Why did sabertooths become extinct?

How did sabertooth tigers get extinct?
Have you ever wondered what sabertooth tigers were like?
Sabertooth tigers were fierce creatures that lived about 10
million years ago. Have you ever thought about how
sabertooth tigers affected the fierce creatures today?
Maybe you have wondered how they got extinct, and how
they formed or shaped the cats we have today.
If you lived about ten million years ago you could see that a
sabertooth had 11 inch teeth so they had a strong neck to
open their jaws very wide. They're named after a sword
called a saber. But something unusual about them was they
did not run very fast. They have a shorter back than lions
and tigers and they had a short tail, too. Their front legs
and shoulders were heavy and strong.
Wonder Words
A La B’rea tar
pit is a puddle of
tar that is usually
covered with
leaves or water
and animals step
into it and its so
sticky they can’t
get out.
There were also many other animals that lived back
then. There was the Short faced bear and the Cave lion
Credonts and Bear dogs. Also there was a 7 feet bird
called the Diatryma.
In conclusion, now Sabertooth bones only remain.
Some of the other cats or animals today are starting to
vanish .Who knows, maybe they will take the
sabertooth tiger’s place.
Have you ever
What were they like?
How they got extinct?
What were the other
creatures that lived a
long time ago?
Test Your Knowledge
How long were there
teeth and why did they
name them saber
Their teeth were 11
inches and their
named after the
sword saber because
their teeth looked like
the sabers blade.
Sabertooth tigers had a short life so you’re probably
wondering why they did. Well, you see when they lived
there were humans. These humans hunted them or
whenever they came the humans would kill them. Also
there was a climate change during that time and other
animals died out. So then the sabertooths did not have
enough food. Similarly, there were other big creatures
that got food and sabertooths didn't have enough.
Sometimes they would be chasing something to eat and
they would see a big puddle that would have water or
leaves on top they would jump in and get stuck. It was
actually tar. (LaB'rea tar pits).
More Info
The bookSabertooth made by
Patrick O’Brien, 2008.