City of Livingston seeks Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Bids

RFP No. 881
PLANT: RFP No. 881
Due Date:
Tuesday, November 24th, 2015, on or before 3:00 p.m. MDT
Issued By:
City of Livingston, Montana
Dept. of Public Works
330 N. Bennett Street
Livingston, MT, 59047
Five (5) sealed proposals and one electronic copy via a zip drive, plainly marked
“RFP #881: The City of Livingston’s Wastewater Engineering Services Proposal”
on the outside of the mailing envelope, addressed to the City of Livingston Finance
Office, 110 S. B Street, Livingston, MT, 59047, will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. MDT
on November 24, 2015. Please see page 6 of the RFP, Submittal Requirements, for
additional submission criteria.
WEBLINK to RFP Document:
ELIGIBILITY: The consultants selected for the project must be registered as
professional engineers in the State of Montana.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Requests for additional information and other inquiries
may be directed to Mr. Shannon Holmes, Director of Public Works, 330 N. Bennett
Street, Livingston, MT, 59047. Telephone (406) 222-5667, e-mail:
The City of Livingston is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Secondary Treatment Upgrade
DATE: November 3, 2015
RFP No. 881
SECTION 1: Introduction and Background
SECTION 2: Scope of Work
SECTION 3: Submittal Requirements
SECTION 4: Scoring and Selection Process
Appendix A – Link to 2013 PER for Wastewater System Upgrade:
Appendix B – Link to Current Discharge Permit:
Appendix C – Link to Nutrient Removal Treatment Facility Process Evaluation (2015, Stahly
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Secondary Treatment Upgrade
DATE: November 3, 2015
RFP No. 881
The City of Livingston (“the City”), Montana, is requesting proposals from qualified
engineering firms, registered as professional engineers in the State of Montana, for the
design and construction management services of a secondary treatment upgrade to the
City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Successful proposals will address the
 Provide secondary treatment removal of nitrogen, phosphorous and ammonia.
 Offer assistance to prepare for future discharge permits.
 Incorporate recommendations from the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)
and Nutrient Removal Treatment Facility Process Evaluation (See Appendices).
 Design the Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System (ICEAS) process.
 Upgrade digesters to aerobic digestion.
 Provide disinfection system improvements.
 Provide recommendations on renewable energy feasibility.
 Coordinate construction management services during construction.
City Provided Services
The following services will be provided by the City of Livingston in support of planning,
permitting and engineering efforts:
 Value Engineering
 Public Outreach
 Grant Writing/Funding Assistance
 Constructability reviews
 Bid Advertisement
New discharge regulations beginning in 2014 strictly regulated pollutant limits for the
Yellowstone River. Most of the City’s equipment relating to the secondary (biological)
portion of the wastewater treatment plant are 30 years of age or older and require
upgrades or replacement to prevent failure of a treatment process and/or violation of
existing discharge limits. The City has been proactive in facility planning. Further, based
on the PER, the ICEAS process has been recommended as a cost-effective and
environmentally sound wastewater treatment system improvement that will meet both
current and expected future effluent limits for our discharge permit into the Yellowstone
River and ensure facilities are in place to meet the future demands of a growing
community. Hence, we are accepting proposals for the design of the ICEAS process with
aerobic digestion. In addition, the City is seeking assistance for the construction phase.
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Secondary Treatment Upgrade
DATE: November 3, 2015
RFP No. 881
The proposals shall address the following scope of work:
A. Approach: Provide a detailed description of the project and technical approach for
completing the Scope of Work in Part C (Design Services), and any suggested
revisions. Include a list of any unique ideas, innovative approaches, and key issues
related to the project. Include any issues that your firm believes will require special
consideration. Please use the (i) 2013 PER for Wastewater System Upgrade (See
Appendix A), (ii) the current Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination system
(MPDES) permit (See Appendix B) and (iii) the Nutrient Removal Treatment Facility
Process Evaluation (2015, Stahly Engineering & Associates; See Appendix C).
