2014 - MD Anderson Cancer Center

MD Anderson Ovarian SPORE publications – 2014
1. Akbani R, Ng PK, Werner HM, Shahmoradgoli M, Zhang F, Ju Z, Liu W, Yang JY, Yoshihara K, Li J,
Ling S, Seviour EG, Ram PT, Minna JD, Diao L, Tong P, Heymach JV, Hill SM, Dondelinger F, Stadler
N, Byers LA, Meric-Bernstam F, Weinstein JN, Broom BM, Verhaak RG, Liang H, Mukherjee S, Lu Y,
Mills GB. A pan-cancer proteomic perspective on The Cancer Genome Atlas. Nat Commun
5:3887, 2014. PMID: 24871328; PMCID: PMC4109726.
2. Bakkar R, Gershenson D, Fox P, Vu K, Zenali M, Silva E. Stage IIIC ovarian/peritoneal serous
carcinoma: a heterogeneous group of patients with different prognoses. Int J Gynecol Pathol
33(3):302-8, 2014. PMID: 24681743.
3. Bradley A, Zheng H, Ziebarth A, Sakati W, Branham-O'Connor M, Blumer JB, Liu Y, Kistner-Griffin E,
Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK, Landen CN Jr, Eblen ST. EDD enhances cell
survival and cisplatin resistance and is a therapeutic target for epithelial ovarian cancer.
Carcinogenesis 35(5):1100-9, 2014. PMID: 24379240; PMCID: PMC4004201.
4. Brown J, Brady WE, Schink J, Van Le L, Leitao M, Yamada SD, de Geest K, Gershenson DM. Efficacy
and safety of bevacizumab in recurrent sex cord-stromal ovarian tumors: results of a phase 2
trial of the Gynecologic Oncology Group. Cancer 120(3):344-51, 2014. PMCID: PMC4250045.
5. Burton-Chase AM, Hovick SR, Sun CC, Boyd-Rogers S, Lynch PM, Lu KH, Peterson SK. Gynecologic
cancer screening and communication with health care providers in women with Lynch
syndrome. Clin Genet 86(2):185-9, 2014. PMCID: PMC3909028.
6. Caruso JA, Karakas C, Zhang J, Yi M, Albarracin C, Sahin A, Bondy M, Liu J, Hunt KK, Keyomarsi K.
Elafin is downregulated during breast and ovarian tumorigenesis but its residual expression
predicts recurrence. Breast Cancer Res 16(6):3417, 2014. PMCID: PMC4326485.
7. Chaluvally-Raghavan P, Zhang F, Pradeep S, Hamilton MP, Zhao X, Rupaimoole R, Moss T, Lu Y, Yu
S, Pecot CV, Aure MR, Peuget S, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Han HD, Zhang D, Venkatanarayan A, Krohn
M, Kristensen VN, Gagea M, Ram P, Liu W, Lopez-Berestein G, Lorenzi PL, Børresen-Dale AL, Chin K,
Gray J, Dusetti NJ, McGuire SE, Flores ER, Sood AK, Mills GB. Copy number gain of hsa-miR-569 at
3q26.2 leads to loss of TP53INP1 and aggressiveness of epithelial cancers. Cancer Cell
26(6):863-79, 2014. PMCID: PMC4261159.
8. Charbonneau B, Block MS, Bamlet WR, Vierkant RA, Kalli KR, Fogarty Z, Rider DN, Sellers TA,
Tworoger SS, Poole E, Risch HA, Salvesen HB, Kiemeney LA, Baglietto L, Giles GG, Severi G, Trabert
B, Wentzensen N, Chenevix-Trench G, for AOCS/ACS group, Whittemore AS, Sieh W, Chang-Claude
J, Bandera EV, Orlow I, Terry K, Goodman MT, Thompson PJ, Cook LS, Rossing MA, Ness RB, Narod
SA, Kupryjanczyk J, Lu K, Butzow R, Dörk T, Pejovic T, Campbell I, Le ND, Bunker CH, Bogdanova N,
Runnebaum IB, Eccles D, Paul J, Wu AH, Gayther SA, Hogdall E, Heitz F, Kaye SB, Karlan BY, AntonCulver H, Gronwald J, Hogdall CK, Lambrechts D, Fasching PA, Menon U, Schildkraut J, Pearce CL,
Levine DA, Kjaer SK, Cramer D, Flanagan JM, Phelan CM, Brown R, Massuger LF, Song H, Doherty
JA, Krakstad C, Liang D, Odunsi K, Berchuck A, Jensen A, Lubinski J, Nevanlinna H, Bean YT, Lurie
G, Ziogas A, Walsh C, Despierre E, Brinton L, Hein A, Rudolph A, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Olson
SH, Harter P, Tyrer J, Vitonis AF, Brooks-Wilson A, Aben KK, Pike MC, Ramus SJ, Wik E, Cybulski C,
Lin J, Sucheston L, Edwards R, McGuire V, Lester J, du Bois A, Lundvall L, Wang-Gohrke S, Szafron
LM, Lambrechts S, Yang H, Beckmann MW, Pelttari LM, Van Altena AM, van den Berg D, Halle MK,
Gentry-Maharaj A, Schwaab I, Chandran U, Menkiszak J, Ekici AB, Wilkens LR, Leminen A, Modugno
F, Friel G, Rothstein JH, Vergote I, Garcia-Closas M, Hildebrandt MA, Sobiczewski P, Kelemen LE,
Pharoah PD, Moysich K, Knutson KL, Cunningham JM, Fridley BL, Goode EL. Risk of ovarian cancer
and the NF-κB pathway: genetic association with IL1A and TNFSF10. Cancer Res 74(3):852-61,
2014. PMCID: PMC3946482.
9. Cho MS, Vasquez HG, Rupaimoole R, Pradeep S, Wu S, Zand B, Han HD, Rodriguez-Aguayo C,
Bottsford-Miller J, Huang J, Miyake T, Choi HJ, Dalton HJ, Ivan C, Baggerly K, Lopez-Berestein G,
Sood AK, Afshar-Kharghan V. Autocrine effects of tumor-derived complement. Cell Rep 6(6):108595, 2014. PMID: 24613353; PMCID: PMC4084868.
10. Coleman RL, Moon J, Sood AK, Hu W, Delmore JE, Bonebrake AJ, Anderson GL, Chambers SK,
Markman M. Randomised phase II study of docetaxel plus vandetanib versus docetaxel followed
by vandetanib in patients with persistent or recurrent epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or
primary peritoneal carcinoma: SWOG S0904. Eur J Cancer 50(9):1638-48, 2014. PMID: 24709487;
PMCID: PMC4098779.
11. Dalton HJ, Armaiz-Pena GN, Gonzalez-Villasana V, Lopez-Berestein G, Bar-Eli M, Sood AK.
Monocyte subpopulations in angiogenesis. Cancer Res 74(5):1287-93, 2014. PMID: 24556724;
PMCID: PMC4040005.
12. Daniels MS, Babb SA, King RH, Urbauer DL, Batte BA, Brandt AC, Amos CI, Buchanan AH, Mutch DG,
Lu KH. Underestimation of risk of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation in women with high-grade
serous ovarian cancer by BRCAPRO: a multi-institution study. J Clin Oncol 32(12):1249-55, 2014.
PMID: 24638001.
13. Daniels MS, Lu KH. Reply to D. Braun et al. J Clin Oncol 32(32):3683, 2014. PMID: 25199758.
14. Davidowitz RA, Selfors LM, Iwanicki MP, Elias KM, Karst A, Piao H, Ince TA, Drage MG, Dering J,
Konecny GE, Matulonis U, Mills GB, Slamon DJ, Drapkin R, Brugge JS. Mesenchymal gene programexpressing ovarian cancer spheroids exhibit enhanced mesothelial clearance. J Clin Invest
124(6):2611-25, 2014. PMCID: PMC4038562.
15. Davis AN, Afshar-Kharghan V, Sood AK. Platelet effects on ovarian cancer. Semin Oncol 41(3):37884, 2014. PMID: 25023353; PMCID: PMC4100073.
16. Deniger DC, Maiti SN, Mi T, Switzer KC, Ramachandran V, Hurton LV, Ang S, Olivares S, Rabinovich
BA, Huls MH, Lee DA, Bast RC Jr, Champlin RE, Cooper LJ. Activating and propagating polyclonal
gamma delta T cells with broad specificity for malignancies. Clin Cancer Res 20(22):5708-19,
2014. PMID: 24833662; PMCID: PMC4233015.
17. Dong R, Liu X, Zhang Q, Jiang Z, Li Y, Wei Y, Li Y, Yang Q, Liu J, Wei JJ, Shao C, Liu Z, Kong B. miR145 inhibits tumor growth and metastasis by targeting metadherin in high-grade serous ovarian
carcinoma. Oncotarget 5(21):10816-29, 2014. PMCID: PMC4279412.
18. Earp MA, Kelemen LE, Magliocco AM, Swenerton KD, Chenevix-Trench G, Australian Cancer Study,
Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Lu Y, Hein A, Ekici AB, Beckmann MW, Fasching PA,
Lambrechts D, Despierre E, Vergote I, Lambrechts S, Doherty JA, Rossing MA, Chang-Claude J,
Rudolph A, Friel G, Moysich KB, Odunsi K, Sucheston-Campbell L, Lurie G, Goodman MT, Carney ME,
Thompson PJ, Runnebaum IB, Dürst M, Hillemanns P, Dörk T, Antonenkova N, Bogdanova N,
Leminen A, Nevanlinna H, Pelttari LM, Butzow R, Bunker CH, Modugno F, Edwards RP, Ness RB, du
Bois A, Heitz F, Schwaab I, Harter P, Karlan BY, Walsh C, Lester J, Jensen A, Kjær SK, Høgdall CK,
Høgdall E, Lundvall L, Sellers TA, Fridley BL, Goode EL, Cunningham JM, Vierkant RA, Giles GG,
Baglietto L, Severi G, Southey MC, Liang D, Wu X, Lu K, Hildebrandt MA, Levine DA, Bisogna M,
Schildkraut JM, Iversen ES, Weber RP, Berchuck A, Cramer DW, Terry KL, Poole EM, Tworoger SS,
Bandera EV, Chandran U, Orlow I, Olson SH, Wik E, Salvesen HB, Bjorge L, Halle MK, van Altena AM,
Aben KK, Kiemeney LA, Massuger LF, Pejovic T, Bean YT, Cybulski C, Gronwald J, Lubinski J,
Wentzensen N, Brinton LA, Lissowska J, Garcia-Closas M, Dicks E, Dennis J, Easton DF, Song H,
Tyrer JP, Pharoah PD, Eccles D, Campbell IG, Whittemore AS, McGuire V, Sieh W, Rothstein JH,
Flanagan JM, Paul J, Brown R, Phelan CM, Risch HA, McLaughlin JR, Narod SA, Ziogas A, AntonCulver H, Gentry-Maharaj A, Menon U, Gayther SA, Ramus SJ, Wu AH, Pearce CL, Pike MC,
Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Rzepecka IK, Szafron LM, Kupryjanczyk J, Cook LS, Le ND, Brooks-Wilson
A, Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium. Genome-wide association study of subtype-specific
epithelial ovarian cancer risk alleles using pooled DNA. Hum Genet 133(5):481-97, 2014. PMCID:
19. Fader AN, Java J, Krivak TC, Bristow RE, Tergas AI, Bookman MA, Armstrong DK, Tanner EJ,
Gershenson DM. The prognostic significance of pre- and post-treatment CA-125 in grade 1
serous ovarian carcinoma: a gynecologic Oncology Group study. Gynecol Oncol 132(3):560-5,
2014. PMCID: PMC4390028.
20. Gao M, Liang J, Lu Y, Guo H, German P, Bai S, Jonasch E, Yang X, Mills GB, Ding Z. Site-specific
activation of AKT protects cells from death induced by glucose deprivation. Oncogene 33(6):74555, 2014. PMID: 23396361; PMCID: PMC3874430.
21. Gharpure KM, Chu KS, Bowerman CJ, Miyake T, Pradeep S, Mangala SL, Han HD, Rupaimoole R,
Armaiz-Pena GN, Rahhal TB, Wu SY, Luft JC, Napier ME, Lopez-Berestein G, DeSimone JM, Sood
AK. Metronomic docetaxel in PRINT nanoparticles and EZH2 silencing have synergistic
antitumor effect in ovarian cancer. Mol Cancer Ther 13(7):1750-7, 2014. PMID: 24755199; PMCID:
22. Gizzatov A, Stigliano C, Ananta JS, Sethi R, Xu R, Guven A, Ramirez M, Shen H, Sood A, Ferrari M,
Wilson LJ, Liu X, Decuzzi P. Geometrical confinement of Gd(DOTA) molecules within mesoporous
silicon nanoconstructs for MR imaging of cancer. Cancer Lett 352(1):97-101, 2014. PMID:
23. Gourley C, Farley J, Provencher DM, Pignata S, Mileshkin L, Harter P, Maenpaa J, Kim JW, PujaideLauraine E, Glasspool RM, Ray-Coquard I, Gershenson D. Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG)
consensus review for ovarian and primary peritoneal low-grade serous carcinomas. Int J
Gynecol Cancer 24(9 Suppl 3):S9-13, 2014. PMID: 25341587.
24. Graybill WS, Coleman RL. Vintafolide: a novel targeted agent for epithelial ovarian cancer. Future
Oncol 10(4):541-8, 2014. PMID: 24754586.
25. Guo F, Cogdell D, Hu L, Yang D, Sood AK, Xue F, Zhang W. MiR-101 suppresses the epithelial-tomesenchymal transition by targeting ZEB1 and ZEB2 in ovarian carcinoma. Oncol Rep
31(5):2021-8, 2014. PMID: 24677166; PMCID: PMC4020617.
26. Guo F, Parker Kerrigan BC, Yang D, Hu L, Shmulevich I, Sood AK, Xue F, Zhang W. Posttranscriptional regulatory network of epithelial-to-mesenchymal and mesenchymal-to-epithelial
transitions. J Hematol Oncol 7:19, 2014. PMID: 24598126; PMCID: PMC3973872.
27. Han C, Liu Y, Wan G, Choi HJ, Zhao L, Ivan C, He X, Sood AK, Zhang X, Lu X. The RNA-Binding
Protein DDX1 Promotes Primary MicroRNA Maturation and Inhibits Ovarian Tumor Progression.
Cell Rep 8(5):1447-60, 2014. PMID: 25176654; PMCID: PMC4163106.
28. Harter P, Gershenson D, Lhomme C, Lecuru F, Ledermann J, Provencher DM, Mezzanzanica D, Quinn
M, Maenpaa J, Kim JW, Mahner S, Hilpert F, Baumann K, Pfisterer J, du Bois A. Gynecologic Cancer
InterGroup (GCIG) consensus review for ovarian tumors of low malignant potential (borderline
ovarian tumors). Int J Gynecol Cancer 24(9 Suppl 3):S5-8, 2014. PMID: 25341581.
29. Herzog TJ, Alvarez RD, Secord A, Goff BA, Mannel RS, Monk BJ, Coleman RL. SGO guidance
document for clinical trial designs in ovarian cancer: a changing paradigm. Gynecol Oncol
135(1):3-7, 2014. PMID: 25124162.
30. Herzog TJ, Armstrong DK, Brady MF, Coleman RL, Einstein MH, Monk BJ, Mannel RS, Thigpen JT,
Umpierre SA, Villella JA, Alvarez RD. Ovarian cancer clinical trial endpoints: Society of
Gynecologic Oncology white paper. Gynecol Oncol 132(1):8-17, 2014. PMID: 24239753.
31. Holman LL, Friedman S, Daniels MS, Sun CC, Lu KH. Acceptability of prophylactic salpingectomy
with delayed oophorectomy as risk-reducing surgery among BRCA mutation carriers. Gynecol
Oncol 133(2):283-6, 2014. PMCID: PMC4035022.
32. Holman LL, Lu KH, Bast RC Jr, Hernandez MA, Bodurka DC, Skates S, Sun CC. Risk perception,
worry, and test acceptance in average-risk women who undergo ovarian cancer screening. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 210(3):257.e1-6, 2014. PMID: 24246524; PMCID: PMC4001707.
33. Hu W, Liu T, Ivan C, Sun Y, Huang J, Mangala LS, Miyake T, Dalton HJ, Pradeep S, Rupaimoole R,
Previs RA, Han HD, Bottsford-Miller J, Zand B, Kang Y, Pecot CV, Nick AM, Wu SY, Lee JS, Sehgal V,
Ram P, Liu J, Tucker SL, Lopez-Berestein G, Baggerly KA, Coleman RL, Sood AK. Notch3 pathway
alterations in ovarian cancer. Cancer Res 74(12):3282-93, 2014. PMID: 24743243; PMCID:
34. Hu X, Feng Y, Zhang D, Zhao SD, Hu Z, Greshock J, Zhang Y, Yang L, Zhong X, Wang LP, Jean S, Li
C, Huang Q, Katsaros D, Montone KT, Tanyi JL, Lu Y, Boyd J, Nathanson KL, Li H, Mills GB, Zhang L.
