Wind Energy and Possible Hybrid Operations


Ken Scrivner

Wind Energy and Possible Hybrid Operations

. Chiras, Daniel D., Mick Sagrillo, and Ian Woofenden. Wind Power Basics . Gabriola


Isalnd, BC, Canada: New Society, 2010. Print.


This book gives the reader an insight into creating, operating, and maintaining a small scale wind energy system. It breaks this down from how to calculate wind speeds in your area to putting the energy that you collected in the public energy grid. This shows how to approach building permits and housing associations on creating wind energy systems within your community.

Evaluation for further investigation:

It does cause for further investigation due to cost of creating a small scale wind energy system in different locations based off wind speed and possible creations of hybrid systems that can be included. It shows how some communities may benefit from these systems.

Claudy, Marius C., Claus Michelsen, and Aidan O’Driscoll.

"The Diffusion of

Microgeneration Technologies – Assessing the Influence of Perceived

Product Characteristics on Home Owners' Willingness to Pay." Energy

Policy 39.3 (2011): 1459-469. Peer Reviewed.


This journal is the decision making process for marketers and policy makers on the promoting of micro generation technologies in consumer markets. It also outlines the pay out and pays back of these types of systems to the consumer. This includes the owner’s perception and social demographic influences on importance.

Evaluation for further investigation:

Ken Scrivner

Wind Energy and Possible Hybrid Operations

What does this help with the policy makers who promote these technologies for more

2 cleaner and sustainable energy systems? This shows that it opens a more broad range of technologies for the consumer to evaluate from the only use of fossil fuels and the pay outs for creating these systems.

Hinnells, Mark. "Technologies to Achieve Demand Reduction and Microgeneration in

Buildings." Energy Policy 36.12 (2008): 4427-433. Peer Reviewed.


The journal introduces the idea of reducing energy demand within buildings thus creating for more energy efficient products. It shows for more exploring of different technologies to create the energy efficient products for these buildings. It also creates an idea for the innovations and economics in the new technologies.

Evaluation for further investigation:

These targets really only look short term but they can be more long term due to the movement to end all usage of fossil fuels. Some questions that can be asked are that technologies have changed throughout the years since its existence. I can see some innovations today that were a dream in the past but possible larger innovations that can contain all types of sustainable energy.

Jefferson, Michael. " Accelerating the Transition to Sustainable Energy Systems."

Energy Policy 36.11 (2008): 4116-125. Peer Reviewed.


Ken Scrivner

Wind Energy and Possible Hybrid Operations

It shows how much of an impact those sustainable energy systems have on the global level.


It shows relationships within initiatives but shows how they often fail. It informs the reader on government subsidies for the traditional energy compared to the government subsidies of renewable energy. It gives a better understanding of the pushing of just two mature technologies that shows what they went through for the consumer to see a payback.

Evaluation for further investigation:

I enjoyed seeing what it took for these relationships to be created and be pushed in the U.S. and Spain. I wonder what other subsidies are there out there that more consumers can be aware of for creating renewable energy systems. The comparison between traditional and renewable energy subsidies should give you a better understanding show the example through the two mature technologies.

Sissons, M.f., P.a.b. James, J. Bradford, L.e. Myers, A.s. Bahaj, A. Anwar, and S. Green.

"Pole-mounted Horizontal Axis Micro-wind Turbines: UK Field Trial

Findings and Market Size Assessment." Energy Policy 39.6 (2011): 3822-831.

Peer Reviewed.


This shows that the use of micro-wind turbines on agricultural farms in the U.K. This shows a real world performance of these technologies. It explains their total generation yields, payback percentage, and possible tariffs available for these farmers.

Evaluation for further investigation:

I wonder if these uses of micro-wind turbines could be compared to the same ideal areas here in the U.S. Some may wonder what this could be on a true global level of these

Ken Scrivner

Wind Energy and Possible Hybrid Operations technologies. I would also like to find if these subsidies are here in the U.S. and if so how

4 to apply for these by creating this wind generation systems.

Gao, L., Zhou, J., Shao, L., Zhang, S., & Zhao, M. (2014). Solar Street Lamp Control

System Based on ZigBee and GPRS. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research ,


This article on solar street lamp control systems talks about a way to calculate and implement more savings on energy for a neighborhood. The street lamps have been proven to save energy and cut costs. The system was put in place for the main purpose of making changing street lights easier and also making it so that the lights don’t burn out as often.

Most of the article will not be useful to me in my research, however it was interesting to note that by changing the lamps over to solar power 20% in energy could be saved. That part will be helpful because I like the idea of having lamps that run off of solar/wind power and trying to find uses for the excess energy that they would be producing. I believe this article is reliable because it was published in the Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical

Research, and they tested and implemented their idea and it has been working.

Ji, X. N., & Schlüter, J. U. (2014). A Novel Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using

Delta-Wing Blades. Wind Engineering , 38 (4), 393–400. doi:10.1260/0309-524X.38.4.393

This article talks about the different kinds of blades that can be used on wind turbines and which would be more efficient. Specifically the article is focusing on vertical axis turbines

Ken Scrivner

Wind Energy and Possible Hybrid Operations and has noted that using Delta-Wing blades would be cheaper and more energy efficient to

5 use. Other blades have to be made one at a time because they have a three dimension shape but the Delta-Wing Blades do not have a three dimension shape and therefore can be made from a machine almost like a cookie cutter press which can make more than one at a time.

This article fascinated me because I heard about vertical axis wind turbines from Ken and after looking them up for a while I found this. I looked up pictures online and thought that vertical axis wind turbines were 3-D and complicated but this article showed me I was wrong and that they don’t have to be complex and they are cheaper to build than the cooler looking ones. I fully believe this article is reliable because the authors have done tests to show that the Delta-Wing Blades are just as efficient and less costly that the other kinds of blades that can be used on a wind turbine.
