Mini Lesson Plan -Final Version

Short Lesson Plan Template
Simplified Lesson Design Template
Teacher Candidate
Mentor Teacher
University Coordinator
Katherine Newburg
Katie Sachter
Shelli Bordeaux
Cascade View Elementary
1st Grade
Language Arts
May 21st, 2013
3. Learning Targets – What are the objectives for the lesson?
3.3 – Cite the EALRs/standards using the numbers and text. Usually limit the lesson to 1 – 2 EALRs.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking
3.4 – Cite the corresponding GLEs/performance expectations using the numbers and text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking
3.5 – Cite the objectives (skills or concepts) for the lesson. What do you want students to think, know
and/or be able to do at the end of the lesson? They need to be aligned with the GLEs/performance
expectations and EALRs/standards.
Students will identify nouns, verbs and adjectives when they are isolated from text.
Students will identify nouns, verbs and adjectives in sentences.
4. Lesson Assessment – How will students demonstrate their learning?
4.8 – Complete the following table to highlight what the students will do to demonstrate competence
specific to learning for this lesson.
Description of
What the assessment is
formative assessment
Evaluative criteria
Feedback to students
designed to assess
During the lesson I will
I will evaluate students
These assessments are
During the lesson I will
check multiple times to based on:
designed to both assess give verbal feedback.
ensure that the
- Their body
student knowledge, as
At the end of the lesson
students are
well as their
I will grade their closing
understanding the
- Their accuracy
participation as well as
assignments and return
content. In the opening
during the word
their comfort with the
it to them for their
activity I will look at the
material being
assessment folders.
students’ word sorts to
- Their comfort with presented.
determine students’
responding in the
class discussion.
Throughout the main
- The accuracy of
portion of the lesson, I
their responses in
will check for student
the class
understanding through
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dialog and monitoring
student attention.
At the end of the lesson
I will collect the
sentences students
have outlined and will
use them to formulate
my next lesson.
Description of
summative assessment
At the end of the unit,
there will be a small
quiz that will both
assess what was
covered in this lesson
and corresponding
Accuracy in the
final assessment.
Evaluative criteria
I will evaluate students
on their accuracy and
correct answers when
identifying parts of
speech in both simple
and complex sentences.
What the assessment is
designed to assess
The assessment is
designed to assess
individual student’s
understandings of parts
of speech within simple
and complex sentences.
The quiz will assess if
the student has
mastered the skills
covered in our parts of
speech unit.
Feedback to students
Students will be given
their graded
assessment, and will
record their final grades
in their assessment
5. Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning – What will happen in the lesson?
5.5 – Describe the sequence of steps in the lesson in the following table. General lesson sequences may
be more directive (e.g., ITIP) or open (constructivist). Whatever design is used, the lesson needs to be
explicitly outlined.
Complete the following table:
Provide an estimate of time.
List the sequence of the various learning experiences in the lesson.
Learning experiences
2 min.
Warm Up Activity
As students enter the classroom, they will immediately go their individual places and perform
the word-sort placed at their spot. Word sorts will be made out of small index cards.
I will have three category cards (noun, adjective and verb) laid out on their desks before they
enter. Each student will have a different color of word sort cards. Each student will have 15
cards, not including the category cards. Cards will be shuffled and placed in a stack in the
middle of the student’s desk.
Students will have two minutes to put their 15 cards in the correct columns. If the majority of
the students finish early, we will transition into the whole class word sort activity.
The class will come to the rug and sit quietly. I will have the word sort words written on postit notes, large enough for all students to see. I will place the category cards first, then will
have students direct the placement of the 15 word cards. I will ask students if they agree or
disagree with the class word sort, and will ask for a thumbs up or a thumbs down in regards
to how well they think their word sort matches the class word sort (I will make sure they
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understand the words can be in different orders, and that I am asking if the words are in the
correct columns).
After we review the warm-up, I will state the objectives of our lesson, and then we will
transition into the main lesson component.
6 min.
Main Lesson
As a class, we will review the characteristics of a noun, a verb and an adjective. Together, we
will create a story using a template where we need to fill in the blanks (nouns, adjectives,
and verbs).
The class will stay on the rug where we concluded the opening activities. (For the sake of
being extremely optimistic, for the lesson plan I will assume I have a smartboard, because it
makes the lesson much more streamlined.) We will review what a noun, verb and an
adjective is, with each word on the board, and I will make a connection to the lesson from
the previous day. I will call on individual students to provide a definition, and after getting a
class consensus that the definition is correct, I will write the definition next to the
corresponding part of speech.
Before transitioning to the next slide, I will ask students if they have ever done a “Mad-Libs”
and will share that it is something that I used to do with my parents on long car journeys. I
will explain that we will be filling in the blanks within the story, and that it doesn’t necessarily
need to make sense, but we simply need to supply the right parts of speech.
I will flip the slide to the mad-libs slide I have already written up. There will be several blanks,
each blank calling for a noun, a verb, or an adjective. I will randomly call on students to help
me fill in the blank. For more complex verbs, I will have the appropriate verb ending already
written, for example, if it needs to be an –ing verb, I will have that part there, so students can
fill in the blank easier. When we have finished the story, will read it altogether as a class
(choral read).
I will instruct students to move back to their desks for the final activity of the lesson.
2 min.
Students will sit down at their individual desks, and I will have the star of the day help me
pass out the formative assessment worksheet.
I will have two example sentences written on the smartboard, the first an example not on
the student worksheet, and the second being the first sentence on the student worksheet. I
will do the example sentences, going word by word, explaining that we will all highlight
nouns in blue, verbs in green, and adjectives in yellow. For the second sentence I will have
the class help me, asking students who volunteer responses.
I will explain to the students that I want them to try to do their best, and will explain that this
activity will help me determine where there understanding is for verbs, nouns and adjectives,
and there will be no negative consequences. Students will complete their worksheets, and
hand them in.
I will conclude by bringing students back to the rug, then asking the class if they can
remember what our learning goals for literacy were today. I will ask to have the class give me
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a thumbs up or thumbs down if they feel that they have mastered the parts of speech we
covered in class today. Then we will transition into the next lesson/class activity.
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