NFMY Orchestra letter

NSB Orchestra @ NFMY Birmingham
Friday 10 July 2015
Following the Regional event in March, I am delighted to tell you that Orchestra has been
invited to take part in this year’s National Festival of Music for Youth in Birmingham
during the first week of July.
We are scheduled to perform in Adrian Boult Hall, Birmingham, on Friday 10 July at
10.30am. We will be playing ‘Procession Of The Sardar’, ‘Dusk’ (a brand new piece) and
either ‘Star Wars Epic’ or ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean 2’. What a fabulous acoustic to get
given the opportunity to perform in.
Everyone who is a member of the Orchestra is expected to take part. It is our last
performance of the year and follows on from our final school concert performance on
Thursday 2 July – ‘Summertime Celebration’.
Rehearsals will continue to run as usual throughout the exam period and, although years 11,
12 & 13 exams take priority, we expect members of those year groups to attend as often as
their exam/revision schedule allows them to.
Commitment and responsibility to an ensemble are things that I value very highly, as do
many of our students, and it would be wrong for others to let them down. Everyone is
important to the team.
Rehearsals, lasting from 3.45 – 5.00pm, will take place on:
Wednesday 20 May
Wednesday 3 June
Wednesday 10 June
Wednesday 17 June
Wednesday 24 June
Wednesday 1 July
Wednesday 8 July
Other rehearsals, either sectional or full, may be called as we approach our performance
A Parental Consent form (enclosed) needs to be completed for each participant.
I will be eternally grateful if Y11, 12 (only for the exam leave period) & 13 parents
would also complete the attached rehearsal availability pro-forma. Both forms should
be returned to the Music Office by Friday 22 May at the latest.
National Festival tickets can be purchased from and cost £8 (£5 concessions –
aged 60+ or 21 and under). A £3 transaction fee, plus £1 (optional) postage, will be charged
on all bookings except purchases made in person at the Town Hall or Symphony Hall Box
Office. Also available are MFY 2 or 3 Day packages (20% off) and a MFY 4+ Day package
(25% off). Tickets allow you into all performances at all venues (space permitting).
All Orchestra members are expected to travel on the school coaches together. Coach
timings will be confirmed shortly. However, I know that Northamptonshire County
Youth Concert Band and Big Band will be performing in later sessions. Please indicate
on the attached form if your son/daughter will be travelling back from Birmingham
with either of those groups.
There may be some seats available for supporters on our coaches at a cost of £8 per
person. Please fill in the appropriate space on the attached form if interested.
‘Summer Celebration’ tickets are expected to go quite fast this year. Not only is it the last
concert for a number of students who will be leaving us this year, but it will also be my last
general concert as Director of Music at NSB prior to retiring from full-time teaching after 14
very happy years at the school. Tickets for this event cost £9 (£8 NSB Friends; £7
Concessions). Friends booking is already open, with all tickets on general release from 1
I look forward to seeing you at our final concert of the year and at Birmingham.
B Johnson
Director of Music
NSB Orchestra @ NFMY Birmingham
Friday 10 July 2015
I have received and read the information.
This confirms that ______________________ (Student’s name) _________ (Form) also
understands the expectations outlined above.
Please complete the following grid if in Y11, 12 (exam leave period) or 13 only
Rehearsal Date
Mark X if Reason
not at
(Exam; exam revision; etc)
Wednesday 20 May
Wednesday 3 June
Wednesday 10 June
Wednesday 17 June
Wednesday 24 June
Wednesday 1 July
Wednesday 8 July
__________________________________ (Student’s name) will be travelling back from
Birmingham with Northamptonshire County Youth Concert Band and Big Band.
We would like to reserve _______ (insert number) of supporters’ seats on the school coach at
a cost of £8 each. The Music Office will confirm availability as soon as possible.
Signed: _________________________________________
Date: ________________