RENEWABLES OBLIGATION (SCOTLAND) Consultation on Biomass Sustainability Technical adjustments to sustainability provisions for solid and gaseous biomass under the Renewables Obligation (Scotland) 13th August – 5th November 2014 Introduction 1. The Renewables Obligation (Scotland) legislation has helped to deliver large increases in renewable electricity generating capacity across Scotland since its introduction in 2002. The increase in capacity has been mirrored across the UK thanks to the combination of the ROS with near identical RO mechanisms introduced by the UK Government (covering England and Wales) and by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in Northern Ireland to create a UK wide market for Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs). 2. The Scottish Government introduced sustainability provisions for solid biomass and biogas into the Renewables Obligation (Scotland) (ROS) in 2011 1. These required generators to report whether the biomass they had used had been sourced from a type of ‘protected land’ and to provide details of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with its production and use. These measures were enhanced in 20142 with the introduction of new criteria for sustainable forest managements (the UK Timber Standard for Heat and Electricity, based on the UK Timber Procurement Policy (UK-TPP), establishment of a GHG target trajectory and the requirement for generators to produce independent audit / assessment reports. The changes were brought in as a requirement to report against performance starting in April 2014, with an intention to make the majority of the sustainability provisions mandatory – and linked to ROCs – from 1 April 2015. 3. Scottish Government policy supports the deployment of biomass in heat-only or combined heat and power plants (CHP), particularly off gas-grid, and at a scale which maximises heat use and local supply. Biomass is a key fuel, which has an important part to play in meeting renewable energy and climate change targets, and especially in the delivery of our 11% renewable heat target. In 2013, 90% of renewable heat output in Scotland came from biomass installations which used biomass primary combustions, or biomass combined heat and power. The Scottish Government recognises the importance in ensuring that the biomass used for electricity generation is sustainable and delivers genuine carbon savings. Purpose of the consultation 4. The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change published a consultation paper on 16 June 20143 which sought views on five technical adjustments to the reporting requirements and sustainability criteria for biomass. 5. The Department of Energy and Climate Change published a Government Response on 12 August 20144 which sets out the UK Government’s final policy decisions. These decisions apply to the RO in relation to England and Wales, the Renewable Heat Incentive in England, Wales and Scotland and to Contracts for Difference in England, Wales and Scotland. This consultation seeks views on the decisions as they relate to the Renewables Obligation in Scotland. This document 3 4 1 2 does not reproduce the final policy decisions contained within the UK Government Response paper but are summarised as follows: To revise the Saw Logs definition in the Renewables Obligation Order 2014 Replace the definition of ‘saw logs’ in the Renewables Obligation Order 2014 with a requirement for generators to report against the definition of saw logs which matches the local specifications for saw logs in the place where the closest sawmill operates and to reference details of the local specification used. To reconsider the reporting requirements for tree species in the RO Replace the current requirement in the RO to report on specific ‘tree species’ with a requirement for generators to report on the proportion of wood used which is ‘hardwood’ and the proportion which is ‘softwood’. Include an additional requirement for generators to report on whether any of the wood used was likely to have come from protected or threatened species (and if so, to name that species). To provide exemptions from the Timber Standard for certain categories of wood for the RHI and RO Arboricultural residues deemed to be sustainable under the Timber Standard for the RO and RHI (and CfD) Diseased trees will not be exempt from the Timber Standard Material removed for ecological reasons where it originates from non-forest land will be deemed to have come from a sustainable source under the Timber Standard for the RO and RHI (and CfD) Windblow will not be exempt from the Timber Standard Saw mill residues will not be exempt from the Timber Standard To include ‘highly biodiverse grasslands’ to the list of protected land types for the RHI and the RO Add ‘highly biodiverse grasslands’ to the list of protected land types in the land criteria for non-wood solid and gaseous biomass under the RO and RHI (and CfD). This is subject to the adoption by the European Commission of a regulation establishing the criteria and geographical ranges for the purposes of bioliquids. Averaging the Greenhouse Gas Emissions across the year in the RO Introduce a GHG annual averaging process in the RO and forthcoming CfD’s in accordance with the methodology proposed in the consultation document i.e. the issue of ROCs or payments under the CfD in respect of any biomass consignment that exceeds the GHG target (but is below a maximum ceiling) will be deferred until the end of the reporting year. At this point the annual average GHG for all the consignments used will be calculated and outstanding payments on any consignments that exceeded the GHG target will only be made if the overall annual average is at or below the target. Approach in Scotland 6. The operation of the ROS is overseen by the Scottish Government. However, our customary starting point is that the RO in Scotland should remain consistent with its counterpart Orders across the UK. Our intention as a result of this consultation, therefore is to introduce identical provisions and requirements as the rest of the UK – unless compelling evidence or arguments are presented to the contrary. 7. We would therefore like to hear and receive the views and consultees on the decisions in relation to technical adjustments to the biomass sustainability provisions as they relate to the Renewables Obligation Scotland. Responding to this consultation paper 8. We are inviting written responses to this consultation paper by 5th November 2014. Please send your response with the completed Respondent Information Form (see "Handling your Response" below) to: Fiona Hepplewhite Energy Markets Team 4th Floor 5 Atlantic Quay 150 Broomielaw GLASGOW G2 8LU Telephone: 0300 244 1076 Email: 9. We would be happy to discuss these issues with stakeholders before they formalise their responses. 10. Please indicate clearly in your response the parts of the consultation paper you are responding to. This will help us process and analyse the responses which we receive. 11. This consultation, and all other Scottish Government consultation exercises, can be viewed online on the consultation web pages of the Scottish Government website at 12. The Scottish Government has an email alert system for consultations, This system allows stakeholder individuals and organisations to register and receive a weekly email containing details of all new consultations (including web links). The system complements, but in no way replaces SG distribution lists, and is designed to allow stakeholders to keep up to date with all SG consultation activity, and therefore be alerted at the earliest opportunity to those of most interest. We would encourage you to register. Handling your response 13. We need to know how you wish your response to be handled and, in particular, whether you are happy for your response to be made public. Please complete and return the Respondent Information Form which can be found at the end of this document. This will ensure that we treat your response appropriately. If you ask for your response not to be published we will regard it as confidential, and we will treat it accordingly. 14. All respondents should be aware that the Scottish Government are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and would therefore have to consider any request made to it under the Act for information relating to responses made to this consultation exercise. Next steps in the process 15. Where respondents have given permission for their response to be made public, responses will be made available to the public in the Scottish Government Library – after a check that they contain no defamatory material. You can make arrangements to view responses by contacting the SG Library on 0131 244 4552. Responses can be copied and sent to you, but a charge may be made for this service. What happens next ? 16. Following the closing date, all responses will be analysed and considered along with any other available evidence to help us reach a final position. In line with the rest of the UK all agreed changes emerging from this process will be placed before the Scottish Parliament as part of a Renewables Obligation (Scotland) Order 2015. Changes will take effect from April 2015. State Aid position 17. In accordance with State Aid rules, the current UK renewables obligation scheme was notified to the European Commission in July 2000 for its approval. A State Aid is defined under Article 87(1) of the EC Treaty as any public resource given selectively to an undertaking that could potentially affect competition and intracommunity trade. 18. The Commission considered that the redistribution of buy-out funds to electricity suppliers, as under the Obligations at present, constituted State aid to electricity producers and potentially also to electricity suppliers. However, as the scheme met the criteria for green certificate schemes set out in the Commission's environmental guidelines, it was approved (ref. N504/2000). A number of amendments have since been made to the scheme, all of which have been notified to and approved by the Commission. The proposals set out in this document plus those changes consulted upon previously, and which will apply here and elsewhere in the UK, will require the approval of the Commission. Comments and complaints 19. If you have any comments about how this consultation exercise has been conducted, please send them using the contact details at paragraph 8. Renewables Obligation (Scotland): Consultation on Biomass Sustainability RESPONDENT INFORMATION FORM Please Note this form must be returned with your response to ensure that we handle your response appropriately 1. Name/Organisation Organisation Name Title Mr Ms Mrs Miss Dr Please tick as appropriate Surname Forename 2. Postal Address Postcode Phone Email 3. Permissions - I am responding as… / Individual Group/Organisation Please tick as appropriate (a) Do you agree to your response being made available to the public (in Scottish Government library and/or on the Scottish Government web site)? Please tick as appropriate (b) Yes (c) The name and address of your organisation will be made available to the public (in the Scottish Government library and/or on the Scottish Government web site). No Where confidentiality is not requested, we will make your responses available to the public on the following basis Are you content for your response to be made available? Please tick ONE of the following boxes Please tick as appropriate Yes No Yes, make my response, name and address all available or Yes, make my response available, but not my name and address or Yes, make my response and name available, but not my address (d) We will share your response internally with other Scottish Government policy teams who may be addressing the issues you discuss. They may wish to contact you again in the future, but we require your permission to do so. Are you content for Scottish Government to contact you again in relation to this consultation exercise? Please tick as appropriate Yes No