A functional genomic approach identifies FAL1 as an oncogenic long noncoding RNA that
associates with BMI1 and represses p21 expression in cancer. Cancer Cell 26(3):344-57, 2014.
PMID: 25203321; PMCID: PMC4159613.
35. Huang J, Hu W, Bottsford-Miller J, Liu T, Han HD, Zand B, Pradeep S, Roh JW, Thanapprapasr D,
Dalton HJ, Pecot CV, Rupaimoole R, Lu C, Fellman B, Urbauer D, Kang Y, Jennings NB, Huang L,
Deavers MT, Broaddus R, Coleman RL, Sood AK. Cross-talk between EphA2 and BRaf/CRaf is a
key determinant of response to Dasatinib. Clin Cancer Res 20(7):1846-55, 2014. PMID: 24486585;
PMCID: PMC3975695.
36. Janku F, Hong DS, Fu S, Piha-Paul SA, Naing A, Falchook GS, Tsimberidou AM, Stepanek VM,
Moulder SL, Lee JJ, Luthra R, Zinner RG, Broaddus RR, Wheler JJ, Kurzrock R. Assessing PIK3CA
and PTEN in early-phase trials with PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors. Cell Rep 6(2):377-87, 2014.
PMCID: PMC4409143.
37. Jeong W, Kim SB, Sohn BH, Park YY, Park ES, Kim SC, Kim SS, Johnson RL, Birrer M, Bowtell DS,
Mills GB, Sood A, Lee JS. Activation of YAP1 is associated with poor prognosis and response to
taxanes in ovarian cancer. Anticancer Res 34(2):811-7, 2014. PMID: 24511017; PMCID:
38. Johnson R, Halder G. The two faces of Hippo: targeting the Hippo pathway for regenerative
medicine and cancer treatment. Nat Rev Drug Discov 13(1):63-79, 2014. PMID: 24336504; PMCID:
39. Joshi HP, Subramanian IV, Schnettler EK, Ghosh G, Rupaimoole R, Evans C, Saluja M, Jing Y,
Cristina I, Roy S, Zeng Y, Shah VH, Sood AK, Ramakrishnan S. Dynamin 2 along with microRNA199a reciprocally regulate hypoxia-inducible factors and ovarian cancer metastasis. Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A 111(14):5331-6, 2014. PMCID: PMC3986124.
40. Judd J, Ho ML, Tiwari A, Gomez EJ, Dempsey C, Van Vliet K, Igoshin OA, Silberg JJ, AgbandjeMcKenna M, Suh J. Tunable protease-activatable virus nanonodes. ACS Nano 8(5):4740-6, 2014.
PMID: 24796495; PMCID: PMC4046807.
41. Kannan K, Coarfa C, Rajapakshe K, Hawkins SM, Matzuk MM, Milosavljevic A, Yen L. CDKN2DWDFY2 is a cancer-specific fusion gene recurrent in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma.
PLoS Genet 10(3):e1004216, 2014. PMID: 24675677; PMCID: PMC3967933.
