Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK 1 Appendix: Supplemental Digital Content Appendix A: Additional Sample Description Table A.1 Participant Characteristics Measure Age Race African-American Latino/Hispanic White/Caucasian Other Education High school or Less Some College College/Graduate Degree Yearly Income $0-$10,000 $11-$20,000 $21,000+ Employment Status Working Disability Unemployed Student/Other Relationship Status Having sex with one partner Having sex with more than one partner Any UAI in the last 2 months Yes No Sexual identity Gay/homosexual Bisexual Other Any drug use in the last 2 months Yes No Any alcohol use in the last 7 days Yes No HIV disease status Undetectable viral load (≤ 50 copies/mL) AIDS diagnosis (CD4 ≤ 200) N 106 105 M (SD) % 38.3 (9.7) 51.9 25.5 20.8 1.9 105 25.7 42.9 31.4 105 37.1 32.4 30.5 105 17.1 39.1 28.6 15.2 105 19.1 81.0 106 66.0 34.0 105 81.9 14.3 3.8 106 82.1 17.9 106 67.0 33.0 89 101 43.8 11.9 Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK 2 Appendix B: Reliability and Correlation of the Well-Being and Depression Measures Reliability. To describe sources of variance and reliability of the time-varying predictors, we differentiate the available variance in the predictor variables depression and wellbeing, following Cronbach’s generalizability theory approach, as described by Shrout and colleagues (Shrout & Lane, 2011; Cranford, Shrout, Iida, Rafaeli, Yip, & Bolger, 2006). Table B.1 shows the variance components of the item ratings for depressed mood and well-being. Variability between persons is substantial for well-being and depressed mood, explaining 12% and 24% of the variance. Variability across time was 0, indicating that neither depressed mood nor well-being showed systematic change over time. Variability across items was 19% and 16%, indicating that some items were rated systematically higher or lower than other items in both scales. Person-by-time variability was 9% and 10%, indicating that some participants rated their depressed affect and well-being as higher or lower across all items at certain time points. Person-by-item variability was the second largest variance components for both scales with 30% and 32%, indicating that some participants rated some items higher or lower across all time points. Time-by-item variability was 0 for both scales, indicating that none of the items showed systematic time trends. For depression and well-being, residual variability was the largest variance component, indicating that some persons rated some of the items within the scales in some weeks unusually high or low. Based on these variance components, we calculated between-person reliability RBetw and within-person reliability RChange; reliabilities were high for both depressed affect and well-being. Table C.1 Variance Decomposition and Between- and Within-Person Reliability Estimates for Depression and Well-Being Source of Variance Depressed Mood (CES-D) 0.10 % 12 WellBeing (FAHI) 0.35 % 24 Variability across persons σ2PERSON Variability across time σ2TIME 0.00 0 0.00 0 Variability across items σ2ITEM 0.20 19 0.27 16 Person-by-time variability σ2PERSON*TIME 0.07 9 0.14 10 Person-by-item variability σ2PERSON*ITEM 0.25 30 0.45 32 Time-by-item variability σ2TIME*ITEM 0.00 0 0.00 0 Residual variability σ2ERROR 0.40 49 0.47 33 100 1.41 100 Total Between-person reliability RBetw 0.94 0.98 Within-person reliability RChange 0.93 0.96 Correlation of Depression and Well-Being. We also examined the correlations between depression and well-being. The between-person correlation was high (r = -.75, p <.01). Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK The average within-person correlation was moderate in size (r = -.30, p =.01). To calculate the average within-person correlation, we followed the procedure in Green, Rafaeli, Bolger, Shrout, and Reis (2006). We standardized the deviations in depression and well-being so that they had a mean of 0 and within-person standard deviation of 1. Then we used a mixed model to regress standardized depression on standardized wellbeing. As both depression and well-being were standardized within person, we got the average within-person correlation from the slope of this model. 3 Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK 4 Appendix C: Detailed Description of the Data Analysis and Results Study Design. We designed a study that included bi-weekly repeated assessments of well-being and risk behavior. Specifically, participants were asked to report on depression, well-being, and sexual risk episodes in the prior week in Weeks 1, 3, and 5 of the study. Rationale for Choice of Data Analysis Strategy. The current analysis is our attempt at the “integration of theoretical model, temporal design, and statistical model” important when analyzing repeated assessments (Collins, 2006, p. 509). We assume that depression/well-being and sexual risk episodes fluctuate in relatively brief time periods of hours or days. Therefore, we measured depression/well-being and sexual risk episodes within the same week, and analyzed the data that way. We chose a contemporaneous analysis approach over a time-lagged approach because we believe that the 2-week lags between assessment waves were too long to capture processes