Conferences, Seminars & Call for Research Papers

Conferences, Seminars & Call for Research Papers
2nd International Conference "Water resources and wetlands"
The Romanian Limnogeographical Association (RLA) in collaboration with the Polish Limnological Society (PLS), Czech Limnological Society
(CLS) and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA) invite you to take part in the International Conference. The objectives
of this conference are based on the need to integrate various approaches and angles in the research of inland and sea waters in order to
establish sustainable ways of solving present and future problems generated by the ever more intensive use of water resources for human
activities. The goal is to offer participants a meeting place where experience and knowledge can be shared and exchanged, whether they
are researchers, private companies or government institutions (central or local), in order to come up with solutions for the issues facing
each of these stakeholders. The scientific subjects that will be addressed cover a wide area of interest ranging from the study of the
behavior of inland waters (groundwaters, rivers, lakes and man-made reservoirs) and coastal sea waters to the analysis of the degree to
which these resources have been affected in terms of quality due to human intervention and present climate changes.
Please visit
Delta Hotel, Tulcea, Romania
11-13 September 2014
Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS)
Conference Committee has been working hard to develop a program that will be topical and engaging for all tastes. ARMS 2014 will
continue to offer a varied program of keynote speakers, round table discussions, clinical and a wide selection of oral and poster
presentations. Workshops will again provide the lead in to the main conference program but this time will be
complemented by a number of Master-classes. We encourage everyone to register early to avoid disappointment.
Please visit
National Convention Centre, Canberra
17-19 September 2014
European Organization for Sustainable Development
A three day International Greening Education Event will bring together academic community, policy makers, representatives of multilateral
agencies, senior members of academic institutions, administrators and teachers, sustainable development practitioners and other
stakeholders from around the world. The event provides an exclusive forum to: Examine how global issues such as climate change, loss of
biodiversity and other major challenges are affecting education sector; deliberate on how to embed sustainability in curricula, courses and
learning and teaching material; debate on the ways to make educational institutions as one of the key leaders in finding long lasting
solutions to environmental, social and economic challenges; share best practices; and get insights on how education is being reshaped to
meet the requirements of the 21st century.
Please visit
Karlsruhe, Germany
29th to 31st October 2014
The Fourth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE 2014)
It aims to provide a great opportunity to share common interests in geo-engineering, construction materials, environmental issues,
water resources, and earthquake and tsunami disasters. The conference will be dedicated to those affected by the tragic Tohoku-Kanto
which occurred
Japan Standard
the north east of Japan was severely damaged. The organisers encourage and welcome your enthusiastic participation and look
forward to receiving contributions demonstrating in-depth multi-disciplinary technology towards new research and development
Please visit
The University of Southern Queensland (Springfield Campus), Brisbane, Australia
19-21 November 2014
Abstract: 15 February, 2014; Full Paper Submission: 15 June, 2014; Registration: 15 August, 2014
The 2014 International Science & Technology Conference (ISTEC)
International Science and Technology Conference (ISTEC) aims to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in science and
technology can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are
encouraged to submit proposals for papers or posters/demonstrations that offer new research or theoretical contributions. Presentations
should be in Turkish and English and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings. Furthermore if the presenter is
unable to attend the oral presentation, virtual presentations or video presentations are available. For further information on how to submit,
please refer to the Paper Submission section on our website. For paper guidelines, please refer to the Paper Guidelines section.
Please visit
Copthorne Hotel, Doha, Qatar
18-20 December 2014
Abstract Deadline: 5 December 2014; Final Registration: 6 December 2014; Full Article Deadline: 15 December 2014
International Technical Sciences Journal (ITSJ)
The “International Technical Sciences Journal” (ITSJ) is a peer reviewed journal which accepts high quality research articles. It is an annual
journal published each June. ITSJ is available to all researchers who are interested in publishing their scientific achievements in the field of
technical sciences. We welcome submissions focusing on theories, methods and applications in both articles and book reviews.
