APPLICANT LOGO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OPERATOR FORM A 1 NO__________ date________________ Registration for Participation in the Electric Power Market - Applicant............................................................................................................................. (Company Name or registered name / Name, Last Name) - Headquartered / Address............................................................................................................. - Phone: ...................................................................., fax.......................................................... - E-mail................................................................................................................................. - Position in the Electric Power Market: …………………………………………………………………………….. - TIN...................................................................................................................................... - Licensed by ERE with license - With bank account no............................................... in the Bank.........................................., Banking code............................. - Electric Power used / generated a year before the application date is ...............MWh 1 - Authorize 1. Mr. / Ms............................................... 2. Mr. / Ms............................................... 3. Mr. / Ms............................................... For delivery and confirmation of documents related to operational work in the Electric Power Market - Authorize 1. Mr. / Ms............................................... 2. Mr. / Ms............................................... 3. Mr. / Ms............................................... For signing the contracts and bills in the Electric Power Market 2 - Attached the following documentation: 1. Technical Information, approved by TSO 2. License, certified copy 3. Contract with the TSO for access to the Transmission Network, certified copy 4. Contract with the DSO for access to the Distribution Network (according to the cases), certified copy 5. Last annual balance, certified by the tax authorities, certified copy 6. Description of the communication means, original statement of the applicant 7. Certification from one or several banks for the financial capacity and the Bank readiness for emerging the guarantee. - In conformity with the obligations arising from this Form and the Electric Power Marker Rules, TSO MO will verify application data and documents attached and within 10 working days from the receipt of the referred above registration documents, you will be notified regarding the continuity of the registration process application. - This form is defined by the TSO MO, in accordance with the registration procedure provisions, prepared by the TSO-MO and approved by ERE, dated _____________________________ 2 Place and date .................................... Applicant .................................... Signature 3