List of all GENESIS GCM runs: 1) Unmodified GCM runs from November 2011. Started from ice-free planet. Vary in CO2 values: 1000, 1700, 2500, 10000, 280, 1500 ppm. Correspond to Runsnoa,b,c,d,e, and f, respectively. Stored in Sno directory on Neptune/s0/aroberso/Sno. A, E, and F are iceballs. B and C has highlatitude stable ice-lines, and D is completely ice-free.**Runsnof has been moved to MiscSnoRuns, as it was re-run later. 2) Done December/January 2011/2012. Started from ice-free planet. Runsnof with 1500 ppm, reaches iceball. The other directories in MiscSnoRuns were just test runs, and do not contain usable data. 3) /Neptune/s1/alr335/Sno/temp: Cold start, CO2 range of 1500-1700 ppm. 1525, 1550, 1575, 1600, 1625, 1650, 1675 correspond to Runsnoa, b, c, d, e, f, and g. All iceball. Ignore remaining directories here. 4) /venus/s1/alr335/IceLine: Cold start, fixed ice line with tpo = 270 and teq = 273.248, Runsnoa-h for 1500 – 2200 ppm CO2 (increments of 100). They all converged to iceball. I only save Runsnoa and Runsnoh, as they all yielded the same results. 5) /venus/s1/alr335/IceLine2: Cold start, fixed ice line with tpo = 260 and teq = 271.62, Runsnoa-h for 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 3000, and 10000 ppm CO2. All converged to iceball. TPO and TEQ changed because I realized we used the wrong value for the freezing temp of the ocean previously. 6) /venus/s1/alr335/IceLine3: Cold start, fixed ice line with tpo = 260 and teq = 271.62, Runsnoa-h for 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300, 2500, 3000, 10000 ppm CO2. Used averaged albedos 0.75, 0.75 for snow (non-icesheet), and 0.70, 0.70 for bare sea-ice. All converged to iceball. 7) /venus/s1/alr335/IceLine4: Cold start, fixed ice line with tpo = 260 and teq = 271.62, Runsnoa-h for 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300, 2500, 3000, 10000 ppm CO2. Used updated CAM albedos 0.79, 0.66 for snow (non-icesheet), and 0.45, 0.38 for bare sea-ice. With much lower albedos there were stable ice-lines for each run. 8) /venus/s1/alr335/IceLine4cont: Cold start, fixed ice line with tpo = 260 and teq = 271.62, Runsnoa-e for 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400 ppm CO2. Used same albedos as in IceLine4, just ran for lower CO2 values. Runsnob-e had low-latitude stable ice lines and Runsnoa converged to an iceball. 9) /venus/s1/alr335/ResTests: Theses runs were just done to test whether or not the restart files were being used correctly and not altering the code. 10) /venus/s1/alr335/HalfCAM: restarted from Runsnob and Runsnoe in IceLine4cont, with GENESIS snow albedo and CAM’s sea-ice albedo, CO2 set to 1100 and 1400 ppm, respectively. Instead of maintaining the low-latitude ice-line that we expected them to, they rapidly deglaciated. 11) /venus/s1/alr335/HalfCamLowCO2: restarted from runsnob in IceLine4cont, GENESIS snow albedo and CAM’s sea-ice albedo, Runsnoa-h for 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 500, 400, and 300 ppm CO2 respectively. The ice-line is still not maintained. It does get down lower than the HalfCAM runs, but these values of CO2 are not realistic. 12) /venus/s1/alr335/PenRad: First series of runs with penetrative solar radiation into the ice, fixed ice line with teq = 271.62 and tpo = 260, all original GENESIS albedos, Runsnoa,b,c,d,e,f,i,j,k for 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 1000, 1200,1400,1600,1800,2000,2500,3000, 10000 ppm CO2 respectively. These runs all came really close to iceball state (practically an iceball), but according to Dave this was reasonable as his albedos are all relatively high. /venus/s1/alr335/Penrad2: Same run parameters as PenRad run, but with all CAM albedos. These all also converged to practically an iceball. For these runs and the PenRad runs, I had the single-scattering albedo set to 0.999, which could have contributed to their iceball state. /venus/s1/alr335/Nopenrad: run with no penetrative solar radiation, ice line of 30 degrees with tpo = 260 and teq = 275.03, w0s = 0.994, depthice = 20m, Runsnoa-i for 1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,3000,10000 ppm CO2 respectively. Runsnoa converged to iceball, Runsnob-h all had stable ice-lines, and Runsnoi was completely ice-free. /venus/s1/alr335/Penrad3: same as Nopenrad runs, but with the penetrative solar radiation on. Runsnoa-h converged to practically and iceball, although with about a 5 degree band of openwater. Runsnoi is completely ice-free. /venus/s1/alr335/OtherhalfCAM/lowCO2: CAM snow albedo and Dave’s sea-ice. Restarted from Runsnob and Runsnoe in IceLine4cont. b = 1100 ppm CO2, e =1400 ppm CO2, no penrad. Both went to snowball. /venus/s1/alr335/OtherhalfCAM: Same run as in 16, but with higher CO2 values. Runsnoa,b,c,d,e = 1500, 1750, 2000, 2500, 3000. Restarted from Runsnob in IceLine4cont. All went to snowball. This suggests that even with a higher CO2 value it is very difficult to overcome such a low initial ice-line. /venus/s1/alr335/NopenRedo: Same as Nopenrad runs. Just checking to make sure the result was real. run with no penetrative solar radiation, ice line of 30 degrees with tpo = 260 and teq = 275.03, w0s = 0.994, depthice = 20m, Runsnoa-i for 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250, 2500, 3000, 10000 ppm CO2 respectively. Runsnoa converged to iceball, Runsnob-h all had stable icelines, and Runsnoi was completely ice-free. **At this point in time I discovered that restart a TWOSTRICE run from a non-TWOSTRICE run. The layers in the ice are set up differently for each case, and are not compatible with each other. /venus/s1/alr335/3sets: 3 sets of runs at 3 different starting ice-line latitudes: 30, 10, and 0. Run with CAM albedos, TWOSTRICE flag on, w0s = 0.994, depth-ice = 20m, NSREST =-1, CO2: 1000, 2000, 3000, 10000. 30 degree runs = a, b, c, d. 10 degree runs = e, f, g, h. 0 degree runs = I, j, k, l. All went to snowball except Runsnod (goes ice-free). The other 10,000 ppm CO2 runs appear to not have been able to overcome their initial ice-lines.