Unit 1a Concept Map Bio Basics of Life

Unit 1A Concept Map
Course Essential Question
Unit 1a - Biology Basics of Life Organisms share
Grade Level: 10
common characteristics of life
Subject: Biology
Unit Essential Question
In what ways do structure, function, and the levels of organization enable prokaryotes and eukaryotes to carry out the
characteristics of life? In what ways do prokaryotes and eukaryotes do this similarly and/or differently?
PA Eligible Content
BIO.A.1.1.1, BIO.A.1.2.1, BIO.A.1.2.2
Lesson Essential Questions
What are the characteristics of life?
How is cell theory used to explain the existence of life?
In what ways can you compare and contrast the structures
and function of a prokaryote and a eukaryote?
How is form related to function at all levels of organization?
What methods do organisms use to reproduce?
There are 8 characteristics of life:
a. Organisms are made up of simpler units called
b. Organisms need light and/or chemicals to make
cellular protoplasm.
c. Organisms obtain and use energy through
photosynthesis or cellular respiration to carry
out their life processes.
d. Organisms release waste chemicals produced
by cells.
e. Organisms seek to maintain homeostasis at all
biological levels of organization.
f. Organisms grow, develop
g. Organisms can reproduce their own kind using
h. Organisms adapt to changes in their
The three parts to the cell theory are: all living
organisms are made up of cells, cells come from preexisting cells, and cells are the basic unit of structural
function in living organisms.
Biological levels of organization from smallest to largest
include: atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues,
organs, organ systems, multicellular organisms,
populations, and communities.
The pattern of form following function is reflected at all
biological levels of organization.
A multicellular organization enables life functions such as
movement, digestion, internal circulation of nutrients,
1. Biology
2. DNA
3. Stimulus
4. Cell
5. Cell theory
6. Asexual reproduction
7. Sexual reproduction
8. Homeostasis
9. Metabolism
10. Cell specialization
11. Eukaryote
12. Prokaryote
13. Unicellular
14. Multicellular
15. Organ system
16. Tissue
17. Organ
excretion of waste and reproduction to be subdivided
among specialized groups of cells.
The simplest level of multicellular organization is a tissue.
Different types of cells and tissues combine to form
distinct structures known as organs which perform
specific functions.
Organs work together as a system to perform common
1. Analyze structural and functional similarities
and differences between prokaryotes and
2. Evaluate relationships between structure and
function at various levels of biological
Formative Assessments Summative Assessments
1. Ticket out the
1. Quizzes
2. Unit Test – 1A
2. Think-pair-share
3. Labs:
3. Thumbs up –
 Bean lab
Thumbs down
 Potato lab(see PH lab
4. Concept Map
manual - Lab skill 2
5. Sentence starter
 Microscope lab
4. Projects (characteristics
6. Collins writing
of life drawings)
7. Venn diagram
5. CDT biology
8. Compare
6. Collins writing (pick an
9. 3-2-1
item explain if its living
10. Frayer diagrams
or not using
11. KWL
characteristics of living
12. Whiteboard
13. Jigsaw
14. Chunking
15. Foldables
16. Text rendering
17. Guided reading
18. Whiparound
19. Pause-proceedlecture
Biology textbook
Powerpoints (from textbook resources disk)
Biology websites: