Auxiliary material for Exploring the dissolution effect on the intrashell Mg/Ca variability of the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber Jennifer Fehrenbacher* Department of Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago *Currently at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences University of California, Davis Pamela Martin Departments of Geology and Geography Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Paleoceanography, 2013 Introduction: This supplement contains the image maps generated for each time period, but showing discrete ranges of Mg/Ca ratios. Also included are histograms of the Mg/Ca ratios from each individual electron microprobe images (Mg/Ca data is presented in non-normalized ratios and log-transformed). A figure showing the modeled data compared to actual data is also included. A figure illustrating that there is no systematic difference between the arithmetic mean and harmonic mean in a subset of samples. Two tables that contain the statistics for all samples (lognormal and log-transformed) for each individual sample (Table S1) and for the pooled data sets for each time period (Table S2). 1. fs01 is Figure S1: Holocene image maps detailing Mg/Ca variability in discrete Mg/Ca ranges. 2. fs02 is Figure S2: Holocene image maps detailing Mg/Ca variability in discrete Mg/Ca ranges. 3. fs03 is Figure S3: Holocene image maps detailing Mg/Ca variability in discrete Mg/Ca ranges. 4. fs04 is Figure S4: Holocene image maps detailing Mg/Ca variability in discrete Mg/Ca ranges. 5. fs05 is Figure S5 Histogram of Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for Holocene shallow core 6. fs06 is Figure S6 Histogram of log-transformed Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for Holocene shallow core 7. fs07 is Figure S7 Histogram of Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for Holocene deep core 8. fs08 is Figure S8 Histogram of log-transformed Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for Holocene deep core 9. fs09 is Figure S9 Histogram of Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for LGM shallow core 10. fs10 is Figure S10 Histogram of log-transformed Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for LGM shallow core 11. fs11 is Figure S11 Histogram of Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for LGM deep core 12. fs12 is Figure S12 Histogram of log-transformed Mg/Ca ratios for EMP maps for LGM deep core 13. fs13 is Figure S13 Histograms of the pooled Mg/Ca data for all EMP maps for the Holocene and LGM shallow and deep cores (non-normalized and log transformed) compared to the Histograms of the modeled data for the Holocene and LGM shallow and deep cores (non-normalized and log-transformed) 14. fs14 is Figure S14 Figure illustrating the difference between the arithmetic mean and harmonic mean in a subset of samples 15. tx01 is Table S1: Statistics for the individual image maps 15.1 Column 1: Sample 15.2 Column 2: Mean (log transformed data) 15.3 Column 3: Standard deviation (log transformed data) 15.4 Column 4: Variance (log transformed data) 15.5 Column 5: Skewness (log transformed data) 15.6 Column 6: Kurtosis (log transformed data) 15.7 Column 7: Mean 15.8 Column 8: Standard deviation 15.9 Column 9: Variance 15.10 Column 10: Skewness 15.11 Column 11: Kurtosis 16. tx02 is Table S2: Statistics for the pooled data sets for the Holocene and LGM shallow and deep cores 16.1 Column 1: Sample 16.2 Column 2: Mean (log transformed data) 16.3 Column 3: Standard deviation (log transformed data) 16.4 Column 4: Variance (log transformed data) 16.5 Column 5: Skewness (log transformed data) 16.6 Column 6: Kurtosis (log transformed data) 16.7 Column 7: Mean 16.8 Column 8: Standard deviation 16.9 Column 9: Variance 16.10 Column 10: Skewness 16.11 Column 11: Kurtosis