Bayou View Middle School – Weekly Lesson Plans Teacher: Angelia Wallace Week of: February 23, 2015 Subject: 6th Science Volcanoes and Seismic Waves Lesson Plan subject to change due to needs of students. Classroom News/Due Dates: Power Hour- Monday Standards: 6.4a Compare and contrast the relative positions and components of the Earth’s crust (e.g., mantle, liquid and solid core, continental crust, oceanic crust). 8.4a Compare and contrast the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. a. Composition, density, and location of continental crust and oceanic crust b. Physical nature of the lithosphere (brittle and rigid) with the asthenosphere (plastic and flowing) c. How the lithosphere responds to tectonic forces (faulting and folding) 7.4a Justify the importance of Earth materials (e.g., rocks, minerals, atmospheric gases, water) to humans. 6.4b Explain and raw conclusions about the causes and effects of historical processes that contributed to the shaping of planet Earth. a. Movements of the continents through time b. Continental plates, subduction zones, trenches, etc. c. Explain the causes and effects of historical processes shaping the planet Earth 8.4b Describe the cause and effect relationship between the composition of and movement within the Earth’s lithosphere. a. Seismic wave velocities of earthquakes and volcanoes to lithospheric plate boundaries using seismic data b. Volcanoes formed at mid‐ocean ridges, within intra‐plate regions, at island arcs, and along some continental edges c. Modern distribution of continents to the movement of lithospheric plates since the formation of Pangaea Day/Date Procedures Assessment Objectives Bell Schedule Bell Work (“The student will…”) Monday 2-23-15 Regular schedule Students will define vocabulary terms and complete vocabulary table Students will describe the different types of volcanic eruptions TI = Teacher Input, M = Modeling, GP = Guided Practice, IP = Independent Practice TTW = “The teacher will…” TSW = “The students will…” ANTICIPATORY SET types of volcanic eruptions Students will read text about different type of volcanic eruptions. Group: Half the groups will be given explosive volcanoes and the other half will be given non-explosive volcanoes. They will be asked to create a list of characteristics of their type of volcanic eruption. Pair: All groups with the same type of volcanic eruptions will meet to compare and modify lists. Share: Groups will then share their common lists with the opposite groups. Differentiation (6th period) this class will read the material together, create a list of characteristics of an explosive volcano as a class and record the list on Promethean. Then students will work in group to create Students will be assessed by Socratic questions as they present their findings to the class Closure Create a list of characteristics of explosive and nonexplosive volcanoes. a list of characteristics for non-explosive volcanoes, after which they will share their list the class. ANTICIPATORY SET: WF=volcano%2Fvolcano_movie&App=Science+Lab&SkipGuestWarnin g=true Tuesday 2-24-15 Regular Schedule Students will make a double bubble map of explosive and nonexplosive volcanoes Students will be able to describe the different type of volcanoes Reading title What is a volcano? Students will describe a model of a volcano with magma that rises to the earth Wednesday 2-25-15 Regular Schedule Thursday 2-26-15 Regular Schedule Friday 2-27-15 Regular Schedule Students will read about waves. Students will draw a diagram of each type of seismic wave Students will read about the different types of volcanoes. Students will make a foldable to describe the different type of volcanoes. ANTICIPATORY SET: Students will be assessed by questions on lab worksheet. What made the “magma” rise in this activity. Students will be assessed by thumbs up and down during class discussion. Write a text message about seismic waves. Students will be formally assessed by questions throughout the activity Which type of wave travels faster? Explain using data Model of volcano erupting. Students will investigate a model of a volcano erupting. Students create an illustration of observations and discuss what occurred in the model. Students will be able to describe the different types of seismic waves. ANTICIPATORY SET AirZooka will be used to demonstrate compression waves Students will read and seismic wave and participate in class discussion about seismic waves using PowerPoint Students will model and collect data about different types of seismic waves using a slinky. ANTICIPATORY SET waves Volcano websites: Students will be assessed by informal questions throughout the discussion. 3-2-1 3 things learned. 2 things they like in the activity 1 thing they don’t understand. the class will act out the different types of seismic Slinky Lab- a slinky will be used to demonstrate different types of seismic waves. Students will measure the time the wave take to travel to and from a starting point. Students will determine which type of wave travels faster.