Livingston School District Livingston School District - Module #3 Module #3: Introduction Domain 4a: Professional Responsibilities – Reflecting on Teaching In this module, you will have the opportunity to reflect on eight engagement strategies (sometimes referred to as the Big Eight) that when used effectively will increase student engagement and increase student learning. These strategies are only a small sampling that teachers draw upon as they seek to have optimal learning in broad and differing settings and groups. While this module will help you gain familiarity with these eight strategies, the primary purpose of this module is to instill a habit of professional reflection on your teaching practices. Livingston School District - Module #3 Module #3 Steps for Completion Read through the module introduction so that you understand what the specific domain emphasizes. 2. Watch suggested videos and complete the video observation form. 3. Video tape your classroom highlighting the effectiveness of your lesson(s). Focus on the Big 8 Engagement Strategies and how you use these in your classroom. Fill out the self video reflection worksheet. 4. Arrange to meet with the ISS for checkout 1. Livingston School District - Module #3 Self Pre-Module #3 Assessment In this module you will use the “Big 8 – Engagement Strategies” as you reflect on your teaching. As a pre-assessment look at each of the strategies and list how you are currently using these in your classroom. Attention Prompts Proximity Explicit Instruction Cueing Time Limits Opportunity to Respond Voice Expectations Definitions will be provided in your module worksheets Livingston School District - Module #3