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Sock Neck Warmer
1 Pair of Socks
2 Cups White Rice
1. Lay sock flat and cut right around heel in order to cut off foot of sock.
2. Repeat on second sock.
3. Turn socks inside out and holding both socks on one end, put the two ends together,
pinning to hold in place.
4. Using a basic running stitch, hand-sew the one end of one sock to one end of the
other sock in order to form one long tube.
5. After sewing, turn socks inside out.
6. Sew one end of tube-sock with a gathering stitch and gather tightly in order to
secure end. Fill with 2 C of rice and any preferred fragrance.
7. Sew other end of sock with same gathering stitch.
8. Attach embellishments. (See following pages for embellishment ideas)
*Fragrance options are endless. Try using some of the following:
Epsom Salt (Make sure the granules are big enough that they won’t slip through
the sides of your sock)
Lavender Buds
Sage Leaves
*Utah State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution*
Essential Oils
o Mood Blends
Stress Relief
Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Vanilla,
Ylang Ylang
Basil, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine,
Lemon, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood
For other mood blends, go to aromatherapy.com
TO USE HOT: Heat in microwave for about 2 minutes
TO USE COLD: Freeze overnight
Other uses for old socks:
Dog Chew
Cat toy
Door draft dodger
Cleaning rags
Sock bunny/monkey
Photo c/o: sockmonkey.net
Photo c/o: www.udandi.com/draft-dodger/
*Utah State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution*
Embellishing Your Neck Warmer
a. Using the sleeve of your t-shirt, cut four ½” strips across the sleeve—the cut product
will look like a tube of material.
b. Pull tightly on the material and the tube should break to make one strand. Stretch this
strand tightly until it rolls and makes a long strand.
c. Using 3 fingers, wrap the long, rolled strand of material around your 3 fingers to form
a rolled bunch of material.
d. Using a piece of like-colored string, tie the bunch of material tightly around the
middle. This is the beginning stage of your pom pom flower.
e. Use scissors to cut the ends of the material so they are no longer raveled and form
separate strands. Form the strands into a pom pom-like shape.
a. Cut a strip of t-shirt fabric about 2” wide and as long as you’d like (the longer the strip, the
bigger the flower).
b. Stitch down the middle using a gathering stitch.
c. Fold strip of fabric in half lengthwise
d. Roll fabric in a circle-motion until it creates a flower looking shape.
e. Sew through the middle to secure.
*Utah State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution*
For original pattern, go online: matsutakeblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/waiting.html
a. Cut a strip of t-shirt fabric 3” wide and as long as you’d like (the longer the strip, the bigger
the flower).
b. Fold your strip of fabric in half lengthwise and iron it along the crease.
c. Fold the fabric accordion style and cut into a similar shape as the one below
Your folded material
should look like the
light blue rectangle
pictured to the right.
Cut along the dark blue
line to create a
“crown” looking shape
d. Thread a sewing needle with a thread that is similar in color to your fabric and tie a knot at
the end of the thread.
e. Start at one end of your fabric and weave your needle just above the folded edge for about 3
inches (or about 4-8 stitches). Pull the thread through the material and pull tightly in order to
create a gather, then make a knot. Continue with this process until you reach the end of your
f. Once you’ve reached the end, roll the gathered material in a circular motion in order to create
a flower-like shape. Pull the petals apart to make the flower fuller and then Stitch through the
center in order to hold the shape.
This flower is the same as #3.
This flower is the same as #1.
*Utah State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution*