Problem Solving

EC 2.1
Automated Can Crusher
Use the following information to guide you through the Automated Can Crusher Project.
The background information and scenario is described in the Design Brief.
Teams and Specialization
You will be divided into teams of 6-7. You must then subdivide your team and put 2 or 3 people into subteams that are
responsible for the following specialties:
 Robotics and Electrical Control – designing and building the electrical components, robot program, and robot
controller interfacing.
 Construction and Pneumatics – designing and building the structural components, cylinders, and air supply.
 CAD and CNC – designing and building CNC and CAD/3D printed components, other CAD drawings, and assisting with
manual drawings.
Though there will be many instances where specialties overlap or where you may need to help other subteams, you must
stick with your subteam as much as possible. You and your subteammates are solely responsible for completing that part
of the project, and if problems arise at any time that involve your specialty, you are primarily responsible for fixing them.
On the other hand, you must work closely with the rest of your team to make sure that each subteam is producing what
the others expect. This is a simulation of real-world division of labor. Just like the real world, this doesn’t mean that you
cannot help in other areas, and it doesn’t give you an excuse to sit around doing nothing if your subteam happens to get
finished before others.
Criteria and Constraints
The following are class-specific criteria/constraints:
 You must incorporate the robot into your design and write a robot program to control at least part of the process.
 You must build a can feeder bin that holds at least 3 cans and is built so that the robot can extract a can from it and
the next can drops into place.
 You must use the CNC mill to make a functional part of some kind (not just decoration).
 You must use CAD and the 3D printer to design and print a functional part of some kind (ditto).
 Your detailed design should include a test plan that includes how you plan to test the can crusher. It should include
at least 3 specific test cases and what you expect to happen in each.
 For your detailed design of your components, you can use CAD or manual drawings. For manual drawings, you must
use standard engineering drawing techniques.
 For your electrical and pneumatic diagrams, you may create them using CAD or by hand. In either case, you must
use standard symbols, and use a ladder diagram for the electrical. They MUST be neat and readable.
All other criteria/constraints can be found in the Design Brief. If there’s a conflict between those listed above and those
listed in the Design Brief, the class-specific criteria/constraints take precedence and should be followed.
Deliverables (stuff you have to complete and give to your customer – a.k.a. your teacher)
The Design Brief lists and describes the main project deliverables: the working Can Crusher prototype, the Design
Portfolio (what we call the Engineering Design Notebook), and the end of project presentation. Both the Design Brief and
the SME Project Matrix lists specific items that must be included or covered in the design notebook.
Design Notebook
The design notebook should be a separate folder or binder. You should include EVERYTHING you do in your design
notebook. It should be organized according to the design notebook practices that we discussed in the previous class.
The design notebook may have material created electronically and manually (as long as it is legible). As you complete
tasks/steps, print any documents/files as necessary, arrange and organize them, then put them in the notebook. It
should contain AT LEAST the following items:
 Title page
 Table of contents page.
 List of team members’ names and specialties.
 Section dividers to divide it into one section per step.
 Anything you create – documents, drawings, schematics, diagrams.
 Test results and any other data you collect.
 Notes or meeting minutes describing what was done and/or discussed during any team meetings you have.
 All items listed in the design brief.
Procedure, Schedule, and Grading
You should use the schedule at the end of this document, the SME project matrix, and the Design Brief to determine the
required tasks and due dates for the project. The process and procedure for accomplishing these tasks and meeting
dates is essentially up to you.
Do not take this project lightly. The design brief and this document contain detailed requirements describing what you
must do, and you will be evaluated based on these. Your can crusher is expected to function. Your notebook should
contain everything and look professional. Your presentation should be formal and address everything.
You will receive a total of 8 grades for this project – 5 end-of-phase evaluations and 3 main deliverables.
 End-of-phase evaluations - Evaluations based on your progress at the end of the 5 phases of the project. The
schedule on page 2 shows the due dates and evaluation criteria for each phase. These are recorded as daily work
grades and are worth 100 points each.
 Main deliverables – Evaluations of each of the 3 main project deliverables. The prototype will be graded based on
how well it meets the project criteria and constraints. The notebook will be graded based on how well it meets
content requirements as specified by the project documentation and how it is organized according to engineering
notebook practices. The presentation will be based on meeting criteria and specifications, which will be provided in a
separate document. These are recorded as major project grades and are worth 100 points each.
Phases and Evaluation Criteria
EDP Step(s) and Tasks
9/10 – 9/16
1) Problem Identification
2) Research
9/17 – 9/22
9/23 – 10/1
- Choose subteams
3) Create possible solutions
4) Choose best solution
- Divide work between
Team &
Team &
5) Development work (Design)
10/2 – 10/14
6) Construct Prototype
10/15 – 10/21
7) Testing and evaluation
Presentations and Wrap-up: 10/22 – 10/23
Team &
Team &
Evaluation Criteria
 Problem statement
 Research – cover all topics listed in the Design
 Work ethic and participation
 At least two possible solutions from each
subteam for their specialty, including
descriptions and simple diagrams/drawings
 Evidence of analysis and discussion of solutions
(listing of advantages and disadvantages of
each, meeting minutes, items discussed, etc.)
 Statement describing the solution chosen,
including reasons you chose it and reasons you
didn’t choose the others
 Work ethic and participation
 Component designs/drawings
 Electrical diagrams/schematics
 Pneumatic diagrams/schematics
 Bill of materials
 Test plan
 Any necessary calculations, charts, etc.
 Work ethic and participation
 Completed, working prototype
 Work ethic and participation
 Documentation of test results
 Continuous improvement analysis
 Finalized, tested prototype
 Work ethic and participation