January 20, 2015

An international volunteer organization working to
improve the lives of women and girls, in local
communities and throughout the world.
Region Fundraising Chairs Conference Call Agenda
Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 7:00 p.m. EST
Region Fundraising Chairs
Karen Block, Camino Real Region
Diana Orlando, Desert Coast
Linda Glantz, Founder Region
Kimberly Cook, Golden West Region
Marta Page, Northwestern Region
Kathy McAfee, Northeastern Region
Virginia Dempsey, South Atlantic Region
Marie Ambrosino, Southern Region
Fundraising Council Members
Tamra Sipes, Chair
Kelly Fogarty
Suzanne Sullivan
Headquarters Staff
Nancy Montvydas, Senior Director of Development
Sarah Burke, Development Manager
Shevaun Brannigan, Development Assistant
Governor Terri Pettengill, Southern Region
Governor-elect Stephanie Smith, Northwestern Region
Sarah thanked everyone for taking the time to be on the call. Sarah also introduced Shevaun as a new staff
addition to the Development team at headquarters.
Club Giving
Sarah talked asked the Region Fundraising Chairs what they are doing in their regions to encourage Club Giving.
She mentioned that Colleen of Western Canada region recently sent out a really great message to clubs
reminding them to give. The region is also holding an additional contest to give out an additional $500 for a Live
Your Dream award for clubs that make a Club Giving contribution of at least 10%. That message is now posted
on your region chair website.
 Founder Region recently sent out their first newsletter that included some wonderful information about
the importance of Club Giving. Linda provided the newsletter editor with information on how much the
region gives vs. how much they receive through federation programs. She also included the Club Giving
levels and provided her information for clubs to contact her with questions and to speak at their club
 Diana of Desert Coast Region mentioned that the region will be doing a Bingo with wining proceeds to
go to the winners club for their Club Giving donation.
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© Soroptimist International of the Americas
Region Fundraising Chairs January 2015 Call
Sarah asked if they have all of the resources you need for Club Giving and if there anything else we could
provide that would be helpful.
 Marta from Northwestern Region said it would be helpful if SIA could provide Region Fundraising Chairs
with an excel spreadsheet with all the contact information for clubs. SIA headquarters uses the club
email address and does not have all personal email addresses for members. Governor-elect Stephanie of
Northwestern Region will provide Marta a list of all club email addresses
Sarah asked the region fundraising chairs if they felt that the current Club Giving benefits offered motivate clubs
to give. Nancy also added that we are looking to the Region Fundraising Chairs to guide us and give us a sense of
whether the clubs like the current benefits, to provide us with any ideas for 2015-2016 club year, and, whether
the clubs are looking strictly for recognition and would they miss it if we took it away.
Feedback from the Region Fundraising Chairs:
 Linda mentioned that she is not sure that the clubs are looking at the benefits and believes the clubs like
the recognition.
 Southern Region Governor Terri is struggling to get clubs to give and the clubs do not like the 10% idea.
Clubs don’t seem to understand that the recognition levels have remained the same and that the 10%
idea is a psychological thing with the clubs.
 Tamra stated that the 10% topic will be addressed on the Town Hall Calls.
 Marta also mentioned that her region does not understand where the 10% should come from. Marta
used the 90% number—keep 90% for your local projects to explain to the clubs in her region.
 Virginia from South Atlantic Region said that clubs in her region does not trust where the 10% is going.
They only hear from SIA when SIA is asking for money.
Nancy added that SIA is trying to determine our collective impact by asking clubs to give 10% of money they
raise locally to continue helping women and girls.
Region Conferences
Nancy mentioned that region conferences are right around the corner. The Region Fundraising Chairs received
the January 5 Conference Call Agenda with some links to resources they can use for their conferences. The
development department will be in touch with the Region Fundraising Chairs closer to their conferences with
some additional talking points for their use.
Nancy reminded the region fundraising chairs to contact their Official Visitors in case they want them to do
something at their region conference. Keep in mind that the Official Visitor will have to be contacted early so
that she will have enough time to do what you ask of her; whether it be a presentation, fundraiser, etc.
Nancy let the chairs know that the reports and presentations are posted on the Region Fundraising Chair web
page and if you request other reports, please allow at least five working days for your request to be sent to you.
Pins and the monthly giving promotional item can be requested on consignment by emailing Luz at
luz@soroptimist.org with the number of items and the address of where they should be shipped. Please notify
Luz about 4 weeks prior to your conference, if possible, so we can make sure you get everything you need on
time. All items remaining after your conference, along with contributions raised at conference, are due back to
SIA headquarters 2 weeks after your conference is over.
© Soroptimist International of the Americas. January 2015
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Region Fundraising Chairs January 2015 Call
Designated Contributions
Nancy updated the region fundraising chairs on changing the donation process to allow for designated
contributions and noted the project is on schedule for implementation by September 1, 2015. Contributions
designated for these programs will be credited to the donor’s total contribution for recognition in the Laurel
Society. We will keep you posted on the progress. Region Fundraising Chairs can announce this coming change
but members will not be able to participate until September 1, 2015. The designated contributions are for
individuals only. Because of the amount of work that goes into setting up the designated contribution, clubs will
not be able to designate their contribution for Club Giving but we will visit that designation in the future.
Corporate Sponsors
Nancy reminded everyone the importance of engaging with our sponsors – the more members that engage with
sponsors, the more corporate sponsors we will attract, opening up a great new revenue stream to fund
programs instead of relying solely on individual and club contributions.
Karen of Camino Real Region said she completed Happify activities and feels they are fun. We would like all
Region Fundraising Chairs to encourage members in their region to complete an activity.
Creating a Culture of Philanthropy within Your Region
Sarah walked the Region Fundraising Chairs through a short presentation on how you can help to create a
culture of philanthropy within their region. https://www.slideshare.net/secret/BVQcsNONZMEXme
The presentation covered topics such as how last year more money was raised for our programs than ever
before. Fundraising (writing appeal letters; tasks to make the ask) vs. Philanthropy (values and feelings), the
fundraising process and how to cultivate potential donors.
Sarah thanked the region fundraising chairs for being on the call and noted that the next conference call would
be schedule post-region conferences.
Call ended at 7:45 PM.
© Soroptimist International of the Americas. January 2015
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