that would be expected to play out in hours or days. It also seemed unlikely that depression and well-being in a given week would influence risk behavior 2 weeks later. Thus, we assume that depression and well-being in a certain week are related to risk episodes in that same week. Data Analysis Strategy. We conducted within-person analyses where we asked the question: On weeks when depression and well-being is higher than the person’s average, is the person’s likelihood of a risk episode higher than average? To address this question, we separated each predictor variable into a within- and a between-person component and then entered both of them in the regression model, following recommendations by Allison (2009), Bolger and Laurenceau (2013), Raudenbush and Bryk (2002), Curran and Bauer (2011), and West, Ryu, Kwok, and Cham (2011). Analyses were carried out using the GENMOD procedure in SAS 9.3 with a significance level of p≤.05. We will first focus on the analysis of depression and any UAI episodes. Equation C.1 shows that the raw depression score for individiual i at time t, Depressionit, can be split up into the weekly within-person deviation in depression, Depression_Wit, from each individual i's average depression level across Week 1, 3, and 5, Depression_Bi. Depressionit = Depression_Wit + Depression_Bi (C.1) Therefore, we first calculated average depression for each individual i across Week 1, 3, and 5, Depression_Bi. Then we subtracted each person’s average from the raw depression score, Depressionit, to arrive at the deviation in depression, Depression_Wit. Depression deviations and person means were divided by the between-person standard deviation to standardize them and facilitate interpretation of effects. Then we entered depression deviations and person averages, the latter centered at the grand mean, into a logistic regression (Equation C.2). ln Pr(UAIit = 1) Pr(UAIit = 0) = 1 + 2 Depression_Wit + 3 Depression_Bi (C.2) We modeled the probability of any UAI episode as a logistic function with two predictors: (a) deviations for person i at time t (Depression_Wit) from the person mean level of depression, and (b) between-person mean levels of depression, centered at the grand Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK 5 mean (Depression_Bi). This approach of centering time-varying predictors within person separates the effect of depression into an average within-person effect (indicating how deviations from the person’s average level of depression are related to the probability of any UAI episode) and a between-person individual differences effect (indicating how each person’s average level of depression is related to the probability of any UAI episode). These two components can have different effect sizes and be in opposite directions. Equation C.2 shows the logistic regression model as logit expressions so that the predictors appear in the linear form familiar from ordinary least squares regression. The model predicts the odds that the most recent sexual encounter for individual i at time t was a UAI episode. These odds are defined as the probability of reporting any UAI episode, Pr(Yit = 1), divided by the probability of not reporting any UAI episode, Pr(Yit = 0). To obtain meaningful values for the intercept 1, we centered the between-person predictor Depression_Bi at the grand mean in the sample. The intercept 1 indicates the odds of any UAI episode when all other predictors are 0, i.e., when there is no deviation from person average depression, Depression_Wit, and Depression_Bi, is at the grand mean in the sample across the weeks of the study. The coefficient 2 tests whether on weeks when a person was more depressed than usual he showed a greater probability of a UAI episode (within-person association). The coefficient 3 tests whether persons who were higher in average depression were also higher in average risk (betweenperson association). Both outcomes, the probability of any UAI episode (UAIit) and probability of a discordant UAI episode (dUAIit), were examined for depression and well-being, resulting in four regression models (Equations C.2 to C.5). ln Pr(UAIit = 1) Pr(UAIit = 0) = 4 + 5 Well-being_Wit + 6 Well-being_Bi (C.3) ln Pr(dUAIit = 1) Pr(dUAIit = 0) = 7 + 8 Depression_Wit + 9 Depression_Bi (C.4) Pr(dUAIit = 1) Pr(dUAIit = 0) = 10 + 11 Well-being_Wit + 12 Well-being_Bi (C.5) ln We tested quadratic relationships between depression/well-being and sexual risk episodes in all models by adding quadratic terms for each within- and between-effect in Equations C.2 to C.5. Across the eight effects we examined, there was little support for a consistent quadratic relationship between depression/well-being and risk. Using QIC and QICu as fit criteria, the models including quadratic terms did not show improvements in model fit. Therefore, the models reported in the article focus on the linear within- and between-person associations of well-being and depression with risk without including quadratic terms. A time trend that is not accounted for could induce a spurious association between a within-person predictor and the outcome (i.e., time could act as a third variable explaining the association between the within-person predictor and the