
University of West Alabama
5E Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Ashlee Pinyan
Date: September 22-25, 2014
Subject area/course/grade level: 8th grade Social Studies
Materials: Brainstorming handouts, 30 Macbooks, 30 textbooks, students’ notebooks, white board
Standards: ACOS 8.2 and 8.3
 The students will describe Early Egyptian Civilization by creating a Virtual Museum.
 If we were to visit an Egyptian museum, what would it look like?
 What type of things would we see in the museum?
 What types of rooms would they have?
 What rooms would you most want to visit?
 What could someone who did not know much about Egypt learn from a museum?
Assessment: Oral Questioning
Brainstorming Activity: Turn and Talk
 The students will turn and talk with a neighboring student.
 The students should brainstorm their ideas with each other.
 They will discuss what type of rooms they will include in their museums and what type of items they would put in the
 They will jot down their ideas on their brainstorming sheet.
 After about 5 minutes, all students will return to their seat and we will discuss as a class what they have come up with.
Assessment: Observation
After the students have all gone back to their seats, we will go over some of their ideas and they will have an
opportunity to ask questions and make more notes on their brainstorming sheet.
I am expecting brainstorming topics such as: Egyptian religion, medicine, hieroglyphics, pharaohs, pyramids, and
On the board at the front of the room, I will list some of the things that students have come up with.
As the students are coming up with ideas of rooms to include on their brainstorming sheet, I will ask them to:
Think about what was most important to the Egyptians.
What things would the Egyptians want people to remember about them?
What is their legacy on history?
Approved January, 2013
I will review over all of these things that we have covered while studying our Egypt Unit.
The students will be able to add to their brainstorming sheet while we review.
After we have reviewed and I have answered all questions, I will go over the project.
Assessment: Oral Questioning
The students will be creating virtual museums.
I will provide them with a PowerPoint template that is already hyperlinked for them.
The students will be required to create 5 different rooms in their museum.
Each museum will have 4 artifacts and each artifact will need to have a picture and explanation.
I will tell the students to use their brainstorming sheets as a guide.
The project will be worth 200 points and the students will have 3 class periods to work on their museums.
Assessment: I will observe the students while they work on the museums. I will walk around the room and assist when needed.
I will be assessing the students to see that they have met my objective for this project. I want to see that my students
can describe Early Egyptian Civilization by creating a Virtual Museum.
I will be looking to see that the students have five rooms filled with artifacts that correctly describe important aspects
of Egyptian Civilization.
This project will be completed at the end of our Egypt Unit and will serve as a great way to assess what my students
have learned over the past several weeks.
Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.
Approved January, 2013
Egyptian Museum Brainstorming
Approved January, 2013