B. Funding Resources: The selected firm will be expected to assist the City Grant
Writer and Public Works staff, on an as-needed basis, help secure project funds
from sources such as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Treasure
State Endowment Program (TSEP), State Revolving Fund (SRF), Rural Development
(RD) and/or the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
C. Design Services
i. Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Secondary Treatment Upgrade: Provide
your proposed design scope, including bidding and construction services, for a
comprehensive plant upgrade to our Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR). The
Nutrient Removal Treatment Facility Process Evaluation (Appendix C) report
outlines a process selection (i.e., ICEAS), and the final design and construction
services is expected to implement this selection. Moreover, you are expected to
prepare your construction contract package to conform to applicable agency
ii. Solids Management: Provide your proposed design scope for the overall effect
of upgrading the secondary process for the solids management from anaerobic to
aerobic digestion at the facility. Include plans to address biological phosphorus
removal/sludge, recycle loading, struvite mitigation, aerobic digestion retrofit,
dewatering, and composting. Please note, recommended improvements are
outlined in the PER and the Nutrient Removal Treatment Facility Process
Evaluation (Appendix C).
iii. Disinfection: Provide the complete design for recommended disinfection
improvements, as discussed in the PER and the Nutrient Removal Treatment
Facility Process Evaluation Report.
iv. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Integration of
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC): Provide all necessary design
structure, bid software programming, and PLC startup support necessary to
integrate each new process and all major equipment components into the existing
plant SCADA system.
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Secondary Treatment Upgrade
DATE: November 3, 2015
RFP No. 881
v. Final Bid Documents: Provide updated copy of engineer’s estimate of probable
construction costs. The selected firm will be expected to support the bid
advertising, facilitate pre-bid meeting, and prepare an addendum, bid tabulation,
and award processes.
D. Schedule: Provide a proposed work schedule for the tasks described in the scope of work
in Part C. Gant chart showing precedent tasks, including all deliverables (50% and 90%,
P&ID plan submittals), permits, and Montana Department of Environmental Quality
(DEQ) review time, advertising for bid, bid opening, and start of construction
E. Alternative Energy Feasibility: Research and recommend the implementation of
alternative/renewable energy resource(s) for on-site energy generation incorporated
into the WWTP upgrade. Please provide your recommendations for funding
approaches and promotional efforts for the City related to this potential adoption.
F. Specialized Services: Include any specialized services required.
G. Construction Management: Provide construction management for the duration of
the construction contract, including inspections, material testing, field staking, onsite observation of construction work, administration of construction progress
meetings, and preparation of inspection reports. Review and approve all contractor
submittals, requests for information, requests for payment, and certified payroll
documents. Submit approved requests to the City.
H. Start-Up, O&M, and Operations Assistance: Provide all necessary construction
start-up and operations assistance, including training on the design intent, operational
controls and monitoring and coordination with existing facilities. Preparation of a
user-friendly Operations and Maintenance (O&M) manual. Provide reproducible asconstructed drawings to the City upon project completion that incorporate the
Contractor’s as-built data and information; submit certified "as-constructed"
drawings to the City, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and
reviewing agencies. Prepare any final reports necessary by funding agencies.
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Secondary Treatment Upgrade
DATE: November 3, 2015
RFP No. 881
Five (5) hardcopies of your proposal, along with a zip drive containing an electronic .pdf
digital copy, and all related supporting material, must be submitted to the City of
Livingston Finance Office, 110 S. B Street, Livingston, MT 59047 by 3:00 PM,
Mountain Time, November 24, 2015 and should follow the outline below:
Please write "The City of Livingston’s Wastewater Engineering Services
Proposal/RFP 881" on the outside of the response package.
Provide the applicant’s legal name, address, and telephone number.
Include a letter of interest signed by a principal of your firm with a statement as to
the availability of the firm to complete the work within the stated time period, the
firm’s current workload, the names of your proposed project manager and project
team members/key personnel (note: key personnel will include the Project
Manager, Project Engineer, Process Engineer, Construction Manager, and
QA/QC team), and evidence of firm’s insurance coverage. Also discuss your
potential to effectively replace key personnel, if necessary. Finally, this letter
should also include a brief history of your firm.