42. Kelemen LE, Terry KL, Goodman MT, Webb PM, Bandera EV, McGuire V, Rossing MA, Wang Q,
Dicks E, Tyrer JP, Song H, Kupryjanczyk J, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Plisiecka-Halasa J, Timorek A,
Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Gayther SA, Ramus SJ, Narod SA, Risch HA, McLaughlin JR, Siddiqui N,
Glasspool R, Paul J, Carty K, Gronwald J, LubiƄski J, Jakubowska A, Cybulski C, Kiemeney LA,
Massuger LF, van Altena AM, Aben KK, Olson SH, Orlow I, Cramer DW, Levine DA, Bisogna M, Giles
GG, Southey MC, Bruinsma F, Kjaer SK, Høgdall E, Jensen A, Høgdall CK, Lundvall L, Engelholm SA,
Heitz F, du Bois A, Harter P, Schwaab I, Butzow R, Nevanlinna H, Pelttari LM, Leminen A, Thompson
PJ, Lurie G, Wilkens LR, Lambrechts D, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, Lambrechts S, Vergote I, Beesley J,
AOCS Study Group/ACS Investigators, Fasching PA, Beckmann MW, Hein A, Ekici AB, Doherty JA,
Wu AH, Pearce CL, Pike MC, Stram D, Chang-Claude J, Rudolph A, Dörk T, Dürst M, Hillemanns P,
Runnebaum IB, Bogdanova N, Antonenkova N, Odunsi K, Edwards RP, Kelley JL, Modugno F, Ness
RB, Karlan BY, Walsh C, Lester J, Orsulic S, Fridley BL, Vierkant RA, Cunningham JM, Wu X, Lu K,
Liang D, Hildebrandt MA, Weber RP, Iversen ES, Tworoger SS, Poole EM, Salvesen HB, Krakstad C,
Bjorge L, Tangen IL, Pejovic T, Bean Y, Kellar M, Wentzensen N, Brinton LA, Lissowska J, GarciaClosas M, Campbell IG, Eccles D, Whittemore AS, Sieh W, Rothstein JH, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A,
Phelan CM, Moysich KB, Goode EL, Schildkraut JM, Berchuck A, Pharoah PD, Sellers TA, BrooksWilson A, Cook LS, Le ND. Consortium analysis of gene and gene-folate interactions in purine
and pyrimidine metabolism pathways with ovarian carcinoma risk. Mol Nutr Food Res
58(10):2023-35, 2014. PMCID: PMC4197821.
43. Kim TH, Yoo JY, Kim HI, Gilbert J, Ku BJ, Li J, Mills GB, Broaddus RR, Lydon JP, Lim JM, Yoon HG,
Jeong JW. Mig-6 suppresses endometrial cancer associated with Pten deficiency and ERK
activation. Cancer Res 74(24):7371-82, 2014. PMCID: PMC4268053.
44. Klopp A, Smith BD, Alektiar K, Cabrera A, Damato AL, Erickson B, Fleming G, Gaffney D, Greven K, Lu
K, Miller D, Moore D, Petereit D, Schefter T, Small W Jr, Yashar C, Viswanathan AN, American Society
for Radiation Oncology. The role of postoperative radiation therapy for endometrial cancer:
Executive summary of an American Society for Radiation Oncology evidence-based guideline.
Pract Radiat Oncol 4(3):137-44, 2014. PMID: 24766678.
45. Leung CS, Yeung TL, Yip KP, Pradeep S, Balasubramanian L, Liu J, Wong KK, Mangala LS, ArmaizPena GN, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK, Birrer MJ, Mok SC. Calcium-dependent FAK/CREB/TNNC1
signalling mediates the effect of stromal MFAP5 on ovarian cancer metastatic potential. Nat
Commun 5:5092, 2014. PMCID: PMC4185407.
46. Li HX, Lu ZH, Shen K, Cheng WJ, Malpica A, Zhang J, Wei JJ, Zhang ZH, Liu J. Advances in serous
tubal intraepithelial carcinoma: correlation with high grade serous carcinoma and ovarian
carcinogenesis. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 7(3):848-57, 2014. PMCID: PMC3971287.
47. Liu G, Sun Y, Ji P, Li X, Cogdell D, Yang D, Parker Kerrigan BC, Shmulevich I, Chen K, Sood AK, Xue
F, Zhang W. MiR-506 suppresses proliferation and induces senescence by directly targeting the
CDK4/6-FOXM1 axis in ovarian cancer. J Pathol 233(3):308-18, 2014. PMID: 24604117; PMCID:
48. Lu Z, Baquero MT, Yang H, Yang M, Reger AS, Kim C, Levine DA, Clarke CH, Liao WS, Bast RC Jr.
DIRAS3 regulates the autophagosome initiation complex in dormant ovarian cancer cells.
Autophagy 10(6):1071-92, 2014. PMID: 24879154; PMCID: PMC4091169.
49. Lu Z, Yang H, Sutton MN, Yang M, Clarke CH, Liao WS, Bast RC Jr. ARHI (DIRAS3) induces
autophagy in ovarian cancer cells by downregulating the epidermal growth factor receptor,
inhibiting PI3K and Ras/MAP signaling and activating the FOXo3a-mediated induction of Rab7.