outcome; Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013; Curran & Bauer, 2011). Therefore, in exploratory analyses we tested if participants reported on average more or less risk episodes over time. These Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK 6 analyses did not show a significant time trend across the three time points of the study. The percentage of participants reporting any UAI episode or a discordant UAI episode was relatively stable across the three time points of the study. Therefore, the models reported in the article focus on within- and between-person associations of depression and well-being with sexual risk episodes (see Equations C.2 to C.5). Table C.2 Within-Person Differences in Depression and Well-being Are Associated with the Probability of a Sexual Risk Episode Probability of any UAI episode Predictor Intercept Depression_Wit Depression_Bi Intercept Well-being_Wit Well-being_Bi Estimate 0.26 0.53 0.22 0.27 -0.91 -0.29 SE 0.18 0.27 0.19 0.18 0.31 0.20 z 1.45 1.97 1.17 1.48 -2.95 -1.44 p 0.148 0.048 0.241 0.139 0.003 0.150 OR 1.29 1.71 1.25 1.31 0.40 0.75 95% CI Low High 0.91 1.83 1.00 2.90 0.86 1.80 0.92 1.86 0.22 0.74 0.50 1.11 Probability of a serodiscordant UAI episode 95% CI Predictor Estimate SE z p OR Low High Intercept -1.62 0.23 -6.96 <.001 0.20 0.13 0.31 Depression_Wit 0.91 0.33 2.77 0.006 2.49 1.31 4.73 Depression_Bi 0.01 0.22 0.06 0.950 1.01 0.66 1.57 Intercept -1.64 0.23 -7.00 <.001 0.19 0.12 0.31 Well-being_Wit -0.87 0.34 -2.58 0.010 0.42 0.22 0.81 Well-being_Bi -0.06 0.21 -0.27 0.788 0.95 0.63 1.42 Note. Depression was measured with the Centers for Epidemiological Studies– Depression scale and well-being was measured with the Functional Assessment of HIV Infection scale. The Contemporaneous Analysis Approach. We intentionally characterize our approach to the analysis as contemporaneous, to distinguish it from a classic correlational analysis. The study is designed with repeated contemporaneous assessments that could be called multiple cross-sections. These repeated cross-sections allow for a contemporaneous analysis that enables us to distinguish between- and within-person variability (i.e., stable person means and deviations). No matter if we are looking at a single cross-section or repeated time points, we can represent the assessment of a certain person i taken at time t as the sum of two components (e.g., Allison, 2009; Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013, Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002; Curran & Bauer, 2011; Hamaker, 2012). The first component is the person’s average level, often called a trait score, and the second component is the person’s temporal deviation from this person’s average level, the person’s state score at this time point (see Equation C.1 for the example of depression). As Hamaker (2012, p. 49) has pointed out about single cross-sections, “when we take a cross section and analyze these data, both within-person (or state-like) aspects and between-person (or trait-like aspects) influence our results.” But a single cross-section does not allow for Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK distinguishing state- and trait-like aspects. Only with repeated assessments can we separate how much of the variability is due to trait aspects and state aspects of a construct of interest. A study that includes repeated assessments and time-sensitive measurement instruments (often called state measures) allows for the examination of both state and trait variability in constructs of interest, as Hamaker (2012) has pointed out. It is a common misconception that using a “state measure” ensures that all the variability captured is due to states. But stable between-person differences still influence reports on state measures. Thus, our analyses aimed to examine both within- and the betweenperson associations. We separate the within- and between-person variability in the predictor and enter them separately to get at the within- and between-person association of depression/well-being and risk. The contemporaneous analysis approach with differentiation of within- and betweenperson associations does not allow causal conclusions. This study shows that the depression-to-sexual risk link seems to be not a stable characteristic of HIV-positive MSM, but rather a dynamic one. The depression-risk link seems to be more dynamic than prior studies had assumed. When depression was higher than usual, sexual risk episodes were more likely to occur. Future studies that employ at least weekly repeated assessments of depression and sexual risk episodes are needed to examine temporal ordering and causality. These studies will be able to test if increases in normal depression precede sexual risk episodes, if sexual risk episodes precede depression increases, or if there are time-varying circumstances (e.g., stressors) that precede increases both in depression and sexual risk episodes. 7 Running head: FLUCTUATIONS IN DEPRESSION AND RISK References Allison, P.D. (2009). Fixed effects regression methods for longitudinal data using SAS. Carey, NC: SAS Institute. Bolger, N., & Laurenceau, J.-P. (2013). Intensive longitudinal methods. New York: Guilford. Collins, L. A. (2006). 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