Elaborate on the qualifications and experience of all individuals assigned to the
project team as well as technical personnel assigned to work on the project,
including resumes for the personnel to be utilized and their specific, relevant
experience on similar projects.
A preliminary timeline for completion of the project, including a description of
the firm’s current workload and how this would be coordinated with the services
Provide references from three (3) recent locations where similar work was
performed to evaluate the implications of nutrient regulations with respect to
Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) permits, assist with
MPDES negotiations, and design BNR facilities. The reference projects are to
include personnel who worked on the project and will also work on this project.
Also, a minimum of two (2) references are to be provided for the Project Manager
responsible for delivery of this project; these references may be included in the
three (3) reference projects or may be separate projects For all reference projects,
including those for the Project Manager, provide (i) the name and address of the
entity for which the reference project was performed, (ii) a brief description of the
project, (iii) the amount and time of initial construction contract award as
compared to final contract price and time for completion, (iv) the name and
telephone number for contact person with the entity who can discuss your firm’s
or personnel’s role and performance.
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Secondary Treatment Upgrade
DATE: November 3, 2015
RFP No. 881
All proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the indicated points:
25 Points
Approach to the Project
Suggested approach and understanding of the project.
Innovative suggestions and identifying challenges
Approach to communication with City Staff, City Commissioners, and the
public to facilitate successful delivery of the project within the proposed
Firm’s description of their experience with and knowledge of all
jurisdictional regulations that will be applicable to this project.
Internal QA/QC process on this project.
25 Points
Qualifications of Firm and Personnel
a) Firm’s and personnel’s experience on similar wastewater facilities projects
with wastewater treatment system processes, design, facility upgrades and
retrofits to improve performance, permitting, system analysis, public
information, construction management services during construction, startup, and operations and maintenance to be provided.
b) Joint ventures or associations related to the services requested, as
c) Organizational chart with qualifications, experience, and responsibilities
of the key project personnel (i.e., Project Manager, Project Engineer,
Process Engineer, Construction Manager, and QA/QC team) and subconsultants/contractors.
20 Points
Capacity and Capability of Firm
a) Ability to meet technical design required by the scope. Please note, an
emphasis will be placed on the firm’s demonstrated ability to meet
schedule and budget requirements.
b) Proposed schedule to perform the work with sufficient detail to understand
the timing of the project deliverables.
c) Present and projected workloads.
d) Potential to effectively replace key personnel, if necessary.
e) Management Control Program-Approach, cost control system used to
track expenses and labor, method for project status reporting, and schedule
control methodology.
20 Points
a) Past record of performance on contracts for delivery of work relevant to
the project scope, including such factors as technical design,
constructability, control of costs, quality of work, ability to meet
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Secondary Treatment Upgrade
DATE: November 3, 2015
RFP No. 881
b) Experience and successful project delivery history of the Project Manager
responsible for delivery of project scope on similar projects.
5 Points
Location of Project Office
b) Location of office where majority of project work will occur.
5 Points
Overall Quality of Proposal
a) The organization and structure of your application will be factored into the
scoring criteria.
Following review and evaluation of all proposals, the City may personally interview
applicants as necessary. Further, presentations will be made by members of the
engineering team designated in the proposal.
This request for proposal (RFP No. 881) is being offered in accordance with Montana
state statutes governing procurement of professional services. No estimated costs for
engineering services are required in the proposal. Accordingly, the City of Livingston
reserves the right to negotiate an agreement with the selected applicant based on fair and
reasonable compensation, taking into account the estimated value of the services to be
rendered, as well as the scope, complexity, and professional nature of the services. If the
City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the selected applicant at a price the
City determines to be fair and reasonable, negotiations with that applicant may be
terminated, and the City shall select the next qualified firm and commence contract
negotiations. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and re-advertise, to
waive any irregularities in the proposals, and to accept the proposal that deemed to be in
the best interest of the City. The City may reject any and all proposals deemed
unqualified, unsatisfactory, or inappropriate. Unsuccessful consultants will be notified as
soon as possible.