbon, it also acts as a source of carbon. Dead leaves fall from trees to the forest floor, creating layers of leaf litter. These leaves are decomposed by microbes, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (Poppick, “Tropical Rainforests: From Carbon Sink to Carbon Source,” 2011). This carbon dioxide contributes to local and global climate change and conflicts with the rainforest’s role as a carbon sink, although the amount of carbon absorbed by the rainforest is still higher than carbon released (Poppick), so the rainforest’s main purpose in the carbon cycle remains as a sink. Other effects that dead, dying, Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK and decaying vegetation can have on the rainforest and climate are that dead foliage offsets photosynthesis since dead leaves are leaves that aren’t photosynthesizing, and that the albedothe amount of sunlight a surface reflects- of the rainforest is increased. The former effect contributes to warming while the latter has a more complex effect on the climate, both counteracting warming and contributing to it. The dark surfaces of the rainforest’s foliage increase the albedo of the earth, absorbing energy from the sun rather than reflecting it. The rainforests have the lowest albedo of all natural terrestrial surfaces, estimated to reflect about 14% of short wave radiation reaching the earth (“Final: Methods and Effects of Tropical Rainforest Deforestation”). However, energy absorption plays an important role in the rainforest ecosystem. The energy from the sun, as heat, increases the evaporation of water in the rainforest and the transpiration of plants. The water returning to the atmosphere creates local rainfall for the forests which is in turn used by the plants for photosynthesis, creating a balanced, self-sustaining ecosystem. The Amazon rainforest, for example, produces an estimated 50-80% of its own rainfall through this process (Butler, “Climactic Role of Rainforests”). Climate change impacts all of these natural cycles and mechanisms in the rainforest as the average global temperature increases. The changes brought about by climate change create a positive feedback loop- a system in which one change leads to another, which further perturbs the original change- in the rainforest, causing temperatures to further increase as more greenhouse gasses enter and stay in the atmosphere. Higher temperatures may actually decrease rainfall, as they tip the balance of warmth being beneficial and warmth being detrimental. There are many variables that can lead to less rainfall in the rainforest. Climate change affects the amount of water that is evaporated, transpired through plants, and how much is able to be held in Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK the air. All of those will increase with increasing temperatures. Climate change will also displace water in parts of the world due to its effects on extreme weather and climate systems like the jet stream and El Nino/Southern Oscillation. Warmer ocean temperatures increase the intensity and frequency of El Nino/La Nina, as well as the moisture in the air from increased evaporation. In turn, this causes drought in rainforests around the world (Ponce, “The Facts about El Nino”). Other effects climate change may have on the rainforest and climate systems are not completely understood and are still being studied. However, the trend that is being observed in the world’s rainforests is consistent with the predictions of drought and less rainfall. In 2005, and again in 2010, the Amazon rainforest suffered two “once in a century” droughts, causing the rainforest to release carbon dioxide and absorb less from the atmosphere (Derbyshire, “Amazon Rainforest hit by Second ‘Once in a Century Drought’ in Five Years,” 2011). Deforestation also plays a part in droughts because the decrease in plants decreases the amount of moisture the rainforest holds, the rate and amount of photosynthesis, and increases the albedo of the area which changes the local climate. Plants are killed during droughts due to lack of water and collapsed root structures. Dead plants contribute to this feedback loop since they release carbon dioxide as they break down and are incapable of photosynthesizing, which decreases the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the air, increasing the greenhouse effect and the temperatures. The disappearance of dark leaves, bodies of water, and damp terrain increases the albedo of the rainforest, contributing to the positive feedback loop, as there is less rainfall. The rainforest continues to die and more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. The combination of the increase in temperature and drought enable the forests to be more susceptible to fires. The rate of forest fires increase, which further decreases the amount of Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK biodiversity and kills more of the forest. Forest fires also release aerosols into the air though, which help play a small part in counteracting the warming. The aerosols, in fact, contribute to both cooling and warming, and further effect the ecosystem, although minimally. The overall effect of climate change is the death of the vegetation and subsequent dieback of the forests, which contribute the positive feedback loop. Climate change makes a significant impact on rainforests and the role they play in the world’s climate systems. Warmer temperatures create a positive feedback loop, killing the forest and further increasing the temperature. Along with this, there are other effects caused by climate on the rainforest, and vice versa. Some of these effects are not yet completely understood, but many will continue to have an impact on climate and rainforests. Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK A diagram that summarizes the main effects of climate change on the rainforest and the positive feedback loop that is created as a result. Running Head: CLIMATE CHANGE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK Works Cited Adam, David. "Amazon Could Shrink by 85% Due to Climate Change, Scientists Say." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 11 Mar. 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. <>. Butler, Rhett. "Climatic Role of Rainforests." N.p., 22 July 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. <>. Connor, Steve. "Revenge of the Rainforest." The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, 6 Mar. 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. <>. Cook, Kerry H., and Edward K. Vizy. "Effects of Twenty-First-Century Climate Change on the Amazon Rain Forest." Journal of Climate 21 (2008): 542-58. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <>. "Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforests and CO2." University of Michigan. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. < rainforests_and_co2>. Derbyshire, David. 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