Please visit
Closing Date
Journal Issued annually in June
International Journal of Geomate
The “International Journal of GEOMATE” is a Scientific Journal of the GEOMATE International Society that encompasses a broad area in
Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment. The key objective of this journal is to promote interdisciplinary research
from various regions of the globe.
Closing Date
Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue
European Scientific Journal
The “European Scientific Journal” (ESJ) is a double-blind per reviewed journal which accepts high quality research articles. The journal
is issued monthly and is available to all researchers who are interested in publishing their scientific achievements. Regular monthly
publications of the ESJ are uploaded on our website at the end of each month. Moreover, the European Scientific Institute, the publisher of
the ESJ, mails a printed copy of the journal to the authors of the papers included in each respective edition.
Closing Date
Papers may be submitted any time throughout the year
Pacesetter Journal of Biological Sciences
Pacesetter Journal of Biological Sciences is currently accepting manuscripts for publication. They publish high-quality articles (English). All
papers published by Pacesetter Journal of Biological Sciences are peer reviewed. They are committed to providing rapid response in all our
manuscript with one (1) issue published every month. The following type of papers is considered for publication:
* Original articles in basic and applied research.
* Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays.
Closing Date
Their objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) as soon as possible. Following acceptance, the article will be
published in the next issue. One key request of researchers across the world is open access to research publications. Pacesetter Journal of
Biological Sciences is fully committed to providing free access to all articles as soon as they are published.
Manuscript(s) can be sent to
Continual Basis
ARPN Publishes would like to invite you to submit your valuation contributions in the following Journal –
ARPN Journal of Science & Technology
Journal of Science and Technology is an international, open-access journal that publishes research intensive articles and scientific
manuscripts and survey based contributions focusing all aspects of science and Technology. The objective of this journal is to bring
together research fellows from academia and professional practitioners from industry to enlighten the latest topics of interest and building
long lasting collaborations.
Please visit
ARPN Journal of Systems and Software is an International refereed research publishing journal with a focused aim of promoting and
publishing original high quality research dealing with theoretical and scientific aspects in all disciplines of Systems and Software
Please visit
Please Note
We invite paper submissions in five forms:
o Original research
o Literature Review / Systematic Literature Review
o Short Articles on industrial and hands-on experience on any relevant area
o Preliminary Findings
o Technical Reports / Notes
Each issue is running issue and all officially accepted manuscripts will be immediately published online. State-of-the-art running issue
concept gives authors the benefit of 'Zero Waiting Time' for the officially accepted manuscripts to be published.
Submissions must be original work and have not been published elsewhere, nor can they be under concurrent review for publication by
another conference or journal. Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process.
All submitted papers should be written in English. All the submissions will be peer-reviewed by the panel of experts associated with
journals. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation
in order to provide the highest publication quality possible.
Manuscripts can be submitted through online submission system (by browsing the Journal URL) or in an electronic form (.pdf or .doc)
Authors may contact ARPN for expression of interest and content appropriateness at any time. Since we receive papers in continuous
flow, there is no deadline for manuscript submission.
Asian Online Journals
The Asian Online Journals welcomes research scholars and scientists from different domains in its sphere of Open Access publication.
Through the incorporation of scientific researchers and industrial practitioners; Call for papers by Asian Online Journals becomes another
achievement of its contribution towards the success of scientific research, social infrastructure and industrial advancement. The purpose of
Call for Papers is to distribute original scientific research, facts, and knowledge through broad assortment of journals in the fields of
Computing, Information Systems, Engineering, Technology, Business, Management, Social Sciences, Humanities, Pharmacy, Nursing,
Medical Sciences, Applied Sciences, Mathematics, Education, Agriculture, Food Sciences, and so on. Asian Online Journals always seek to
publish an unbiased and balanced mix of high quality theoretical or experiential research articles, case studies, book reviews, proposals,
analysis, surveys, tutorials, opinions, commentaries, essays, editorials as well as pedagogical and curricular issues that meets the general
criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Our objective is to notify authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks
of submission. Following approval, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. The Asian Online Journals are fully committed to
the Open Access Initiative and all articles will be available freely as soon as they are published.
Please visit