
Auxiliary Material for
Observations and modeling of EMIC wave properties in the presence of multiple ion species as
function of magnetic local time
Justin H. Lee (1, 2) and Vassilis Angelopoulos (1)
(1: Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and
Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2: Now at The Aerospace
Corporation, El Segundo, CA, USA)
Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics, 2014
The low-energy ion densities and temperatures data products that were obtained from the global
multi-spacecraft study on low-energy ion species (Lee and Angelopoulos, [2014]) were
recompiled into tabular (Supplemental Tables 1–4), bar plot (Supplemental Figures 1–4), and
have also been re-plotted in L/MLT spatial distribution formats (Supplemental Figures 5–9) to
facilitate their application to the work presented in this paper and to future wave studies. The
properties were re-binned over the radial distance range 7–13 RE into 2 RE by 3 hr MLT bins for
greater stability of the estimates. We refer the reader to Lee and Angelopoulos [2014] (reference
below) for further details and discussion on the sources and transport of the magnetospheric lowenergy ions.
Lee, J. H., and V. Angelopoulos (2014), On the presence and properties of cold ions near Earth’s
equatorial magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 1749–1770,
1. densities.xlsx (Table 1) Median low-energy ion density (cm −3).
1.1 Column “Ion Species”, the low-energy ion species.
1.2 Column “MLT Range”, the magnetic local time range.
1.3 Column “L: 7–9 RE”, median density values for the low-energy ion species in the magnetic
local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (RE).
1.4 Column “L: 9–11 RE”, median density values for the low-energy ion species in the magnetic
local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
1.5 Column “L: 11–13 RE”, median density values for the low-energy ion species in the magnetic
local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
2. temperatures.xlsx (Table 2) Median low-energy ion temperature (eV).
2.1 Column “Ion Species”, the low-energy ion species.
2.2 Column “MLT Range”, the magnetic local time range.
2.3 Column “L: 7–9 RE”, median temperature values for the low-energy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
2.4 Column “L: 9–11 RE”, median temperature values for the low-energy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
2.5 Column “L: 11–13 RE”, median temperature values for the low-energy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
3. density_ratio.xlsx (Table 3) Median low-energy heavy ion density ratios (ns/nH+).
3.1 Column “Ion Species”, the low-energy heavy ion species.
3.2 Column “MLT Range”, the magnetic local time range.
3.3 Column “L: 7–9 RE”, median density ratio for the low-energy heavy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
3.4 Column “L: 9–11 RE”, median density ratio for the low-energy heavy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
3.5 Column “L: 11–13 RE”, median density ratio for the low-energy heavy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
4. temp_ratio.xlsx (Table 4) Median low-energy heavy ion temperature ratios (T s/TH+).
4.1 Column “Ion Species”, the low-energy heavy ion species.
4.2 Column “MLT Range”, the magnetic local time range.
4.3 Column “L: 7–9 RE”, median temperature ratio for the low-energy heavy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
4.4 Column “L: 9–11 RE”, median temperature ratio for the low-energy heavy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (R E).
4.5 Column “L: 11–13 RE”, median temperature ratio for the low-energy heavy ion species in the
magnetic local time range within the geocentric distance range specified (RE).
5. median_density.eps (Figure 1) Bar plot of median low-energy ion density (cm −3).
6. median_temperature.eps (Figure 2) Bar plot of median low-energy ion temperature (eV).
7. density_ratio.eps (Figure 3) Bar plot of median low-energy heavy ion density ratios (ns/nH+).
8. temp_ratio.eps (Figure 4) Bar plot of median low-energy heavy ion temperature ratios (Ts/TH+).
9. polar_plot-h-dens.eps and polar_plot-h-temp.eps (Figure 5) (top) Median H+ density and
(bottom) temperature. The properties are plotted over the radial distance range 7–13 RE binned
into 2 RE by 3 hr MLT bins. The innermost dotted circle is geosynchronous distance (6.6 R E).
10. polar_plot-he-dens.eps and polar_plot-he-temp.eps (Figure 6) (top) Median He+ density and
(bottom) temperature.
11. polar_plot-ox-dens.eps and polar_plot-ox-temp.eps (Figure 7) (top) Median O+ density and
(bottom) temperature
12. polar_plot_he-dens-ratio.eps and polar_plot_he-temp_ratio.eps (Figure 8) (top) Median
nHe+/nH+ density ratio and (bottom) T He+/TH+ temperature ratio.
13. polar_plot_ox-dens-ratio.eps and polar_plot_ox-temp_ratio.eps (Figure 9) (top) Median
nO+/nH+ density ratio and (bottom) T O+/TH+ temperature ratio.