World War I Poster project - Due November 16 In a nutshell: Create an informational poster on a specific topic relevant to the study of World War One. Your poster will be designed to be viewed close-up and will be dense with information. Objectives/Standards addressed through this project: 11SS4: 11SS4.e: Students trace the rise of the United States to its role as a world power in the twentieth century. Analyze the political, economic, and social ramifications of World War I on the home front. (Only some projects address this) Instructions: Identify an aspect of WWI you would like to learn more about and do some preliminary work to see if you think you can make a good visual project on the topic. Learn all you can about the topic and keep track of your sources and what information, images, and or primary source material you obtained from each. You need this information for your annotated bibliography which will be glued to the back of poster when it is submitted. While some of the information you learn will be presented in print on your poster, most information should be put in graphic form (timeline, flowchart, web diagram, captioned images, maps, etc…). Make sure you answer the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions concerning your topic. (And links to get you started, press Ctrl and click on one of the bullets below) Use all the space on the poster and be creative. Military Medicine Remember: You’re making an enriched teaching tool. Whoever views your The 1918 Flu Epidemic project should learn much more than they could from the text book. See the Gas Warfare example projects presented in class and ask questions. You will be graded War Propaganda using a rubric which will be posted on the PBworks site in the coming week. Kaiser Wilhelm II Other great Websites to help you with your research: Versailles and/or the League of Nations Tanks Air craft Also make sure you utilize the data bases made available through our school Make sure you refine your topic. Your library (also available from your home). The data bases and how to use them project should be as specific as possible. If were covered in class on November 2. Possible topics: you are researching military medicine please choose a focus such as antibiotics or amputation. If you are researching gas warfare, focus on how it was used or on medical treatment. 3 Dates important to this project: November 7/8 – Commit to your project topic at the end of class November 13 - Turn in your annotated bibliography November 16 – Present your project in class VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. IF I FIND THAT ANY PART OF YOUR POSTER IS CUT AND PASTED FROM THE INTERNET OR ANY OTHER SOURCE IT WILL RECEIVE A GRADE OF 0%. ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED MUST BE PROCESSED BY YOUR OWN NOGGIN (BRAIN). EVERY YEAR I CATCH 2+ STUDENTS PUTTING INFORMATION ON THEIR POSTER THAT WAS LIFTED DIRECTLY FROM SOME SOURCE. I WILL NOT GIVE EXTRA CREDIT OR EXTRA WORK TO MAKE UP FOR THIS MISTAKE. Each day late will accrue a 10% grade penalty starting Nov 16. Specific Requirements: -Poster will be on 11 X 18 paper. -It must include a clear title taking up an area about the size of your hand. -Your name must be clearly visible on the front (size 12 font would be fine). -You will briefly present your project in front the the class on the day it is due.