Cell Death Differ 21(8):1275-89, 2014. PMCID: PMC4085535.
50. Madden SF, Clarke C, Stordal B, Carey MS, Broaddus R, Gallagher WM, Crown J, Mills GB, Hennessy
BT. OvMark: a user-friendly system for the identification of prognostic biomarkers in publically
available ovarian cancer gene expression datasets. Mol Cancer 13:241, 2014. PMCID:
51. Matsuo K, Nishimura M, Komurov K, Shahzad MM, Ali-Fehmi R, Roh JW, Lu C, Cody DD, Ram PT,
Loizos N, Coleman RL, Sood AK. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα)
targeting and relevant biomarkers in ovarian carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol 132(1):166-75, 2014.
PMID: 24183729; PMCID: PMC3946949.
52. Matsuo K, Sheridan TB, Mabuchi S, Yoshino K, Hasegawa K, Studeman KD, Im DD, Rosenshein NB,
Roman LD, Sood AK. Estrogen receptor expression and increased risk of lymphovascular space
invasion in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol 133(3):473-9, 2014. PMID:
24674832; PMCID: PMC4170217.
53. Matsuo K, Yoshino K, Hiramatsu K, Banzai C, Hasegawa K, Yasuda M, Nishimura M, Sheridan TB,
Ikeda Y, Shiki Y, Mabuchi S, Enomoto T, Kimura T, Fujiwara K, Roman LD, Sood AK. Effect of
lymphovascular space invasion on survival of stage I epithelial ovarian cancer. Obstet Gynecol
123(5):957-65, 2014. PMID: 24785846; PMCID: PMC4174541.
54. Meng QH, Xu E, Hildebrandt MA, Liang D, Lu K, Ye Y, Wagar EA, Wu X. Genetic variants in the
fibroblast growth factor pathway as potential markers of ovarian cancer risk, therapeutic
response, and clinical outcome. Clin Chem 60(1):222-32, 2014. PMCID: PMC4437198.
55. Menter DG, Tucker SC, Kopetz S, Sood AK, Crissman JD, Honn KV. Platelets and cancer: a casual
or causal relationship: revisited. Cancer Metastasis Rev 33(1):231-69, 2014. PMID: 24696047;
PMCID: PMC4186918.
56. Mertins P, Yang F, Liu T, Mani DR, Petyuk VA, Gillette MA, Clauser KR, Qiao JW, Gritsenko MA,
Moore RJ, Levine DA, Townsend R, Erdmann-Gilmore P, Snider JE, Davies SR, Ruggles KV, Fenyo D,
Kitchens RT, Li S, Olvera N, Dao F, Rodriguez H, Chan DW, Liebler D, White F, Rodland KD, Mills GB,
Smith RD, Paulovich AG, Ellis M, Carr SA. Ischemia in tumors induces early and sustained
phosphorylation changes in stress kinase pathways but does not affect global protein levels.
Mol Cell Proteomics 13(7):1690-704, 2014. PMCID: PMC4083109.
57. Monk BJ, Poveda A, Vergote I, Raspagliesi F, Fujiwara K, Bae DS, Oaknin A, Ray-Coquard I,
Provencher DM, Karlan BY, Lhommé C, Richardson G, Rincón DG, Coleman RL, Herzog TJ, Marth C,
Brize A, Fabbro M, Redondo A, Bamias A, Tassoudji M, Navale L, Warner DJ, Oza AM. Antiangiopoietin therapy with trebananib for recurrent ovarian cancer (TRINOVA-1): a randomised,
multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 15(8):799-808, 2014.
PMID: 24950985.
58. Mullany LK, Liu Z, Wong KK, Deneke V, Ren YA, Herron A, Richards JS. Tumor repressor protein 53
and steroid hormones provide a new paradigm for ovarian cancer metastases. Mol Endocrinol
28(1):127-37, 2014. PMID: 24264574; PMCID: PMC3874458.
59. Panupinthu N, Yu S, Zhang D, Zhang F, Gagea M, Lu Y, Grandis JR, Dunn SE, Lee HY, Mills GB. Selfreinforcing loop of amphiregulin and Y-box binding protein-1 contributes to poor outcomes in
ovarian cancer. Oncogene 33(22):2846-56, 2014. PMCID: PMC4115609.
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