
Microfinance Ireland Wordpress Documentation
Logging into Wordpress:
User Name:
Complete the sum 7 + four =
User Name and Password on the live site will be different than above. These will be
forwarded to MFI once the new site is uploaded and live.
Website security:
Passwords are an integral part of a Wordpress Website’s security.
A general rule on passwords is that they should be at least 6 characters (I personally
prefer at least 8) and include Upper and Lower case letters, Numbers and Special
Characters (such as commas, question marks, exclamation points etc etc)
Any password that adheres to these rules will be very difficult to guess.
The article at the link above gives some pointers on choosing a good password.
Other security measures will be implemented on MFIs live website to further deter
hacking attempts and security breaches.
Wordpress Dashboard:
The wordpress dashboard comprises all the elements of your wordpress website.
We will focus on the areas related to updating page/post content
Wordpress Posts:
Case Studies and Media Articles on the MFI website are Posts. To this end there are
2 post categories – Case Studies and Media.
Posts are displayed on the site based on their category so it is important that the
correct category is selected when setting up a new case study or media article.
N.B. If a category is not selected for a post it is created as “uncategorized” and will
not display as either a case study or a media article.
Adding a Post:
For this example we will add a Media Article post to the MFI website.
Posts can be added from (1) Left Sidebar or (2) All Posts section of Wordpress
As a minimum, a post should have (1) a Title, (2) Content and (3) a Featured Image.
Don’t forget to select (4) A CATEGORY!!!
Adding Post Content:
Wordpress offers 2 different views of Post content area (1) Visual and Text. You
should work in Visual view. Text view is used for writing HTML tags into the post
(2) The last icon in the block on the left is Kitchen Sink. Clicking this icon expands
the edit bar and shows extended edit options.
(1) The dropdown menu allows you to style individual parts of the content.
The individual styling options are shown above. (1) Paragraph; (2) Address; (3)
Heading 1; (4) Heading 2; (5) Heading 3.
The above image shows how (1) Paragraph; (2) Address; (3) Heading 1; (4) Heading
2 and (5) Heading 3 render on the live site. You can also see the Post Title (POST
TITLE GOES HERE) rendered on the live site.
Adding links to Post content:
You can also add a link to post content.
(1) Highlight the text you want to use as a link.
(2) Click the link icon
You can (1) add a custom link via URL. Note: Title is a description of the custom
link, the checkbox below opens the link in a new tab.
(2) Allows you to select a page/post within the MFI website to link to. E.G. Apply
Now page is linked throughout the site to divert users to the application page. This
can be selected from the list of pages/posts in the link box.
Adding a Featured Image to a post:
N.B. A Featured Image must have a minimum width of 245px and a
minimum height of 150px in order to display properly.
(1) Click Set Featured Image
You can (1) Upload a File from your computer or (2) Select a previously uploaded
image from the Media Library
Upload a File Option:
Click Select Files.
Remember: The image must be at least 245px * 150px to display correctly.
(1) The Uploaded Image is displayed. (2) Click Set featured image.
N.B. Alt Text is Alternative Text, which is used by screen readers for the
visually impaired to identify what an image relates to. As such it is an
important element of adding an image to the website.
(1) The Featured Image is now attached to the post.
(2) Click Publish
Once the post is published, you can view the it by clicking (1) View Post button.
New Case Study Post:
The process for adding a Case Study post is the same as that outlined above with 2
additions. (1) Customer Name and (2) Quote fields also need to be populated.
This shows how (1) Customer Name and (2) Quote fields render on the live site.
Not all pages on the website are editable from the Wordpress Dashboard. This is
because some of the functionality attached to pages requires that they are
customized using HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript.
The pages that are editable are:
What We Do
Who We Are
How to Apply is partially editable.
(no title) page controls the image slider on the homepage. DO NOT edit or delete
this page.
About Us page contains no content. It is there for display on the drop down section
of the main menu. DO NOT delete this page.
Editing Pages:
Pages are editable in the same way as Posts.
N.B. The Template setting in Page Attributes determines the design of the page. If
this is changed the page design will be affected. Ensure this setting is not changed
when editing pages.
Page to Template structure:
In case the template attached to a page is accidentally changed the relationship
between pages and templates is:
Meet The Team
What We Do
Who We Are
Contact Us
How To Apply
Submit An Application
Thank You
Directors Page Template
Team Page Template
Directors Page Template
About Us Page Template
About Us Page Template
Contact Us Page Template
FAQ Page Template
How To Apply Page Template
Application Page Template
Thank You Page Template
Emails received via Contact Us and Enquire Now:
Emails received via the Contact Us page and Enquire Now function will be routed
directly to an email address defined by MFI. At present the email address has not
been specified although it is standard to route these emails to info@ address (i.e.
There is extra functionality attached to emails received via the Enquire Now
function. The contact details from Enquire Now will be stored in a database on the
MFI web server.
An interface will be created to allow MFI staff to access this database for mailing
lists. Details for accessing this interface will be made accessible to MFI when the
site goes live.
Accessing uploaded application documents:
Because of security concerns this function will not be available on the MFI website
for go-live.
A secure, encrypted data transfer to MFI’s internal file server will be created to
facilitate this functionality in due course.