I REQUIREMENTS TO QUALIFY FOR RPL TRADE ASSESSMENT For an applicant to be eligible to do a trade assessment under RPL, the applicant needs: 1. Application to be submitted to the relevant regional office and will be evaluated against the criteria stipulated below. Should the evidence submitted be sufficient then the application for the trade test / assessment will be processed. 2. Should evidence provided not be sufficient then the learner must present him/herself to an accredited training centre/provider, for a pre-assessment and interviewed by a subject matter expert for the trade of the assessment applied for. 3. A minimum of 6(six) years relevant on the job practical experience plus letter as proof of relevant theory acquired as stipulated in point 2.3 of the Exemption Criteria Guidelines 4. A minimum of 5(five) years relevant on the job practical experience and N2 theory. 5. A minimum of 4(four) years relevant on the job practical experience and N2 with a four subjects certificate.(relevant trade theory) 6. All copies of documents: (educational certificates, identity documents) must be originally certified by a Commissioner of Oaths. 7. Provision for the exemption of the N2 requirements (where applicable) can be made on individual merit on submission of a written motivation by the employer or training service provider. 8. A detailed service letter as proof of experience must be original, must be on a company letter head, must have a start date, must give detailed daily duties and must be signed off. 9. The AgriSETA will communicate the outcome of the application directly with the applicant and not third party Self Evaluation Checklist 1. Application completed in full 2. Clear original certified ID copy attached 3. Candidate not currently registered apprentice / learner 4. 5. * Original certified copy of N2 certificate (including relevant trade theory) in respect of candidates with a minimum of four years experience; or *Original certified copy of N2 statement of results of relevant trade theory in respect of candidates with a minimum of five years experience 6. Pre-assessment evaluation by the provider; recommended Yes No 7. *Exemption letter by the provider or employer to the N2 requirements for applicants with six years experience; acceptable Yes No 8. Original certified copy of High School results / original affidavit 9. Original reference letter(s) on a company letterhead indicating years of experience relevant to the trade including starting and end dates of employment 10. Attach affidavit confirming unemployed status if unemployed 11. Detailed breakdown of tasks evaluated against the training schedules; accepted 12. Previous results attached, if applicable The AgriSETA representative declare upon signing this application that the attachments hereto had been checked and found compliant to specified guidelines AGRI-1-1002-FOU-13-00 Signature: Date: Yes No