bag it movie questions

Bag It – is your life too plastic?
1. What is plastic made from?
2. How does the film define a non-renewable resource?
3. What is the #1 consumer item in the world?
4. What problems are plastic bags causing in India?
5. Name four countries and/or cities that have banned plastic bags.
6. Which was the first city in the US to place a fee on plastic bags?
7. What are some ways to reduce the environmental impact of paper bags?
8. Explain what is meant by a “single-use disposable” item.
9. Give five examples of single-use disposable items?
10. How many disposable coffee cups are used every single day in the U.S?
11. How many pounds of packaging is the average American responsible for each year?
12. ___________ plastic bags are consumed in the U.S. every 5 seconds!
13. ____________ plastic bottles consumed in U.S. every 5 minutes!
14. _____________ barrels of oil are used each year just to make disposable water bottles!
15. In 2008, how much money was spent on bottled water?
16. What are some alternatives to recycling plastic soda bottles as is done in Germany?
17. What are some things you can do at the supermarket or at school to reduce your
consumption of plastic?
18. ________ barrels of oil is used to produce just 1 barrel of goods which are then thrown
away at the curb.
19. What is the recycle rate of type 1 plastic?
20. …of type 2 plastic?
21. …of type 3?
22. …of type 4?
23. …of type 5?
24. …of type 6?
25. …of type 7?
26. Recycles plastics in the U.S. are “downcycled”. What is meant by downcycling?
27. Where does most of our plastic recycling go to?
28. You may have heard of the three R’s in making eco-conscious choices. What do they
stand for?
29. What is the 4th “R” which is often ignored but often a better choice?
30. __________ different species are directly affected by plastic debris! 
31. More plastic was produced just between the years _________ to __________ than
during all of the 1900’s (a whole century!)
32. ________ of all ocean plastic debris starts from a land source.
33. What happens to the plastic that is floating in the ocean gyres?
34. What does it mean to photodegrade?
35. Where is the largest colony of Laysan albatross in the world?
36. How does the plastic on Midway Atoll get there?
37. Each year, _________ of plastic is brought to Midway by adult albatrosses.
38. Plastic kills __________ marine animals each year. 
39. Each year, __________ new chemicals are approved WITHOUT TESTING for the
manufacture of plastics.
40. In plastic manufacturing, what is the main use of phthalates?
41. In plastic manufacturing, what is the main purpose of BPA?
42. Why is there a growing concern over phthalates and BPA?
43. In the body, BPA acts as a synthetic ______________.
44. Can you avoid BPA by only eating canned foods? Explain.
45. In 200+ studies by the government, __________ percent show harm. In less than 20
studies by the plastics council, _______ percent show harm. Hmmmm….
46. In which plastics are phthalates commonly found?
47. Are phthalates listed in personal care products?
48. How are baby products and phthalate levels related?
49. How did two days of regular exposure to common personal care products affect Jeb’s
phthalate levels?
50. What are some things you can do to reduce your contribution of plastic pollution?